OH SHUT UP - ALREADY, Sarah Palin.
Failed Republican Vice President and Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is still spouting ignorant robo comments about President Elect Obama and poisoning the era of cooperation.
In an interview 11-12-08 with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, she says she is still willing to debate the William Ayers-Obama connection - she would want you to believe that they are domestic terrorist duo, still formenting plans to bomb US buildings. She and John McCain, who still stands by his most ignorant selection of a Vice President, have some members of the right wing Republican Party - still - believing that Obams is a domestic terrorist because he served on a Republican founded philanthropic organization with Ayers. Some right wing Republicans encouraged by fanatical right wing radio commentators, still believe that Obama is a Muslim, a terrorist, that he is not an American citizen.
Sarah Palin is still feeding the hungry for ignorance right wing Republicans. John McCain and other emerging forward thinking Republicans should sit her down and say - Shut Up... educate yourself and then speak. She who railed against the liberal media - is taking advantage of the willing media, to enhance her image, to establish her Palin 2012 campaign - as any candidate would, but she is ignorant and a media celebrity only because of her mistaken selection as VP, and because she is 'hot' and ignorant ( a male wet dream)...Those McCain advisors who know of her ignorance and rogue behavior - should publically ID themselves and tell the truth..so the American people know the truth.
If Palin and other fantatical right wing Republicans want us to believe their false propoganda against Obama - maybe we should make up some false ignorant propoganda about McCain/Palin - like:
McCain is a secret Communist ...brainwashed and indoctrinated to the greatness of Communism during his five years living with Communists - ignore the fact that he was tortured endured extreme hardships as a prisoner of war - believe the theory or fallacy, that he was secretly selected because of his famous father and his position as a future POW hero - to become the first Communist President of the United States, oh they waited a long time for him to get the nomination - and oh he failed them - miseralby.. and
You get Sarah Palin as a bonus. She lives only 55+ miles from the Russian border. Russians could easily slipped across the border at night and sent her subliminal messages or radio messages while she slept - about the joy of being a Communist...wow...how is that for ..the ignorant masses of fanatical left wing liberals...
This has to STOP, intelligent people must speak out and educate and enlighten those that need help to bridge the gap of fanatical thought. We have a chance to restore Amerian prestige and honor around the world...we can't let Sarah Palin and others to discredit President Elect Obama before he is sworn in - before he has a chance to change America - to make us all proud, to make us respected around the world - again...Give him a chance.
Sarah Palin and all right wing and left wing fanatics shut up, and listen - let deeds be the voice of a new American renewal.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Detroit has been awarded $500,000 for adding bike racks to DDOT buses - the total cost would be $680,000. to add bicycle racks to the front of Detroit buses - to expand ridership.. (10-24-08, DetNews)
Waste and a luxury ..Detroit bus riders deserve better...
I used to drive to work past bus riders waiting, waiting in cold blustery weather, on rainy days/nights, on windy days/nights with no protection - no where to sit during long waits for a bus to come. There are no bus shelters at Joy-WParkway, WWarren-Evergreen almost everywhere you look, there are NO bus shelters. And that has been - for year after year after year.
Detroit bus riders need buses that run on time, that are clean and BUS SHELTERS, that's basic...and that's what's needed NOW..not bike racks...
Detroit MDOT and the Feds should rethink this issue and allow Detroit to build - bus shelters with this money. But there needs to be accountability - where is the $20 million dollars for a new crime lab?
Bus shelters first, bus shelters now... add your comments....
Waste and a luxury ..Detroit bus riders deserve better...
I used to drive to work past bus riders waiting, waiting in cold blustery weather, on rainy days/nights, on windy days/nights with no protection - no where to sit during long waits for a bus to come. There are no bus shelters at Joy-WParkway, WWarren-Evergreen almost everywhere you look, there are NO bus shelters. And that has been - for year after year after year.
Detroit bus riders need buses that run on time, that are clean and BUS SHELTERS, that's basic...and that's what's needed NOW..not bike racks...
Detroit MDOT and the Feds should rethink this issue and allow Detroit to build - bus shelters with this money. But there needs to be accountability - where is the $20 million dollars for a new crime lab?
Bus shelters first, bus shelters now... add your comments....
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
kilpatrick - former mayor of detroit - after watching the over two hour sentencing hearing - observations..
arrogant, smug, unremorseful....the mayor is in denial of his actions and the consequences of it.........he us unbowed.. he seemed desperate to rant at the judge - but finally agreed with his attorney - to stay silent, for his own good, but not really understanding his mouth would have gotten him in deeper.
he and his wife set a poor example for the public and young people...struggling to understand the significance of this situation....
the mayors father - defending his son how - disgusting and offensive - when he stands in the shadow of his potential prosecution - he should have intervened and properly advised his son.
malik shabazz - racism lives...kilpatrick is not a victim - misplaced and not appropriate in kilpatrick's case, the angry statements should have been directed at kilpatrick, so that detroit's youth - know that if you do the crime - you have to pay the time...crime doesn't pay or deserve - sympathy..
a police officer doesn't need a gun to their head to feel fear...its the situations that you know how you should react and act and can't that are most scary...the mayor doesn't understand that and i think the public doesn't either...white and kinney made truthful statements about their encounter with the mayor...a lot of people just cant understand it - only persons put in a situation like that can understand....
remember Marion Berry - Kilpatrick will return - people will forget, forgive and not remember the actions and legacy of this sad chapter in detroit history...
sadly today is NOT the end of this chapter in detroit history...more is coming to damage the city and its reputation...
this is not over - remember Tamara Greene / Manoogian Mansion party....
arrogant, smug, unremorseful....the mayor is in denial of his actions and the consequences of it.........he us unbowed.. he seemed desperate to rant at the judge - but finally agreed with his attorney - to stay silent, for his own good, but not really understanding his mouth would have gotten him in deeper.
he and his wife set a poor example for the public and young people...struggling to understand the significance of this situation....
the mayors father - defending his son how - disgusting and offensive - when he stands in the shadow of his potential prosecution - he should have intervened and properly advised his son.
malik shabazz - racism lives...kilpatrick is not a victim - misplaced and not appropriate in kilpatrick's case, the angry statements should have been directed at kilpatrick, so that detroit's youth - know that if you do the crime - you have to pay the time...crime doesn't pay or deserve - sympathy..
a police officer doesn't need a gun to their head to feel fear...its the situations that you know how you should react and act and can't that are most scary...the mayor doesn't understand that and i think the public doesn't either...white and kinney made truthful statements about their encounter with the mayor...a lot of people just cant understand it - only persons put in a situation like that can understand....
remember Marion Berry - Kilpatrick will return - people will forget, forgive and not remember the actions and legacy of this sad chapter in detroit history...
sadly today is NOT the end of this chapter in detroit history...more is coming to damage the city and its reputation...
this is not over - remember Tamara Greene / Manoogian Mansion party....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
General Petraous has taken a postion on Afganhistan, and talking to the enemy that Barak Obama has spoken out about, leaving McCain to rethink his statements - or be on the wrong side of the Afganhistan war and the General, he adores who is running it.
John McCain, a war hero, a US Senator, has disgraced himself with the current low road that he and his unqualified running mate are taking - saying the Obama 'was palling around with terrorists' that he is an outsider, dangerous, not one of us'. McCain - Palin are trying to play the 'race card' and the 'muslim card' and are conducting a despicable, disgusting, denigrating campaign that is wrong and using lies to try and fool or mislead the American public.
With the US economy in a downward spiral, McCain - Palin are talking 'trash' and not how to reassure the American public that the economy will be fixed and not to panic sell their stocks - oh I remember - McCain said 'the economy is not my strong suit' and echoed President Bush, just before the stock market implosion that the 'fundementals of the American economy is strong'. His fellow Republicans said that McCain efforts to give imput into the bailout legislation - helped 'blow up' the discussions.
McCain needs help...Palin doesn't know enough to advise him to change course - she has only been involved in 'national politics' for six (6) weeks. McCain had only talked to Palin for 15 minutes before picking her for the second (2nd) most important job in the World - a heartbeat away from the Presidency. HOW irresponsible-HOW wrong.
The American people deserve better....
John McCain, a war hero, a US Senator, has disgraced himself with the current low road that he and his unqualified running mate are taking - saying the Obama 'was palling around with terrorists' that he is an outsider, dangerous, not one of us'. McCain - Palin are trying to play the 'race card' and the 'muslim card' and are conducting a despicable, disgusting, denigrating campaign that is wrong and using lies to try and fool or mislead the American public.
With the US economy in a downward spiral, McCain - Palin are talking 'trash' and not how to reassure the American public that the economy will be fixed and not to panic sell their stocks - oh I remember - McCain said 'the economy is not my strong suit' and echoed President Bush, just before the stock market implosion that the 'fundementals of the American economy is strong'. His fellow Republicans said that McCain efforts to give imput into the bailout legislation - helped 'blow up' the discussions.
McCain needs help...Palin doesn't know enough to advise him to change course - she has only been involved in 'national politics' for six (6) weeks. McCain had only talked to Palin for 15 minutes before picking her for the second (2nd) most important job in the World - a heartbeat away from the Presidency. HOW irresponsible-HOW wrong.
The American people deserve better....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
When Mayor Cockrel announced James Barren as the Chief of Police we all heard him say that he would not be dipping into the police department; he would let Chief Barren run his shop. We received information that Chief Barren was set to name Ron Fleming his Assistant Chief but has been rebuffed by Cockrel and Deputy Mayor Saul Green.
The source said Green opposed the appointment. Fleming has a long history in law enforcement in Detroit dating back to the Coleman Young days. He later served as Deputy Chief of executive protection for Mayor Kilpatrick until he had run in's and disagreements with troubled Police Officers Loronzo Jones and Mike Martin, Kilpatrick's long time buddies.
Cockrel received kudos for his selection of Barren, Green and several other appointments from us . In an e-mail to us Mayor Cockrel denied any interference with Chief Barren. He said Chief Barren makes the calls but keeps him in the loop.
Young gets petitions - State Representative Coleman Young II has taken out petitions for a possible run for mayor. Young, 25, is among a list of 32 potential candidates.
To share your opinion clcik on theblog or e-mail me with the scoop. http://www.firejerryo.com/
Say it ain't so - John....
The above column by John Bennett, if true, is a scary reminder that the future of Detroit can be damaged by poor choices for Mayor of Detroit.
Coleman Young II, the bastard son, of deceased Mayor Coleman Young who contributed to the decline of Detroit and architect of the wall between Detroit and the suburbs, wants to be mayor - based on his name, not accomplishments.
Benny Napoleon, the former Chief of Police who failed to improve the Department and who rose through the ranks, not on merit - but connections wants to be mayor - too...and he was tiedto Sharon McPhail - that in of itself disqualifies him...
Sharon McPhail - OMG, not again...she can't believe that Detroiters will vote for her? Delusional - Egomaniac - only a doctor would know for sure...
Note: Its not how they come in - its how they go out....dlm
Detroit Police Chief James Barren should not reach back - to the Coleman Young era to bring back - Ron Fleming to be included in the police department. He has too too too much baggage to be effective or respected.
There are several former police executives that can be brought back - Brian Turnbull, Cara Best to help the Department.
Ike McKinnon came in with hope - but went out in disgrace - Barren shouldn't make the same mistakes...
The source said Green opposed the appointment. Fleming has a long history in law enforcement in Detroit dating back to the Coleman Young days. He later served as Deputy Chief of executive protection for Mayor Kilpatrick until he had run in's and disagreements with troubled Police Officers Loronzo Jones and Mike Martin, Kilpatrick's long time buddies.
Cockrel received kudos for his selection of Barren, Green and several other appointments from us . In an e-mail to us Mayor Cockrel denied any interference with Chief Barren. He said Chief Barren makes the calls but keeps him in the loop.
Young gets petitions - State Representative Coleman Young II has taken out petitions for a possible run for mayor. Young, 25, is among a list of 32 potential candidates.
To share your opinion clcik on theblog or e-mail me with the scoop. http://www.firejerryo.com/
Say it ain't so - John....
The above column by John Bennett, if true, is a scary reminder that the future of Detroit can be damaged by poor choices for Mayor of Detroit.
Coleman Young II, the bastard son, of deceased Mayor Coleman Young who contributed to the decline of Detroit and architect of the wall between Detroit and the suburbs, wants to be mayor - based on his name, not accomplishments.
Benny Napoleon, the former Chief of Police who failed to improve the Department and who rose through the ranks, not on merit - but connections wants to be mayor - too...and he was tiedto Sharon McPhail - that in of itself disqualifies him...
Sharon McPhail - OMG, not again...she can't believe that Detroiters will vote for her? Delusional - Egomaniac - only a doctor would know for sure...
Note: Its not how they come in - its how they go out....dlm
Detroit Police Chief James Barren should not reach back - to the Coleman Young era to bring back - Ron Fleming to be included in the police department. He has too too too much baggage to be effective or respected.
There are several former police executives that can be brought back - Brian Turnbull, Cara Best to help the Department.
Ike McKinnon came in with hope - but went out in disgrace - Barren shouldn't make the same mistakes...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Newly sworn in Detroit Mayor Kenneth Cockrel has made a good choice for DPD Police Chief...James Barren
James Barren whether he is chief for months or years, can have a dramatic impact on the Department, crime in Detroit and the residents of Detroit, in a very short time by:
Implementing a 'Verified Response System' for B&E alarms - this would allow officers to respond to crimes in progress - remove their security guard duties....and improve response times ....
Replace 'Crisnet' the complicated, time consuming and unnecessary main police report that officers have been burdened with.
Begin talks with Wayne County about building a new Jail / Medical facility that Detroit needs - because Detroit lacks jail space and is spending millions of dollars on unnecessary medical costs for prisoners.
Raise the hiring and training standards of Department: raise to 21 the hiring age, require two (2) years of college (or military service w/a psychological evaluation). Recruit at black colleges, and local colleges.
Detroit needs new police precinct stations, a new police headquarters and an end to the nepotism, favoritism and cronyism, end the DOJ oversight.
But the most important thing Barren can do - is get Money.
He should fly immediately to Washington and meet with the Michigan Congressional Delegation and tell them to get Detroit money to hire, train and equip - 500 police officers - immediately.
He needs to have grant writers working 24/7 to get Homeland Security money, for new hires, a mounted section, a harbormaster unit, new scout cars, computers, police headquaters and new police stations.
We are a border city - we deserve the money. Our National Security requires it..
He must make it clear that if Detroit doesnt get the money - that he can't comply with the DOJ decrees, can't properly protect Detroit residents or police offices and that the Feds should then take over the Detroit Police Department and pay the bills - something NO one wants to happen.
Get to work Chief Barren - best wishes..I am here for you.
David L. Malhalab Sgt DPD Retired
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James Barren whether he is chief for months or years, can have a dramatic impact on the Department, crime in Detroit and the residents of Detroit, in a very short time by:
Implementing a 'Verified Response System' for B&E alarms - this would allow officers to respond to crimes in progress - remove their security guard duties....and improve response times ....
Replace 'Crisnet' the complicated, time consuming and unnecessary main police report that officers have been burdened with.
Begin talks with Wayne County about building a new Jail / Medical facility that Detroit needs - because Detroit lacks jail space and is spending millions of dollars on unnecessary medical costs for prisoners.
Raise the hiring and training standards of Department: raise to 21 the hiring age, require two (2) years of college (or military service w/a psychological evaluation). Recruit at black colleges, and local colleges.
Detroit needs new police precinct stations, a new police headquarters and an end to the nepotism, favoritism and cronyism, end the DOJ oversight.
But the most important thing Barren can do - is get Money.
He should fly immediately to Washington and meet with the Michigan Congressional Delegation and tell them to get Detroit money to hire, train and equip - 500 police officers - immediately.
He needs to have grant writers working 24/7 to get Homeland Security money, for new hires, a mounted section, a harbormaster unit, new scout cars, computers, police headquaters and new police stations.
We are a border city - we deserve the money. Our National Security requires it..
He must make it clear that if Detroit doesnt get the money - that he can't comply with the DOJ decrees, can't properly protect Detroit residents or police offices and that the Feds should then take over the Detroit Police Department and pay the bills - something NO one wants to happen.
Get to work Chief Barren - best wishes..I am here for you.
David L. Malhalab Sgt DPD Retired
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I received a Life Saving Award (years ago) because there wasn't enough EMS trucks available.....a young man was bleeding to death...its an old sad story..........how many more have to die???? .....watch EMS report WDIV Chl 4 - 9/10/08
But...I have also spoken out for years - the same deadly situation replicates itself in the DPD - not enough police officers....between 1980-85 Mayor Young laid off - 1,100 police officers - Detroit became 'the Murder City'....
Now Kilpatrick has let go 1,200 police officers..... And Chief Bully-cumming is trying to put lipstick on this.....(Cummings - crime is going down???)...well yes - the more citizens that move out - the less chance a crime will occur..Detroit it now the 11th largest city - not the 5th largest...How many more people have to die - and or become victims of crimes (violent / non-violent)?
Cummings has failed to comply with thhe Dept of Justice decrees - now oversight extended to 2011...8 yrs?..
Under Cummings there was persistent charges that FBI crime stats were 'adjusted'
How does she have 31 years with the DPD???????
David L. Malhalab Sgt DPD Retired
But...I have also spoken out for years - the same deadly situation replicates itself in the DPD - not enough police officers....between 1980-85 Mayor Young laid off - 1,100 police officers - Detroit became 'the Murder City'....
Now Kilpatrick has let go 1,200 police officers..... And Chief Bully-cumming is trying to put lipstick on this.....(Cummings - crime is going down???)...well yes - the more citizens that move out - the less chance a crime will occur..Detroit it now the 11th largest city - not the 5th largest...How many more people have to die - and or become victims of crimes (violent / non-violent)?
Cummings has failed to comply with thhe Dept of Justice decrees - now oversight extended to 2011...8 yrs?..
Under Cummings there was persistent charges that FBI crime stats were 'adjusted'
How does she have 31 years with the DPD???????
David L. Malhalab Sgt DPD Retired
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
WOW - Thanks to Fox2Detroit for LIVE coverage of Governor Granholm's Removal Hearings of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. The only Detroit station providing live gavel to gavel coverage - while others use the internet (assuming people have acess).
It will not be a ratings sucess, but it is in the Public Interest to have it on commercial tv versus just the internet, so that anyone interested may view the proceedings and not just those wealthy enough to have a computer.
The Governor is conducting herself and the hearings in a proper manner, that shows no bias..
But the most intriguing question is, and hasn't been asked is Why? with all the high priced attorneys that the Mayor is paying - Why? is he entrusting this important faze to Sharon McPhail? a woman who accused him of hotwiring her council seat - and who is clealy not had the legal experience of the other attorneys.
The Mayor should be removed from office - and he deserves his day in court - his presumption of innocence. He can get a fair trail. But he should not be Mayor while his days counting down to his trials' are counting down.
Deal or No Deal: Did Mayor Kilpatrick lawyers strike a deal? Yes or No - only a few people know for sure. But rumors were flying and the media went into frenzy mode - trying to be the first, and everyone got it wrong, because???
The Mayor has known the truth about his actions - if there is a plea deal it should include Jail Time, so that future elected politicians will understand that resigning their office - is not sufficient to make up for misconduct in office, for lying in court, and betraying the public trust.
Hopefully tonight - the Deal will get done, for Detroit ...
It will not be a ratings sucess, but it is in the Public Interest to have it on commercial tv versus just the internet, so that anyone interested may view the proceedings and not just those wealthy enough to have a computer.
The Governor is conducting herself and the hearings in a proper manner, that shows no bias..
But the most intriguing question is, and hasn't been asked is Why? with all the high priced attorneys that the Mayor is paying - Why? is he entrusting this important faze to Sharon McPhail? a woman who accused him of hotwiring her council seat - and who is clealy not had the legal experience of the other attorneys.
The Mayor should be removed from office - and he deserves his day in court - his presumption of innocence. He can get a fair trail. But he should not be Mayor while his days counting down to his trials' are counting down.
Deal or No Deal: Did Mayor Kilpatrick lawyers strike a deal? Yes or No - only a few people know for sure. But rumors were flying and the media went into frenzy mode - trying to be the first, and everyone got it wrong, because???
The Mayor has known the truth about his actions - if there is a plea deal it should include Jail Time, so that future elected politicians will understand that resigning their office - is not sufficient to make up for misconduct in office, for lying in court, and betraying the public trust.
Hopefully tonight - the Deal will get done, for Detroit ...
Tina Fey for Vice President, the creator and star of the hit television show '30 Rock' on NBC and Emmy Award winner has apparently decided to try and conquer new challenges - running for Republican Vice President.
The former Saturday Night Live star is trading on her popularity, good looks, and sense of humor by becoming the Republican Vice President. Her face is instantly recognizable - her bubbly personality is contagious and her youth is a great asset.
She had great experiences on SNL and knows about world leaders and events thru SNL News - Weekend Updates. She would make a great Vice President.
Oops...that's not Tina Fey - look at her glasses, its its and imposter. It's Alaska Governor Sarah Palin - who is on the front line of defending America, because Alaska is so near Russia - within walking distance.
What if Russia got advanced information the Palin was going to be picked and replaced her with a look alike - we could be electing a woman who is impersonating Tina Fey and could be a secret Russian agent.
OMG - its a Russian Conspiracy.......
The former Saturday Night Live star is trading on her popularity, good looks, and sense of humor by becoming the Republican Vice President. Her face is instantly recognizable - her bubbly personality is contagious and her youth is a great asset.
She had great experiences on SNL and knows about world leaders and events thru SNL News - Weekend Updates. She would make a great Vice President.
Oops...that's not Tina Fey - look at her glasses, its its and imposter. It's Alaska Governor Sarah Palin - who is on the front line of defending America, because Alaska is so near Russia - within walking distance.
What if Russia got advanced information the Palin was going to be picked and replaced her with a look alike - we could be electing a woman who is impersonating Tina Fey and could be a secret Russian agent.
OMG - its a Russian Conspiracy.......
Monday, September 1, 2008
Jamie Lynn Spears, a 16 year old pregnant teenager was a political rally point of the Republican right wingers - oh so concerned with 'family values' - now the John McCain's Republican choice for Vice President, the little known Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin's , 17 year old daughter is five (5) months preganant it is a 'non issue' according to 'Babes' Buchanan and Saul Anuzi (Michigan GOP Chairman)....
Its a 'private issue' and the children should not be subject to politics..But its OK if the Republicans can use children to further 'far right wing' agenda of Abstinence Only - 750,000 teenagers will become pregnant this year. And Palin, the 'hockey mom' the reformer with no real political experience is feverently - anti abortion and pro abstinence only - well apparently her daughter didn't get the message.
And we as Voters deserve to know if she (Palin) faked a pregnancy to cover up her daughters first baby - we deserve to know if she tried to get her brother-in-law fired as an Alaskan State Trooper for personal reasons.
Palin's daughter is 17 - her mother wants to be Vice President and we are supposed to turn a blind eye - to give the family privacy?
McCain made a bad choice for Vice President, if Palin is the best woman the Republicans can offer as VP - then they should have picked a male.
The Republicans can do better - they should admit it and find a 'reason' for Palin to withdraw and pick a qualified VP - and let her have her privacy. It is the Republican Party that is forcing Sarah Palin on the American Voter, not the Democrats.
Palin is NO role model for women, no heroic figure. She has family problems and should withdraw or others should make sure McCain finds another VP.
The Republicans don't need another Dan Quayle or Spiro Agnew and neither do the American voters.
Its a 'private issue' and the children should not be subject to politics..But its OK if the Republicans can use children to further 'far right wing' agenda of Abstinence Only - 750,000 teenagers will become pregnant this year. And Palin, the 'hockey mom' the reformer with no real political experience is feverently - anti abortion and pro abstinence only - well apparently her daughter didn't get the message.
And we as Voters deserve to know if she (Palin) faked a pregnancy to cover up her daughters first baby - we deserve to know if she tried to get her brother-in-law fired as an Alaskan State Trooper for personal reasons.
Palin's daughter is 17 - her mother wants to be Vice President and we are supposed to turn a blind eye - to give the family privacy?
McCain made a bad choice for Vice President, if Palin is the best woman the Republicans can offer as VP - then they should have picked a male.
The Republicans can do better - they should admit it and find a 'reason' for Palin to withdraw and pick a qualified VP - and let her have her privacy. It is the Republican Party that is forcing Sarah Palin on the American Voter, not the Democrats.
Palin is NO role model for women, no heroic figure. She has family problems and should withdraw or others should make sure McCain finds another VP.
The Republicans don't need another Dan Quayle or Spiro Agnew and neither do the American voters.
Monday, August 25, 2008
We - our Country - the USA is about to nominate a black man for President, an historic event.
We are about to nominate the oldest man ever to run for President.
There are important issues facing this Country - the Democratic Convention has started - or has it????
I don't think so: the Big Bang Theory, Deal or No Deal, High School Musical - Get In the Picture, Prison Break, or the don't miss - Gossip Girl are on - more important than the Democratic Convention?
No wonder young voters, have no interest in politics or voting - they are not exposed to the interesting events and commentary about the way Democrats and Republicans Conventions operate - the people, the speeches the analysis.
I remember staying up past midnite to see John F. Kennedy nominated for President, the youngest candidate ever, a Catholic, some said too inexperienced, and yet we learned about him and others through convention coverage - it was fascinating. I watched as Robert Kennedy went across this Country speaking and engaging people and I watched his funeral. I watched as Lyndon B. Johnson was nominated. I watched Richard M. Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and others were nominated for President and watched as the uniquely American political conventions played out day after day - listened to the speeches, watched the people, watched the drama the chaos and tragedy of the 1968 Convention all live - for several nights - but now these unique events which come only once every four (4) years is denigrated, dismissed and ignored by TV networks whose bottom line is $$$$$ and not the Public Interest.
We watched the Olmpics from China - Live - for 14 days and nights - BUT get only glimpses of the uniquely American political conventions after 10 pm....How Outrageous - How sad...
We try to export Democracy at the point of a gun, our President speaks about the importance of Democracy and a freely elected govenment - BUT - we can't stand to watch it on our TVs. The networks think or have been told - we are not interested - its not commercial viable -
We may be tired of the long long often boring and repitious tv news clips of our candidates. We are tired of the attack ads, the distortion of our candidates positions - But we should be able to see on all of our commercial tv networks - the uniquely American event - the Democratic and Republican Conventions.....Demand It..
We are Americans - Democracy is our hallmark - not be shunted aside by the Gossip Girl.
Those of you who missed Senator Ted Kennedy's speech live - missed television at its best (but only on CNN) as he spoke for the 'torch being passed' and how 'American soldiers lives should not be spent on a mistake - but for a mission worthy of their sacrifices'
We are about to nominate the oldest man ever to run for President.
There are important issues facing this Country - the Democratic Convention has started - or has it????
I don't think so: the Big Bang Theory, Deal or No Deal, High School Musical - Get In the Picture, Prison Break, or the don't miss - Gossip Girl are on - more important than the Democratic Convention?
No wonder young voters, have no interest in politics or voting - they are not exposed to the interesting events and commentary about the way Democrats and Republicans Conventions operate - the people, the speeches the analysis.
I remember staying up past midnite to see John F. Kennedy nominated for President, the youngest candidate ever, a Catholic, some said too inexperienced, and yet we learned about him and others through convention coverage - it was fascinating. I watched as Robert Kennedy went across this Country speaking and engaging people and I watched his funeral. I watched as Lyndon B. Johnson was nominated. I watched Richard M. Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and others were nominated for President and watched as the uniquely American political conventions played out day after day - listened to the speeches, watched the people, watched the drama the chaos and tragedy of the 1968 Convention all live - for several nights - but now these unique events which come only once every four (4) years is denigrated, dismissed and ignored by TV networks whose bottom line is $$$$$ and not the Public Interest.
We watched the Olmpics from China - Live - for 14 days and nights - BUT get only glimpses of the uniquely American political conventions after 10 pm....How Outrageous - How sad...
We try to export Democracy at the point of a gun, our President speaks about the importance of Democracy and a freely elected govenment - BUT - we can't stand to watch it on our TVs. The networks think or have been told - we are not interested - its not commercial viable -
We may be tired of the long long often boring and repitious tv news clips of our candidates. We are tired of the attack ads, the distortion of our candidates positions - But we should be able to see on all of our commercial tv networks - the uniquely American event - the Democratic and Republican Conventions.....Demand It..
We are Americans - Democracy is our hallmark - not be shunted aside by the Gossip Girl.
Those of you who missed Senator Ted Kennedy's speech live - missed television at its best (but only on CNN) as he spoke for the 'torch being passed' and how 'American soldiers lives should not be spent on a mistake - but for a mission worthy of their sacrifices'
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Demolition of Historic Detroit Tiger Stadium begins.
An 8' hole in the exterior center field area of Tiger Stadium was gashed open by demolition crews eager to destroy this historic structure - while the Tiger were out of town and city hall was shut down.
The Green of Navin Field, Bennett Field and Briggs Stadium can be seen just to the right of the hole inside the blue outer shell. Construction equipment and lighting is standing just outside center field - ready to smash down history, memories and a field of dreams..
For over 100 years the Stadium entertained 100,000,000 people at a variety of events, it
was abandoned and left vacant to begin 'demolition by neglect' in 1999, by Mike Ilitch owner of the Detroit Tigers and the City of Detroit.
Please donate to help save the Old Tiger Stadium for information....
Preserve Tiger Stadium - documentary dvd - Stranded at the Corner....
photo by: David L. Malhalab M News Service / MNS Photo (313 580 2393)
The dark forces of corruption that have marked the 'demolition by neglect' of Tiger Stadium are winning. Since 1999, when Tiger Stadium was closed, the City has made no serious effort to encourage development or use of the Stadium as and entertainment venue - because Mike Ilitch, owner of the Tigers, Red Wings and Little Ceasar's Pizza didn' want competition for his entertainment facilities.
Ilitch the billionaire and his wife, who owns Motor City Casino a baseball throw away, a short stroll to the 'field of dreams' should have developed the Stadium as another premiere entertainment facility -develop it as an historic site, that would draw tourists to Detroit, but NO - Ilitch took $420,000 a year ($2-$12 million dollars) for the maintenance and security of Tiger Stadium since 1999 and allowed it to fall into disrepair and neglect. Is Ilitch a FELON??. The FBI has been asked to investigate. You should boycott - Little Ceasar's Pizza.
Ken Cockrel, Jr, president of the Detroit City Council said, "your boy (Peter C. Riley) was right. He (Ilitch) owes us the money, and I will do everything to get it back"... that was over a year ago. Before the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation members - LIED - to the Detroit Planning Commission in a presentation of their case for demolition.
The Commission knew they were being lied to - and rejected the Corporation proposal - for demolition. That was before Scott of the DEGC - LIED - to the Corktown Residents Council, telling them that it was 'too dangerous' for their members to tour Tiger Stadium, for a fact finding effort.
There have been numerous proposals to utilize, renovate and preserve Tiger Stadium, but the City never fully cooperated with the proponents - allowing Tiger Stadium to sit idle and decay.
The final chapter in the history of Tiger Stadium maybe demolition, but it may also include information on 'convictions' of Ilitch, George Jackson and others who allowed a City jewel to be demolished and left only as a memory of what was, what might and could have been.
Maybe their will be Justice - for historic Tiger Stadium, but I still want the Stadium.
FOR MORE INFO: Please donate to help save the Old Tiger Stadium CLICK...
3 Comments Add a Comment
Thursday, June 5, 2008
DETROIT TIGERS STADIUM UNIQUE AND RARE ITEMS GAME USED! - eBay (item 250255743164 end time Jun-11-08 17:49:57 PDT)
The above is a link to a current Ebay auction of stolen items from historic Detroit Tiger Stadium in 2000.
Mike Ilitch was receiving $400,000. a year to maintain (as it was in 1999) and to provide security for historic Detroit Tiger Stadium. Obviously from the auction site, and from the general look of Tiger Stadium - now - Ilitch looks like he didn't spend a dime of the nearly, $2 - $12 million dollars he got from Detroit, a financailly ailing city.
While we celebrate the Red Wings Stanley Cup victory - remember the millions of dollars he has gotten from the City - for Tiger Stadium, with no obvious accountabilty! No one is above the law - Adolph Albert Taubman the billionaire went to jail - Shouldn't Mike Ilitch??
It seems to be a felony crime that the City is allowing to go unpunished. Ken Cockrel, Jr. told me that he believes that "Ilitch owes us the money" and that " I'll do whatever necessary to get it back" that was over at least a year ago, and he still has done nothing. Councilwoman Joanne Watson has also said, that she believes Ilitch owes the City money for Tiger Stadium. Why? is the Council so slow to recover millions of dollars - especially when Detroit has a deficit?? Do they worship Ilitch or are they afraid of him?
The Packard plant is litterally failing onto the streets of Detroit, the Train Station looms as a ominus tombstone over Detroit - there are dozens of abandon buildings throughout Detroit that are a danger to the public and have better economic locations for business- but there is no rush to demolish them. Why? the rush to demolish Tiger Stadium.
Legitimate proposals by upstanding businessmen were offered to use Tiger Stadium as a money making entertainment facility since 1999, those offers were ignored, dismissed or discouraged - there was no legitimate offer that the City would accept. Detroit has lost millions and millions of dollars - $$$$$$$, Why? There needs to be a criminal investigation.
George Jackson and members of the Detroit Economic Development Corporation have lied to the Corktown residents, the Detroit City Planning Commission, the residents of Detroit and Michigan. And yet the DEGC is getting its way - with the demolition of Tiger Stadium.
Detroit recieved about $300,000 for items sold at auction from Tiger Stadium - although no public final accounting has been released. That means that possibly millions of dollars worth of items were stolen from Tiger Stadium - in the manner described in the Ebay auction - and Ilitch should be held accountable for that.
There needs to be an investigation by the Detroit City Council, the Michigan State Police and the FBI into what public corruption was involved in the 'demolition by neglect' of Tiger Stadium and Why the City has lost millions of dollars for the use of Tiger Stadium since 1999, and the theft of items from Tiger Stadium, including the Historical Marker. The investigation must include Mike Ilitch, the DEGC and the Mayor.
Contact members of the Detroit City Council: Ken Cockrel (313 224 4505), Monica Conyers (313 224 4530), Sheila Cockrel (313 224 1337), Martha Reeves (313 224 4510), Joann Watson (313 224 4536), Kwame Kenyatta (313 224 1198), Brenda Jones (313 224 1245), Barbara Rose Collins (313 224 1298), Alberta Tinsley-Talabi (313 224 1645). It is still not to late to preserve what is left of Tiger Stadium and to restore it to a viable entertainment facility - that it should have been since 1999. Call today...everyday..
Remember to voter August 5th and November 4th, 2008
The above is a link to a current Ebay auction of stolen items from historic Detroit Tiger Stadium in 2000.
Mike Ilitch was receiving $400,000. a year to maintain (as it was in 1999) and to provide security for historic Detroit Tiger Stadium. Obviously from the auction site, and from the general look of Tiger Stadium - now - Ilitch looks like he didn't spend a dime of the nearly, $2 - $12 million dollars he got from Detroit, a financailly ailing city.
While we celebrate the Red Wings Stanley Cup victory - remember the millions of dollars he has gotten from the City - for Tiger Stadium, with no obvious accountabilty! No one is above the law - Adolph Albert Taubman the billionaire went to jail - Shouldn't Mike Ilitch??
It seems to be a felony crime that the City is allowing to go unpunished. Ken Cockrel, Jr. told me that he believes that "Ilitch owes us the money" and that " I'll do whatever necessary to get it back" that was over at least a year ago, and he still has done nothing. Councilwoman Joanne Watson has also said, that she believes Ilitch owes the City money for Tiger Stadium. Why? is the Council so slow to recover millions of dollars - especially when Detroit has a deficit?? Do they worship Ilitch or are they afraid of him?
The Packard plant is litterally failing onto the streets of Detroit, the Train Station looms as a ominus tombstone over Detroit - there are dozens of abandon buildings throughout Detroit that are a danger to the public and have better economic locations for business- but there is no rush to demolish them. Why? the rush to demolish Tiger Stadium.
Legitimate proposals by upstanding businessmen were offered to use Tiger Stadium as a money making entertainment facility since 1999, those offers were ignored, dismissed or discouraged - there was no legitimate offer that the City would accept. Detroit has lost millions and millions of dollars - $$$$$$$, Why? There needs to be a criminal investigation.
George Jackson and members of the Detroit Economic Development Corporation have lied to the Corktown residents, the Detroit City Planning Commission, the residents of Detroit and Michigan. And yet the DEGC is getting its way - with the demolition of Tiger Stadium.
Detroit recieved about $300,000 for items sold at auction from Tiger Stadium - although no public final accounting has been released. That means that possibly millions of dollars worth of items were stolen from Tiger Stadium - in the manner described in the Ebay auction - and Ilitch should be held accountable for that.
There needs to be an investigation by the Detroit City Council, the Michigan State Police and the FBI into what public corruption was involved in the 'demolition by neglect' of Tiger Stadium and Why the City has lost millions of dollars for the use of Tiger Stadium since 1999, and the theft of items from Tiger Stadium, including the Historical Marker. The investigation must include Mike Ilitch, the DEGC and the Mayor.
Contact members of the Detroit City Council: Ken Cockrel (313 224 4505), Monica Conyers (313 224 4530), Sheila Cockrel (313 224 1337), Martha Reeves (313 224 4510), Joann Watson (313 224 4536), Kwame Kenyatta (313 224 1198), Brenda Jones (313 224 1245), Barbara Rose Collins (313 224 1298), Alberta Tinsley-Talabi (313 224 1645). It is still not to late to preserve what is left of Tiger Stadium and to restore it to a viable entertainment facility - that it should have been since 1999. Call today...everyday..
Remember to voter August 5th and November 4th, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Fenway Park is a town jewel and tourist attraction. Lambeau Field is a tourist attraction and town jewel (and TV star - in commercials seen by millions of Michigan residents). Tiger
Stadium should have been a tourist attraction and town jewel - not to mention TV star, just like Lambeau Field, but alas Mike Ilitch, George Jackson (and the DEGC) along with Detroit Mayors and lackadaisical City Council conspired to allow it fall into 'demolition by neglect' and maybe ultimately into demolition by wrecking ball or melted down to scrap.
Full Count (Aguilar / May 28)...doesn't tell the full story of the decline and fall of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium. George Jackson, of the DEGC, has lied repeatedly to the media and then complains about the attention given to Tiger Stadium development efforts. There was NEVER a level playing field for those who wanted to preserve Tiger Stadium as an entertainment venue that could bring in millions of dollars to the City and millions upon millions of more tourists, added onto the 100,000,000 million visitors that have enjoyed Tiger Stadium as a baseball mecca, a football mecca, a concert venue, a rally venue, a special event venue - not just a 'MLB' venue as Jackson haughtily dismisses Tiger Stadium.
Tiger Stadium had value - to Detroit - and still has even though gutted, it remains a solid well built facility, that could offer a home to Wayne State University sports teams, too rock concerts, political rallies, special events, add a Michigan Sports Hall of Fame - it is not too late.
The final out has not been made - the final chapter in Tiger Stadium has not been written, but if it is..history will hopefully finally tell the truth - that George Jackson and members of the DEGC lied to and misled the Corktown residents, the Detroit Planning Commission, and the residents of Detroit and Michigan. History may record that Mike Ilitch played a major role in the 'demolition by neglect' of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium and that he was a felon, who took $2 - 12 million dollars from the City of Detroit for the maintenance and security of Tiger Stadium and it doesn't look like he spent a dime of it on Tiger Stadium - history should ask as others should - where did the money go? The only difference between Ilitch and convicted felon, Adolph Alfred Taubman is that Taubman took from the rich and Ilitch took badly need dollars from a struggling city.
If historic Detroit Tiger Stadium falls to the wrecking ball, and melted into scrap - of history, it will not be because Ernie Harwell failed, or the Tiger Stadium Conservancy failed, or the Tiger Stadium Fan Club failed, or Frank Rashid failed, or Peter C. Riley failed, or Mickey Briggs failed, or the Fetzer Foundation failed, or Peter Huithwaite failed, or Harry Glanz failed, or any of the others that wanted to preserve and utilize historic Detroit Tiger Stadium - it will be because a Billionaire, his wife and other city politicians and leaders - didn't want to save Tiger Stadium for their own SELFISH reasons, maybe history will find those reasons.
Tiger Stadium is still not history. Save Tiger Stadium - call the Detroit City Council members, including Ken Cockrel, Jr (313 224 4505) and tell them to let Tiger Stadium live and prosper as an entertainment venue and TV star - like Fenway Park and Lambeau Field do.
David L. Malhalab
Detroit / Dearborn Heights
313 580 2393
Retired DPD Sergeant
Owner of Tiger Stadium 1991 (City has never returned the $2.)
Detroit News Article................................................................................................................
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Full count
Deadline nears in effort to preserve part of Tiger Stadium
Louis Aguilar / The Detroit News
The final out is coming up for Tiger Stadium, as the group seeking to save a portion of the historic ball field faces a Sunday deadline to come up with $369,000 to send the preservation effort into extra innings.
The preservation group -- Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy -- admits it doesn't have that kind of cash. Meanwhile city officials already have approved a demolition contract. They also point out they've seen no solid business plan to support the idea of keeping the old baseball diamond and 3,000 seats to create a Michigan Sports Hall of Fame and mixed-use development.
"It's bottom of the ninth, two outs, bases loaded and a full count," said Ernie Harwell, the Hall of Fame broadcaster who's a member of the conservancy. "We've made tremendous progress, we've got wonderful support from key people, but it's still going to be a battle."
The volunteer nonprofit conservancy maintains it has made progress in identifying short-term and long-term support for the estimated $15 million project, including a pledge by U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Detroit, to seek money from the 2009 federal budget.
But without either the money or another extension of the deadline, the only ball left at Tiger Stadium would be the wrecking ball.
Since last year, the city has given the conservancy group several extensions to come up with money to back its plans, but the Sunday deadline has significant weight. The city already has awarded a demolition contract to two companies to tear down the stadium. That agreement, approved in April, requires the companies to pay the city $300,000 to raze the entire stadium, or pay nothing to do the partial tear-down the conservancy group wants.
A total demolition is cheaper and leaves more iron and other material to be sold for scrap by the two firms, MCM Management Inc. and The Farrow Group Inc. The contractors want an answer on or before Sunday.
State Sen. Steve Tobocman, D-Detroit, House Majority leader and a member of the conservancy effort, said the group has made "great progress." Tobocman said he hopes the June 1 deadline can pass without a final decision.
"I don't think the conservancy is delaying any progress," Tobocman said. "I think the real date is when the wrecking ball comes around to the part of the stadium we want to save. Hopefully, if you have the House majority leader and a U.S. Senator working on this, that can give us some time."
S. Gary Spicer, Harwell's attorney and also a member of the conservancy group, says the organization has identified other sources of financing for the project, from tax credits and foundations and some private donors. The conservancy hasn't asked for public donations yet, Spicer said, because the group didn't want to take money without knowing it had a "solid long-term plan."
City official George Jackson, who also is president of quasi-public Detroit Economic Growth Corp, said time is up. "We've been through now almost eights years of individuals and organizations that said they would renovate the stadium," Jackson said. "This is something that's never been done in history and you guys have given a lot of press to plans that never had a chance. But the bottom line it is a financial impracticality."
The cost of maintaining what the nonprofit wants "is astronomical," Jackson added.
"You need to know how difficult it is for us to maintain institutions that require contributions in general," Jackson said, citing the Detroit Zoo, Detroit Institute of Arts, Music Hall and Orchestra Hall. "They're basically venues that are doing what they are designed to do. And they do well, but it is still challenging in regards to fundraising and capital projects, operating and maintenance."
The flaw, he said, is that no city ever has found a new use for an abandoned Major League Baseball stadium.
"Its use was for a Major League Baseball game. It wasn't meant to be a condominium or a museum. The concept has to be practical and pragmatic and also cost effective. Not one legitimate developer -- throughout this whole process for all these years -- has stepped forward to do this," Jackson said.
"I understand people's sentiment and attachment to history, but let's look at the history of why this is never done," Jackson said.
Despite being caught in a squeeze play between time and money, the conservancy said it will continue its efforts until at least June 1.
You can reach Louis Aguilar at (313) 222-2760 or laguilar@detnews.com.
Stadium should have been a tourist attraction and town jewel - not to mention TV star, just like Lambeau Field, but alas Mike Ilitch, George Jackson (and the DEGC) along with Detroit Mayors and lackadaisical City Council conspired to allow it fall into 'demolition by neglect' and maybe ultimately into demolition by wrecking ball or melted down to scrap.
Full Count (Aguilar / May 28)...doesn't tell the full story of the decline and fall of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium. George Jackson, of the DEGC, has lied repeatedly to the media and then complains about the attention given to Tiger Stadium development efforts. There was NEVER a level playing field for those who wanted to preserve Tiger Stadium as an entertainment venue that could bring in millions of dollars to the City and millions upon millions of more tourists, added onto the 100,000,000 million visitors that have enjoyed Tiger Stadium as a baseball mecca, a football mecca, a concert venue, a rally venue, a special event venue - not just a 'MLB' venue as Jackson haughtily dismisses Tiger Stadium.
Tiger Stadium had value - to Detroit - and still has even though gutted, it remains a solid well built facility, that could offer a home to Wayne State University sports teams, too rock concerts, political rallies, special events, add a Michigan Sports Hall of Fame - it is not too late.
The final out has not been made - the final chapter in Tiger Stadium has not been written, but if it is..history will hopefully finally tell the truth - that George Jackson and members of the DEGC lied to and misled the Corktown residents, the Detroit Planning Commission, and the residents of Detroit and Michigan. History may record that Mike Ilitch played a major role in the 'demolition by neglect' of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium and that he was a felon, who took $2 - 12 million dollars from the City of Detroit for the maintenance and security of Tiger Stadium and it doesn't look like he spent a dime of it on Tiger Stadium - history should ask as others should - where did the money go? The only difference between Ilitch and convicted felon, Adolph Alfred Taubman is that Taubman took from the rich and Ilitch took badly need dollars from a struggling city.
If historic Detroit Tiger Stadium falls to the wrecking ball, and melted into scrap - of history, it will not be because Ernie Harwell failed, or the Tiger Stadium Conservancy failed, or the Tiger Stadium Fan Club failed, or Frank Rashid failed, or Peter C. Riley failed, or Mickey Briggs failed, or the Fetzer Foundation failed, or Peter Huithwaite failed, or Harry Glanz failed, or any of the others that wanted to preserve and utilize historic Detroit Tiger Stadium - it will be because a Billionaire, his wife and other city politicians and leaders - didn't want to save Tiger Stadium for their own SELFISH reasons, maybe history will find those reasons.
Tiger Stadium is still not history. Save Tiger Stadium - call the Detroit City Council members, including Ken Cockrel, Jr (313 224 4505) and tell them to let Tiger Stadium live and prosper as an entertainment venue and TV star - like Fenway Park and Lambeau Field do.
David L. Malhalab
Detroit / Dearborn Heights
313 580 2393
Retired DPD Sergeant
Owner of Tiger Stadium 1991 (City has never returned the $2.)
Detroit News Article................................................................................................................
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Full count
Deadline nears in effort to preserve part of Tiger Stadium
Louis Aguilar / The Detroit News
The final out is coming up for Tiger Stadium, as the group seeking to save a portion of the historic ball field faces a Sunday deadline to come up with $369,000 to send the preservation effort into extra innings.
The preservation group -- Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy -- admits it doesn't have that kind of cash. Meanwhile city officials already have approved a demolition contract. They also point out they've seen no solid business plan to support the idea of keeping the old baseball diamond and 3,000 seats to create a Michigan Sports Hall of Fame and mixed-use development.
"It's bottom of the ninth, two outs, bases loaded and a full count," said Ernie Harwell, the Hall of Fame broadcaster who's a member of the conservancy. "We've made tremendous progress, we've got wonderful support from key people, but it's still going to be a battle."
The volunteer nonprofit conservancy maintains it has made progress in identifying short-term and long-term support for the estimated $15 million project, including a pledge by U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Detroit, to seek money from the 2009 federal budget.
But without either the money or another extension of the deadline, the only ball left at Tiger Stadium would be the wrecking ball.
Since last year, the city has given the conservancy group several extensions to come up with money to back its plans, but the Sunday deadline has significant weight. The city already has awarded a demolition contract to two companies to tear down the stadium. That agreement, approved in April, requires the companies to pay the city $300,000 to raze the entire stadium, or pay nothing to do the partial tear-down the conservancy group wants.
A total demolition is cheaper and leaves more iron and other material to be sold for scrap by the two firms, MCM Management Inc. and The Farrow Group Inc. The contractors want an answer on or before Sunday.
State Sen. Steve Tobocman, D-Detroit, House Majority leader and a member of the conservancy effort, said the group has made "great progress." Tobocman said he hopes the June 1 deadline can pass without a final decision.
"I don't think the conservancy is delaying any progress," Tobocman said. "I think the real date is when the wrecking ball comes around to the part of the stadium we want to save. Hopefully, if you have the House majority leader and a U.S. Senator working on this, that can give us some time."
S. Gary Spicer, Harwell's attorney and also a member of the conservancy group, says the organization has identified other sources of financing for the project, from tax credits and foundations and some private donors. The conservancy hasn't asked for public donations yet, Spicer said, because the group didn't want to take money without knowing it had a "solid long-term plan."
City official George Jackson, who also is president of quasi-public Detroit Economic Growth Corp, said time is up. "We've been through now almost eights years of individuals and organizations that said they would renovate the stadium," Jackson said. "This is something that's never been done in history and you guys have given a lot of press to plans that never had a chance. But the bottom line it is a financial impracticality."
The cost of maintaining what the nonprofit wants "is astronomical," Jackson added.
"You need to know how difficult it is for us to maintain institutions that require contributions in general," Jackson said, citing the Detroit Zoo, Detroit Institute of Arts, Music Hall and Orchestra Hall. "They're basically venues that are doing what they are designed to do. And they do well, but it is still challenging in regards to fundraising and capital projects, operating and maintenance."
The flaw, he said, is that no city ever has found a new use for an abandoned Major League Baseball stadium.
"Its use was for a Major League Baseball game. It wasn't meant to be a condominium or a museum. The concept has to be practical and pragmatic and also cost effective. Not one legitimate developer -- throughout this whole process for all these years -- has stepped forward to do this," Jackson said.
"I understand people's sentiment and attachment to history, but let's look at the history of why this is never done," Jackson said.
Despite being caught in a squeeze play between time and money, the conservancy said it will continue its efforts until at least June 1.
You can reach Louis Aguilar at (313) 222-2760 or laguilar@detnews.com.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Hello Detroit - Bank of America is here...
They announced there prescence in Detroit in full page ads in the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press with a close up and bad photo of the Joe Louis fist - which they thought represented Detroit - bad faux pas / error. I thought it was insulting to all Detroiters and to the Metro area.
They could have used the Joe Louis statue, the Dodge fountain, the UAW sculpture or a combo of both, RenCen photo, a overview photo of downtown, gathered a group of Detroiters and use a photo of them, but NO - they used the Fist, which has been the center of debate since its was installed. Detroit and its residents are owed an explanation of why this piece of sculpture was selected to respresent Detroit - Why???
I don't think it should represent Detroit - or its efforts to reinvent and restore itself as a city of promise and diversity.
What do you think????
They announced there prescence in Detroit in full page ads in the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press with a close up and bad photo of the Joe Louis fist - which they thought represented Detroit - bad faux pas / error. I thought it was insulting to all Detroiters and to the Metro area.
They could have used the Joe Louis statue, the Dodge fountain, the UAW sculpture or a combo of both, RenCen photo, a overview photo of downtown, gathered a group of Detroiters and use a photo of them, but NO - they used the Fist, which has been the center of debate since its was installed. Detroit and its residents are owed an explanation of why this piece of sculpture was selected to respresent Detroit - Why???
I don't think it should represent Detroit - or its efforts to reinvent and restore itself as a city of promise and diversity.
What do you think????
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Ella BULLY-Cummings, the Detroit Police Chief, must resign, be fired, or removed from office by the DOJ or FBI.
She has now been tainted and implicated in the sex text message scandal involving Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick and his Chief of Staff Christine Beatty (now resigned). She apparently conspired behing the back of former Police Chief Jeffy Oliver (now resigned) with Christine Beatty and other to undermine Oliver and to make the Detroit Police Internal Affairs Section a politically responsible organ of the Mayor.
Ella has been nothing but a bobble head since her appointment as Chief by Kilpatrick after Oliver resigned. She doesn't appear to have the qualifications to be in charge of a big city police department and after seeing the texts messages and seeing her loyalty to the Mayor - she has forfeited any ethical claim to being Chief of Police.
Her DPD Reorganization Plan is complete failure, that closed police stations - thus closing needed jail space, increased patrol areas, damaged police-community relations, increased police response time, tangled police officers in a crime report system that left them desk bound longer, failed to implement a Verified Response System (for B&E alarms) and has had a continuing revolving door of police executives.
The Board Of Police Commissioners have always failed in their oversight capacity, at least since, Coleman Young became mayor almost 30 years ago. Every police chief since Young has been a failure - because Detrot Mayors have either controlled them or failed to exercise responsibility to remove them when their failures became evident.
Young and his chiefs and Archer with his problem chief and Kilpatrick with another bobble head chief.
Detroit has had a black mayor, black police chiefs and predominately to almost black city council for almost 30 years - now - and an all black school board - and look what we have - failure of leadership, failure of ethics, a city in decline (except for downtown) with a very high crime rate and a high school drop out rate that is appalling and a thorough disgrace.
I have been an outspoken critic of the Detroit Police Dept, its nepotism, croynism and favoritism and failure of this police executives - Detroit Police Officers have not failed its residents or visitors - but its police exectutives, its Mayors, its City Councils and School Board members have.
Its time for a clean sweep. Its time the state and federal government come in and clean house, except that the Governor and Attorney General maybe tainted by Mayor Kilpatrick too.
So its time somebody stepped up and said - I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
Detroit needs new ethical, professional, honest political leaders and government. --- now.... just do it...
Stating facts is not race baiting.Archer was a failure as Mayor of Detroit, not as bad as Young or Kilpatrick, but enough to set back Detroit.He had a chance to clean up and improve the Detroit Police Department - He chose Dr. Joe Thomas, Jr of Southfield as Police Chief, but then he got cold feet and then chose Ike McKinnon.
I had great hopes for McKinnon, I offered to help him, but he began to choose old insiders to run the Department - he continued the nepotism, croynism, and favortism that was a cancer on the Department.McKinnon then had an inappropriate sexual affair with a police officer and granted her special favors.
McKinnon then lost control of the Department and allowed the promotional test answers to be given out to his special people. That ruined the lives of hundreds of police officers who passed the test, but lost promotions, pay raises and a better life - when it was found out and the test results nullified.
McKinnon was said to have resigned to become head of MGM Casion security etc etc..but the rumor is the FBI forced him out.
Archer's son was also a problem.
And Detroit's problems grew and grew.Until today - look at Detroit - not a world class city (as Archer wanted) not a great American city - but a city wallowing in scandal, bad city government, and bad schools.
Ella BULLY-Cummings, the Detroit Police Chief, must resign, be fired, or removed from office by the DOJ or FBI.
She has now been tainted and implicated in the sex text message scandal involving Detroit Mayor Kilpatrick and his Chief of Staff Christine Beatty (now resigned). She apparently conspired behing the back of former Police Chief Jeffy Oliver (now resigned) with Christine Beatty and other to undermine Oliver and to make the Detroit Police Internal Affairs Section a politically responsible organ of the Mayor.
Ella has been nothing but a bobble head since her appointment as Chief by Kilpatrick after Oliver resigned. She doesn't appear to have the qualifications to be in charge of a big city police department and after seeing the texts messages and seeing her loyalty to the Mayor - she has forfeited any ethical claim to being Chief of Police.
Her DPD Reorganization Plan is complete failure, that closed police stations - thus closing needed jail space, increased patrol areas, damaged police-community relations, increased police response time, tangled police officers in a crime report system that left them desk bound longer, failed to implement a Verified Response System (for B&E alarms) and has had a continuing revolving door of police executives.
The Board Of Police Commissioners have always failed in their oversight capacity, at least since, Coleman Young became mayor almost 30 years ago. Every police chief since Young has been a failure - because Detrot Mayors have either controlled them or failed to exercise responsibility to remove them when their failures became evident.
Young and his chiefs and Archer with his problem chief and Kilpatrick with another bobble head chief.
Detroit has had a black mayor, black police chiefs and predominately to almost black city council for almost 30 years - now - and an all black school board - and look what we have - failure of leadership, failure of ethics, a city in decline (except for downtown) with a very high crime rate and a high school drop out rate that is appalling and a thorough disgrace.
I have been an outspoken critic of the Detroit Police Dept, its nepotism, croynism and favoritism and failure of this police executives - Detroit Police Officers have not failed its residents or visitors - but its police exectutives, its Mayors, its City Councils and School Board members have.
Its time for a clean sweep. Its time the state and federal government come in and clean house, except that the Governor and Attorney General maybe tainted by Mayor Kilpatrick too.
So its time somebody stepped up and said - I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.
Detroit needs new ethical, professional, honest political leaders and government. --- now.... just do it...
Stating facts is not race baiting.Archer was a failure as Mayor of Detroit, not as bad as Young or Kilpatrick, but enough to set back Detroit.He had a chance to clean up and improve the Detroit Police Department - He chose Dr. Joe Thomas, Jr of Southfield as Police Chief, but then he got cold feet and then chose Ike McKinnon.
I had great hopes for McKinnon, I offered to help him, but he began to choose old insiders to run the Department - he continued the nepotism, croynism, and favortism that was a cancer on the Department.McKinnon then had an inappropriate sexual affair with a police officer and granted her special favors.
McKinnon then lost control of the Department and allowed the promotional test answers to be given out to his special people. That ruined the lives of hundreds of police officers who passed the test, but lost promotions, pay raises and a better life - when it was found out and the test results nullified.
McKinnon was said to have resigned to become head of MGM Casion security etc etc..but the rumor is the FBI forced him out.
Archer's son was also a problem.
And Detroit's problems grew and grew.Until today - look at Detroit - not a world class city (as Archer wanted) not a great American city - but a city wallowing in scandal, bad city government, and bad schools.
Monday, April 7, 2008
I voted for Kilpatrick, in 2001, because i thought he would clean up the Detroit Police Department, but he has decimated it - with poor selections of police chiefs and their poor selection of police executives. Detroit residents, visitors and police officers lives are more in danger today, than ever before. Detroit is an unsafe city, and there is lawlessness in the streets and corridors of Detroit Public Schools - this is not the path to becoming a great or world class city. I had great hope for Detroit and Kilpatrick - not any more.
I have voted for Ken Cockrel, Jr for City Council. I had great hopes for him to lift up Detroit, but he has not lived up to his potential. Over 8 years ago, he said he favored raising the age limit to 21 from 18 to become a police officer and other changes to raise the hiring standards for the Detroit Police Department. Now, the hiring standards are still too low - for a City griped by crime, and the Department was allowed to violate federal EEOC laws, creating a Department that hired because of race - not qualifications. The Department is understaffed and demoralized, Ken Cockrel would have protested loudly - but his son, says or does nothing.
Chief Ella Bully-Cummings should be fired by the Council.
Ken Cockrel, Jr told me after a meeting in Council chambers that Mike Ilitch, the billionaire owner of the Detroit Tigers, Detroit Red Wings - " your boy was right - he (Ilitch) owes the City money, and I will do everything to get it back". Cockrel was talking about the $2 - $12 million dollars that Ilitch has taken for the security and maintenance of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium, since 1999 - and there is little evidence that Ilitch has even bought a can of paint for the stadium. Cockrel called me, protesting an email to the media announcing his statement - but, Cockrel has done nothing to get the money back, maybe if he did, the City would still have more police stations and jail space for prisoners - or even a new police headquarters, or or or even a new jail with medical facilities to stem the lose of millions of dollars in excess prisoner medical costs. Ilitch is the 'emporor' of entertainment in Detroit. Ilitch who gets free police services for games is allowed to make millions without paying the City back, money that it is OWED.
Ken Cockrel, Jr. has the breeding, the education and the potential to be a great Mayor, and hopefully he will recognize that he must be take aggressive action to correct the problems of Detroit and that no one should be granted favors or free passes, just because they do business in Detroit. Kilpatrick has squandered and wasted his potential - Ken Cockrel, Jr. rise up and claim your potential - start today, don't wait for Kilpatrick to dictate your future.
I have voted for Ken Cockrel, Jr for City Council. I had great hopes for him to lift up Detroit, but he has not lived up to his potential. Over 8 years ago, he said he favored raising the age limit to 21 from 18 to become a police officer and other changes to raise the hiring standards for the Detroit Police Department. Now, the hiring standards are still too low - for a City griped by crime, and the Department was allowed to violate federal EEOC laws, creating a Department that hired because of race - not qualifications. The Department is understaffed and demoralized, Ken Cockrel would have protested loudly - but his son, says or does nothing.
Chief Ella Bully-Cummings should be fired by the Council.
Ken Cockrel, Jr told me after a meeting in Council chambers that Mike Ilitch, the billionaire owner of the Detroit Tigers, Detroit Red Wings - " your boy was right - he (Ilitch) owes the City money, and I will do everything to get it back". Cockrel was talking about the $2 - $12 million dollars that Ilitch has taken for the security and maintenance of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium, since 1999 - and there is little evidence that Ilitch has even bought a can of paint for the stadium. Cockrel called me, protesting an email to the media announcing his statement - but, Cockrel has done nothing to get the money back, maybe if he did, the City would still have more police stations and jail space for prisoners - or even a new police headquarters, or or or even a new jail with medical facilities to stem the lose of millions of dollars in excess prisoner medical costs. Ilitch is the 'emporor' of entertainment in Detroit. Ilitch who gets free police services for games is allowed to make millions without paying the City back, money that it is OWED.
Ken Cockrel, Jr. has the breeding, the education and the potential to be a great Mayor, and hopefully he will recognize that he must be take aggressive action to correct the problems of Detroit and that no one should be granted favors or free passes, just because they do business in Detroit. Kilpatrick has squandered and wasted his potential - Ken Cockrel, Jr. rise up and claim your potential - start today, don't wait for Kilpatrick to dictate your future.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Is the Mayor/Beatty going to lose representation and legal advice from the law department?
PO John Bennett was suspended 5 yrs without pay and benefits - facing no criminal charges - but merely for his free speech conduct. He was not able to use the law dept
I was suspended and lost 6 days pay and benefits - facing no criminal charges - but merely for speaking to Chl 4 about the Beatty traffic stop. I was not represented by the law dept.
Numerous police officers (4th Precinct) were suspended without pay and benefits were
suspended without pay and benefits - after being charged in narcotic related issues. They
were denied legal representation by the Law Dept - by City Council.
It's not fair, that the Mayor and Beatty receive legal representation and advice by the Law Dept - after being charged with criminal charges - Is It?
The Mayor has assembled his own legal dream team - but is the Law Dept available to him and his dream team? If so its not fair.
The Detroit City Council should examine these issues and suspend the Mayor's pay and benefits - and any legal representation or advice by the Law Dept
They should enforce this by ordering - the City Treasurer - not to sign any paychecks for the Mayor - and forbid the Law Dept from aiding a criminally charge Mayor/Beatty.
The Mayor if 'vindicated' has legal recourse to recover his pay and benefits, later - as police officers are forced to do....
PO John Bennett was suspended 5 yrs without pay and benefits - facing no criminal charges - but merely for his free speech conduct. He was not able to use the law dept
I was suspended and lost 6 days pay and benefits - facing no criminal charges - but merely for speaking to Chl 4 about the Beatty traffic stop. I was not represented by the law dept.
Numerous police officers (4th Precinct) were suspended without pay and benefits were
suspended without pay and benefits - after being charged in narcotic related issues. They
were denied legal representation by the Law Dept - by City Council.
It's not fair, that the Mayor and Beatty receive legal representation and advice by the Law Dept - after being charged with criminal charges - Is It?
The Mayor has assembled his own legal dream team - but is the Law Dept available to him and his dream team? If so its not fair.
The Detroit City Council should examine these issues and suspend the Mayor's pay and benefits - and any legal representation or advice by the Law Dept
They should enforce this by ordering - the City Treasurer - not to sign any paychecks for the Mayor - and forbid the Law Dept from aiding a criminally charge Mayor/Beatty.
The Mayor if 'vindicated' has legal recourse to recover his pay and benefits, later - as police officers are forced to do....
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mar 11, 2008
EXPECTATIONS OF EXCELLENCE - The Mayor has failed the residents of Detroit, its vistors, BUT not his supporters who gave an embarrassingly long welcoming applause - for a mayor involved in such crimes as, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice, perjury and is probably the subject of FBI investigation involving murder and public corruption.
kilpatrick.....failure on police issues...
* mobile police stations - need to be manned by police officers, they need more officers in the current district stations, not a 'its showtime' mobile police stations. There is a need for police officers in district stations to take reports now - taking more officers and putting in another area - its wrong.
* honor EEOC laws - that detroit has failed since 1974 to do....
* low pay, bad policies need to be addressed: crisnet, reorganization plan
* coleman young always used the police dept to get elected, garner support in troubled times - same strategy
* detroit needs a new outside police chief...best and brightest - not a bobblehead.
* the police districts are too large to properly patrol - need more actual olice stations. $600,000 worth of stolen items from closed police stations.
* detroit needs black role models - the mayor is not one, a failure as a husband, man, political leader.
* the 'haddad memo' confirmed what i have been saying -
* detroit police executive leadership has failed detroit residents visitors not its police officers...
Mayor Kilpatrick has the breeding and the credentials to have been a great mayor - but he failed, he disappointed. He must resign. But he will not because of his EGO and the need for city attorneys to fight the inevitable - his removal from office or his going to jail.
Detroit has a right - to ethical, honest political leadership - Mayor its time to leave.
Mar 11, 2008
EXPECTATIONS OF EXCELLENCE - The Mayor has failed the residents of Detroit, its vistors, BUT not his supporters who gave an embarrassingly long welcoming applause - for a mayor involved in such crimes as, obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice, perjury and is probably the subject of FBI investigation involving murder and public corruption.
kilpatrick.....failure on police issues...
* mobile police stations - need to be manned by police officers, they need more officers in the current district stations, not a 'its showtime' mobile police stations. There is a need for police officers in district stations to take reports now - taking more officers and putting in another area - its wrong.
* honor EEOC laws - that detroit has failed since 1974 to do....
* low pay, bad policies need to be addressed: crisnet, reorganization plan
* coleman young always used the police dept to get elected, garner support in troubled times - same strategy
* detroit needs a new outside police chief...best and brightest - not a bobblehead.
* the police districts are too large to properly patrol - need more actual olice stations. $600,000 worth of stolen items from closed police stations.
* detroit needs black role models - the mayor is not one, a failure as a husband, man, political leader.
* the 'haddad memo' confirmed what i have been saying -
* detroit police executive leadership has failed detroit residents visitors not its police officers...
Mayor Kilpatrick has the breeding and the credentials to have been a great mayor - but he failed, he disappointed. He must resign. But he will not because of his EGO and the need for city attorneys to fight the inevitable - his removal from office or his going to jail.
Detroit has a right - to ethical, honest political leadership - Mayor its time to leave.
Monday, March 3, 2008
BEWARE: Michigan legislators and business leaders, the Mayor of Detroit Kwame Kilpatrick, has been publicly ensnared in a sex, lies (perjury) text messaging scandal that he and his supporters say, he can recover from, but has implications state wide.
Mayor Kilpatrick's 'urban legend' discounted by Michigan Attorney General Michel Cox, who state police investigators have testified to - that he obstructed their investigation - was a bachelor party at the Manogian Mansion, home of Detroit's Mayor's, in which Kilpatrick's wife, Carlita, was alleged to have feloniously assaulted an exotic dancer / stripper by the name of Tamara Greene, who was later murdered in a drive by shooting, after telling people she danced at the Mayor's party.
Their was an alleged cover up, that now includes the Governor, Jennifer Granholm, the Attorney General, the Mayor and members of his administration including two police chiefs.Some people believe that the Governor, the Mayor conspired with Mike Cox to cover up the party, with Cox getting a weak opponent and no mention of his infidelity, in his reelection race.
Attorney Norman Yatooma, has filed a $150 million dollar lawsuit, against the City of Detroit, that now again includes the Mayor, his sex partner/chief of staff Christine Beatty, body guards, and other administration members. Yatooma has requested the text messages, emails, voicemails etc of 34 people including the Mayor, security guards (some of whom may have committed fraud in getting hundreds of hours of unearned overtime), police chiefs, and homicide investigators.
The Mayor's troubles are larger than perjury and everyone should look at the big picture and take action to protect the state and Detroit. Detroit has had ethical failures of leadership and poor leadership since, Mayor Coleman Young, including city council members and school board members. Detroit faces maybe its greatest test, now - don't be surprised if it ends badly. David L. Malhalab.
ps. Gary Brown, fired for investigating the Mayor and his bodyguards, (Whistleblowers lawsuit said last night (2-27-08), on Chl 7, that there was enough information in his investigation, to believe that the Manogian Mansion party occured, and that needs further investigation. He said there was not enough information, to believe that the Mayor, his bodyguards were involved in the murder of Tamara Greene, that needs further investigation
Mayor Kilpatrick's 'urban legend' discounted by Michigan Attorney General Michel Cox, who state police investigators have testified to - that he obstructed their investigation - was a bachelor party at the Manogian Mansion, home of Detroit's Mayor's, in which Kilpatrick's wife, Carlita, was alleged to have feloniously assaulted an exotic dancer / stripper by the name of Tamara Greene, who was later murdered in a drive by shooting, after telling people she danced at the Mayor's party.
Their was an alleged cover up, that now includes the Governor, Jennifer Granholm, the Attorney General, the Mayor and members of his administration including two police chiefs.Some people believe that the Governor, the Mayor conspired with Mike Cox to cover up the party, with Cox getting a weak opponent and no mention of his infidelity, in his reelection race.
Attorney Norman Yatooma, has filed a $150 million dollar lawsuit, against the City of Detroit, that now again includes the Mayor, his sex partner/chief of staff Christine Beatty, body guards, and other administration members. Yatooma has requested the text messages, emails, voicemails etc of 34 people including the Mayor, security guards (some of whom may have committed fraud in getting hundreds of hours of unearned overtime), police chiefs, and homicide investigators.
The Mayor's troubles are larger than perjury and everyone should look at the big picture and take action to protect the state and Detroit. Detroit has had ethical failures of leadership and poor leadership since, Mayor Coleman Young, including city council members and school board members. Detroit faces maybe its greatest test, now - don't be surprised if it ends badly. David L. Malhalab.
ps. Gary Brown, fired for investigating the Mayor and his bodyguards, (Whistleblowers lawsuit said last night (2-27-08), on Chl 7, that there was enough information in his investigation, to believe that the Manogian Mansion party occured, and that needs further investigation. He said there was not enough information, to believe that the Mayor, his bodyguards were involved in the murder of Tamara Greene, that needs further investigation
Friday, February 15, 2008
American Indians History Month, Indian Casinos - Honor the Agreements
Congress and every state needs to enact and make official an 'American Indian History Month' - so that all Americans, adults, children and others learn of the tortured history of native Americans, who were robbed of their lands, infected with disease, forced to live on land that was once theirs, and had their children taken from them - to save them? and educate them?. And of how we have systematically tried to destroy their heritage and culture.
It is a sad tale of betrayal, lies, broken treaties and death. But it is history that must be give a special designation, promoted and discussed - so that we learn from the experiences and work toward a reconcilitation. It is not being taught in schools.
The current Michigan Casino controversy over wether to allow Indian casinos in Romulus and Port Huron, is a tiny part of the story, Mayor Kilpatrick and his mother, Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick oppose them - because they will be competition for Detroit, that is not a proper argument. Former Michigan Governor John Engler entered into an agreement with the Tribes, - Michigan should support the agreement - or have objected before and/or just after the agreement was signed - not now - years later. Land shopping is not an issue because Engler entered into and signed an agreement, go forward with the deal. Congress should approve it and let not another broken promise be delivered to the Indians.
The American Indians have had to endure enough broken promises and treaties. Some American Indians have rejected $800 million dollars for the deed to sacred lands in the Black Hills of the Dakotas because they want their land. It should be given back to them.
Congress should lead the way - approve an American Indian History Month, honor the Engler deal, and give the sacred lands of the Dakotas back to the original owners - now.
PS: Native Hawaiians, also need their story told, of how the USA conspired to take their lands, destroy their heritage and culture.
Hawaiian History Month - now..
Clinton, Obama, McCain, Huckabee - What is your position?
It is a sad tale of betrayal, lies, broken treaties and death. But it is history that must be give a special designation, promoted and discussed - so that we learn from the experiences and work toward a reconcilitation. It is not being taught in schools.
The current Michigan Casino controversy over wether to allow Indian casinos in Romulus and Port Huron, is a tiny part of the story, Mayor Kilpatrick and his mother, Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick oppose them - because they will be competition for Detroit, that is not a proper argument. Former Michigan Governor John Engler entered into an agreement with the Tribes, - Michigan should support the agreement - or have objected before and/or just after the agreement was signed - not now - years later. Land shopping is not an issue because Engler entered into and signed an agreement, go forward with the deal. Congress should approve it and let not another broken promise be delivered to the Indians.
The American Indians have had to endure enough broken promises and treaties. Some American Indians have rejected $800 million dollars for the deed to sacred lands in the Black Hills of the Dakotas because they want their land. It should be given back to them.
Congress should lead the way - approve an American Indian History Month, honor the Engler deal, and give the sacred lands of the Dakotas back to the original owners - now.
PS: Native Hawaiians, also need their story told, of how the USA conspired to take their lands, destroy their heritage and culture.
Hawaiian History Month - now..
Clinton, Obama, McCain, Huckabee - What is your position?
American Indians,
Indian casinos
Friday, February 8, 2008
"I am on a mission from God," how can Detroiters who have a large illiteracy rate, a large poverty rate, without computers, not able to read newspapers and a dearth of ethical leaders to help guide them through this scandal, be asked to 'demand more'.
Their Mayor has spoken, the Free Press/ media is out to get him and God is on his side
look at the progress Downtown - it must be true. Don't look at the police department with a failed reorganization plan, that shut down 50% of the jail space, spends millions of dollars on unnecessary prisoner medical expenses and has virtually abandoned it police headquarters with no plans for a new jail/medical facility or headquarters. A city council that can't and won't lead and has its own ethical failures. Its school board that has organizational and ethical problems as well.
Those residents that can - have the means to leave, have left, for the suburbs with safe streets and good schools - black and white residents this is not a racial exodus, but a better life exodus.
The Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, TV and radio stations must lead. They must with one voice say: Mayor Kilpatrick - Resign Now....with no equivocations. He and his administration has permanently injured and damaged the City.
Their Mayor has spoken, the Free Press/ media is out to get him and God is on his side
look at the progress Downtown - it must be true. Don't look at the police department with a failed reorganization plan, that shut down 50% of the jail space, spends millions of dollars on unnecessary prisoner medical expenses and has virtually abandoned it police headquarters with no plans for a new jail/medical facility or headquarters. A city council that can't and won't lead and has its own ethical failures. Its school board that has organizational and ethical problems as well.
Those residents that can - have the means to leave, have left, for the suburbs with safe streets and good schools - black and white residents this is not a racial exodus, but a better life exodus.
The Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, TV and radio stations must lead. They must with one voice say: Mayor Kilpatrick - Resign Now....with no equivocations. He and his administration has permanently injured and damaged the City.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
UPDATE: JAN 29, 2008
The Mayor has been critized for not speaking to the media or addressing the scandal - but Why should he? His loyal stafff of lemmings have reassured all of us - that he ' is in charge' - his minister is behind him and out front of him - deflecting criticism. The City is functioning well - the Mayor is 'in charge'. Beatty has resigned - matter resolved.
Now the Mayor will speak from the pulpit - from church, if God doesn't strike him - dead, God must have forgiven him. That is the message he wants his supporters to hear and see. His EGO will not let him resign. His need for protection of his staff and city attorney's will keep him in office - he knows his supporters will be with him - damn the media and suburbanites.
His resignation shouldn't depend on wether or not he is indicted for perjury - he lied in court, lied to the media, lied to all Detroiters in news conference after news conference. He has betrayed his oath of office and the residents of Detroit. Ministers, politicians and residents should all be as one voice - Resign - now.
**************************************** ****************************************
This is an update: because of the sex, lies and text messages revealed today by the Detroit Free Press (Schaefer / Elrick) about Mayor Kilpatrick and his Chief of Staff Christine Beatty.
We must learn the TRUTH - so
Today: January 25, 2008, I have filed a complaint with the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission, requesting an investigation of Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, a Michigan attorney, for obstruction of justice and perjury, in regards to the Nelthrope/Brown civil lawsuit in Wayne County Court - Judge Michael Callahan.
Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy cannot investigate this matter properly, and Michael Cox, Michigan Attorney General is compromised - if not involved in a cover up of the alleged Manogian Mansion party, which may have resulted in Tamara Greene's homicide.
I was suspended six days from the Detroit Police Dept for giving an interview to WDIV Chl 4 - Mike Lewis about Christine Beatty being stopped for speeding by two Detroit Police Officers. The Mayor said it may have been a 'set up' - he lied. It cost me six days pay and benefits, so that Chief Bully-Cummings could continue the coverup of the Mayor's sexual affair.
The two police officers who stopped Beatty were subject to vile and profane langauage and the filed a lawsuit, which may or may not have been resolved by now in the 5 figures. And this goes beyond to the Manogian Mansion lies and coverup and a possible homicide - that must now be more vigorously investigated, because a $150 million dollar lawsuit has been filed against the Mayor, Beatty, Cummings and the City, over the failure of the police department to properly investigate the homicide of Tamara Greene.
Mayor Kilpatrick, Christine Beatty and Chief Ella Bully-Cummings should and must resign they have failed the duties of their office and the people of Detroit.
If they don't resign then the State must step in and remove them.
Sep 11, 2007 5:43 PM FYI...........
The verdict in the whistle blower case against the City and Mayor Kilpatrick shows the cesspool of corruption in the Detroit political leadership from the mayor, city council to school board continues - starting with Coleman Young and continuing today.
Detroit needs new political leadership ...now...and a new police chief not tied to the mayor...residents, visitors and Detroit police officers need to know that the Police Department is led by executives who make the best decisions to protect them - not political decisions.
Mayor Kilpatrick says we (Detroit) doesn't have the money to pay the judgement in the Brown / Neglthorpe lawsuit...BUT..... the City had $7million dollars to pave 10 acres of Belle Isle...and untold millions of $$$$ more for improvements of Belle Isle for the Grand Prix.
Kilpatrick should have friends and family pay the entire award...He has betrayed his oath of office and disgraced Detroit, not to mention allegations of criminal behavior that haven't been resolved - and no should be..now... Call the Detroit City Council (313 224 4500) and tell them to have Kilpatrick pay - and to stop any costly appeals.
Detroit needs new ethical political leadership...now...........david malhalab
UPDATE: JAN 29, 2008
The Mayor has been critized for not speaking to the media or addressing the scandal - but Why should he? His loyal stafff of lemmings have reassured all of us - that he ' is in charge' - his minister is behind him and out front of him - deflecting criticism. The City is functioning well - the Mayor is 'in charge'. Beatty has resigned - matter resolved.
Now the Mayor will speak from the pulpit - from church, if God doesn't strike him - dead, God must have forgiven him. That is the message he wants his supporters to hear and see. His EGO will not let him resign. His need for protection of his staff and city attorney's will keep him in office - he knows his supporters will be with him - damn the media and suburbanites.
His resignation shouldn't depend on wether or not he is indicted for perjury - he lied in court, lied to the media, lied to all Detroiters in news conference after news conference. He has betrayed his oath of office and the residents of Detroit. Ministers, politicians and residents should all be as one voice - Resign - now.
**************************************** ****************************************
This is an update: because of the sex, lies and text messages revealed today by the Detroit Free Press (Schaefer / Elrick) about Mayor Kilpatrick and his Chief of Staff Christine Beatty.
We must learn the TRUTH - so
Today: January 25, 2008, I have filed a complaint with the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission, requesting an investigation of Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, a Michigan attorney, for obstruction of justice and perjury, in regards to the Nelthrope/Brown civil lawsuit in Wayne County Court - Judge Michael Callahan.
Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy cannot investigate this matter properly, and Michael Cox, Michigan Attorney General is compromised - if not involved in a cover up of the alleged Manogian Mansion party, which may have resulted in Tamara Greene's homicide.
I was suspended six days from the Detroit Police Dept for giving an interview to WDIV Chl 4 - Mike Lewis about Christine Beatty being stopped for speeding by two Detroit Police Officers. The Mayor said it may have been a 'set up' - he lied. It cost me six days pay and benefits, so that Chief Bully-Cummings could continue the coverup of the Mayor's sexual affair.
The two police officers who stopped Beatty were subject to vile and profane langauage and the filed a lawsuit, which may or may not have been resolved by now in the 5 figures. And this goes beyond to the Manogian Mansion lies and coverup and a possible homicide - that must now be more vigorously investigated, because a $150 million dollar lawsuit has been filed against the Mayor, Beatty, Cummings and the City, over the failure of the police department to properly investigate the homicide of Tamara Greene.
Mayor Kilpatrick, Christine Beatty and Chief Ella Bully-Cummings should and must resign they have failed the duties of their office and the people of Detroit.
If they don't resign then the State must step in and remove them.
Sep 11, 2007 5:43 PM FYI...........
The verdict in the whistle blower case against the City and Mayor Kilpatrick shows the cesspool of corruption in the Detroit political leadership from the mayor, city council to school board continues - starting with Coleman Young and continuing today.
Detroit needs new political leadership ...now...and a new police chief not tied to the mayor...residents, visitors and Detroit police officers need to know that the Police Department is led by executives who make the best decisions to protect them - not political decisions.
Mayor Kilpatrick says we (Detroit) doesn't have the money to pay the judgement in the Brown / Neglthorpe lawsuit...BUT..... the City had $7million dollars to pave 10 acres of Belle Isle...and untold millions of $$$$ more for improvements of Belle Isle for the Grand Prix.
Kilpatrick should have friends and family pay the entire award...He has betrayed his oath of office and disgraced Detroit, not to mention allegations of criminal behavior that haven't been resolved - and no should be..now... Call the Detroit City Council (313 224 4500) and tell them to have Kilpatrick pay - and to stop any costly appeals.
Detroit needs new ethical political leadership...now...........david malhalab
Thursday, January 24, 2008
This is an update: because of the sex, lies and text messages revealed today by the Detroit Free Press (Schaefer / Elrick - 1/24/08)) about Mayor Kilpatrick and his Chief of Staff Christine Beatty.
I was suspended six days from the Detroit Police Dept for giving an interview to WDIV Chl 4 - Mike Lewis about Christine Beatty being stopped for speeding by two Detroit Police Officers. The Mayor said it may have been a 'set up' - he lied. It cost me six days pay and benefits, so that Chief Bully-Cummings could continue the coverup of the Mayor's sexual affair.
The two police officers who stopped Beatty were subject to vile and profane langauage and the filed a lawsuit, which may or may not have been resolved by now in the 5 figures. And this goes beyond to the Manogian Mansion lies and coverup and a possible homicide - that must now be more vigorously investigated, because a $150 million dollar lawsuit has been filed against the Mayor, Beatty, Cummings and the City, over the failure of the police department to properly investigate the homicide of Tamara Greene.
Mayor Kilpatrick, Christine Beatty and Chief Ella Bully-Cummings should and must resign they have failed the duties of their office and the people of Detroit.
If they don't resign then the State must step in and remove them.
Sept 11, 2007 5:43 PM FYI...........
The verdict in the whistle blower case against the City and Mayor Kilpatrick shows the cesspool of corruption in the Detroit political leadership from the mayor, city council to school board continues - starting with Coleman Young and continuing today.
Detroit needs new political leadership ...now...and a new police chief not tied to the mayor...residents, visitors and Detroit police officers need to know that the Police Department is led by executives who make the best decisions to protect them - not political decisions.
Mayor Kilpatrick says we (Detroit) doesn't have the money to pay the judgement in the Brown / Neglthorpe lawsuit...BUT..... the City had $7million dollars to pave 10 acres of Belle Isle...and untold millions of $$$$ more for improvements of Belle Isle for the Grand Prix.
Kilpatrick should have friends and family pay the entire award...He has betrayed his oath of office and disgraced Detroit, not to mention allegations of criminal behavior that haven't been resolved - and no should be..now... Call the Detroit City Council (313 224 4500) and tell them to have Kilpatrick pay - and to stop any costly appeals.
Detroit needs new ethical political leadership...now...........david malhalab
This is an update: because of the sex, lies and text messages revealed today by the Detroit Free Press (Schaefer / Elrick - 1/24/08)) about Mayor Kilpatrick and his Chief of Staff Christine Beatty.
I was suspended six days from the Detroit Police Dept for giving an interview to WDIV Chl 4 - Mike Lewis about Christine Beatty being stopped for speeding by two Detroit Police Officers. The Mayor said it may have been a 'set up' - he lied. It cost me six days pay and benefits, so that Chief Bully-Cummings could continue the coverup of the Mayor's sexual affair.
The two police officers who stopped Beatty were subject to vile and profane langauage and the filed a lawsuit, which may or may not have been resolved by now in the 5 figures. And this goes beyond to the Manogian Mansion lies and coverup and a possible homicide - that must now be more vigorously investigated, because a $150 million dollar lawsuit has been filed against the Mayor, Beatty, Cummings and the City, over the failure of the police department to properly investigate the homicide of Tamara Greene.
Mayor Kilpatrick, Christine Beatty and Chief Ella Bully-Cummings should and must resign they have failed the duties of their office and the people of Detroit.
If they don't resign then the State must step in and remove them.
Sept 11, 2007 5:43 PM FYI...........
The verdict in the whistle blower case against the City and Mayor Kilpatrick shows the cesspool of corruption in the Detroit political leadership from the mayor, city council to school board continues - starting with Coleman Young and continuing today.
Detroit needs new political leadership ...now...and a new police chief not tied to the mayor...residents, visitors and Detroit police officers need to know that the Police Department is led by executives who make the best decisions to protect them - not political decisions.
Mayor Kilpatrick says we (Detroit) doesn't have the money to pay the judgement in the Brown / Neglthorpe lawsuit...BUT..... the City had $7million dollars to pave 10 acres of Belle Isle...and untold millions of $$$$ more for improvements of Belle Isle for the Grand Prix.
Kilpatrick should have friends and family pay the entire award...He has betrayed his oath of office and disgraced Detroit, not to mention allegations of criminal behavior that haven't been resolved - and no should be..now... Call the Detroit City Council (313 224 4500) and tell them to have Kilpatrick pay - and to stop any costly appeals.
Detroit needs new ethical political leadership...now...........david malhalab
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