If you are thinking of moving to or living in Detroit - look elsewhere.
Detroit has serious problems that it is not facing.
The Mayor and City Council lack accountability and ethical standards.
The Detroit Police Department has a failed Reorganization Plan that places residents and
police officers lives in serious danger. It's leadership is not the 'best and brightest' and needs
a new police chief, selected from a nation wide search - for the best.
The City has allowed historic Detroit Tiger Stadium to face 'demolition by neglect' and has
ignored or dismissed viable plans to preserve and use Tiger Stadium which is still a viable
entertainment facility.
Mike Ilitch who owns the Detroit Tiger, Red Wings and Little Caesar's Pizza (BOYCOTT IT)
is the defacto custodian of Tiger Stadium and has received over $4.+ million taxpayes dollars
for the security and maintenance of Tiger Stadium and the FBI has been asked to look at
where has the money gone - because of the state of Tiger Stadium.
Detroit needs new honest bold ethical political leadership...if you are thinking of investing
money into Detroit - Look elsewhere, the light is bright but - Nobody home...