If you have gone shopping today - the Christmas Clearance Sales - you will have been confused and angry, that the items you wanted to purchase that you thought were marked down, were NOT...they didnt have an item price and the items were put on shelves with a generic 50 - 75% off signs, but they were mixed and matched, in some cases, with regular merchandise, allowing you to believe they were clearance items. In most cases - you couldn't tell what your purchase price was because - it was not priced and you had no way other than to go to the check out lines to find - the price.
Wal-Mart have shelves of Christmas merchandise next to regular store items and customers pushed and shoved them together and so no one knew what was clearance. There are not enough price scanners in any of Michigan stores and the Attorney General Bill Schutte is failing to monitor the - out of control - robbing of Michigan consumers.
Staples, CVS Drugs, Macy's, Target etc etc etc have failed to make the switch from item pricing to shelf pricing much more harder by failing to properly tag items on the shelves and to make them readable to seniors and customers with poor vision and anyone that can't bend down or raise up to see the pricing on the shelves.
The stores fail to have sufficient price scanners - and in locations so that customers don't have to drag merchandise around the store to get a price. Stores also, fail to have their computer pricing match, the regular price, discount price or clearance prices.
Michigan residents are being robbed, cheated - because their is no enforcement of the No Item Pricing law and the penalties are insufficient to force businesses or to encourage them to comply - the penalties are a joke - and with no enforcement
Michigan no recourse - complain to the AG Schuette - most resident just wont complain, to the AG or store manager - but you must.
If you have a problem with a purchase price, make a scene - get the manager and complain to him, complain to the corporate website by email or phone - Don't allow yourself to be robbed by businesses that make millions and billions of dollars, while you may be pinching pennies.
I don't know how other state get by without 'item pricing' but Michigan residents are not be protected.
The 99% must be protected...Republicans in Michigan are not doing it....DLM
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I accumulated 175, 630 PNC Bank Points (April 2007 - lost some) they are good for
48 months. I had to call their Manilla, Philippines call center to redeem them as cash - it took 36 minutes...
I redeemed 170,000+ points for $344.00....
What do you think?? - which are good programs and which are not - when I looked to buy something with them a year ago - the items for purchase were at MSRP (it seemed) and not a good it better to take cash???...............
Also - The non Item Pricing Law is cheating customers - stores are failing to post visible prices and those that are posted on shelves are too small for seniors or people wearing glasses to see...and stores are just not posting prices on items, leaving customers to lug item up to the cashiers.
Younkers in Lansing had at least 4 items with no price visible and their pricing kiosk was malfunctioning. Now four items don't sound like a lot - but I didn't check for more.
CVS has one price scanner - requiring you to lug any item across the store to it....they also have clearance items with no prices and computer prices, that dont tell you what the previous price was - so you dont know what the amount of savings are for an item.
Staples has a clearance shelf and table where some items are item priced and others that are not - and sometimes the price and computer price don't match up - leaving the buyer at the mercy of the store clerk to give a price.
There is a serious lack of price scanners in stores...and lack of enforcement to make stores comply - now consumers are at the mercy of stores - and their computers, which often are updated properly. Consumers are getting cheated.............................
Mail in Rebates - are cheating Michigan residents out of millions and millions of dollars - because of the extensive requirements that are needed to redeem the rebate: original receipt (what if you want to return item?), original or copied sales receipt, rebate form, etc...and you have to pay to mail it in...and then it may get lost in the mail or at the rebate center, and unless you are very very organized - you may never know that you didn't get a rebate.
Stores should be required by law - to issue the rebates at the cashier....that way customers get their rebates instantly, no muss no fuss...and if item is returned - the customer gets what he/she paid for item.
Contact your state legislator and tell them of your concerns and tell the store manager - you are upset with these failures to protect the consumer and register a complaint with the company via their websites...
We need to say: We deserve better - we deserve to be protected.
48 months. I had to call their Manilla, Philippines call center to redeem them as cash - it took 36 minutes...
I redeemed 170,000+ points for $344.00....
What do you think?? - which are good programs and which are not - when I looked to buy something with them a year ago - the items for purchase were at MSRP (it seemed) and not a good it better to take cash???...............
Also - The non Item Pricing Law is cheating customers - stores are failing to post visible prices and those that are posted on shelves are too small for seniors or people wearing glasses to see...and stores are just not posting prices on items, leaving customers to lug item up to the cashiers.
Younkers in Lansing had at least 4 items with no price visible and their pricing kiosk was malfunctioning. Now four items don't sound like a lot - but I didn't check for more.
CVS has one price scanner - requiring you to lug any item across the store to it....they also have clearance items with no prices and computer prices, that dont tell you what the previous price was - so you dont know what the amount of savings are for an item.
Staples has a clearance shelf and table where some items are item priced and others that are not - and sometimes the price and computer price don't match up - leaving the buyer at the mercy of the store clerk to give a price.
There is a serious lack of price scanners in stores...and lack of enforcement to make stores comply - now consumers are at the mercy of stores - and their computers, which often are updated properly. Consumers are getting cheated.............................
Mail in Rebates - are cheating Michigan residents out of millions and millions of dollars - because of the extensive requirements that are needed to redeem the rebate: original receipt (what if you want to return item?), original or copied sales receipt, rebate form, etc...and you have to pay to mail it in...and then it may get lost in the mail or at the rebate center, and unless you are very very organized - you may never know that you didn't get a rebate.
Stores should be required by law - to issue the rebates at the cashier....that way customers get their rebates instantly, no muss no fuss...and if item is returned - the customer gets what he/she paid for item.
Contact your state legislator and tell them of your concerns and tell the store manager - you are upset with these failures to protect the consumer and register a complaint with the company via their websites...
We need to say: We deserve better - we deserve to be protected.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Mayor Bing is wrong and misguided to support the shot spotter technology - Detroit needs basic items - not a luxury item that covers such a small area....
It may not even be legal to use Narcotic Forfeiture Fund money to purchase this item - (unless the City bends and twists the facts)
Mayor Bing is being mislead, that this will be better for DPD than other needed items - updating the aging fleet of old police cars - obtaining scout cars with working computers, oscillating lights, car video system that works...
DPD needs to comply with DOJ requirements, including a computer to track officer citizen complaints, and jail space to reduce prisoner medical costs...
The Mayor and the media have not addressed the current high costs of prisoner medical costs....
The Mayor MUST now help seat a Retired DPFF Pension Board member, as required by City Charter and State Law....Retirees have given up a 13th check, while the City and active unions benefited from a sick time agreement - and Retirees had their medical costs increased - but the City and others are preventing a Retiree Board Member...that is wrong....
The City just completed Act 312 contract with the DPOA / LSA ...why didn't this include the items the Mayor wanted??? Negotiations will begin in 2012 for a new contract.
DPD needs to raise hiring standards - to get better qualified officers which will reduce lawsuit payouts...
Ps..Detroit City Council President,Charles Pugh - agreed to another $8500. / 10% pay cut on WXYZ TV 7...Anchor Stephen Clark asked about a Council paycut - Pugh danced and dodged saying the Council took a pay cut and that they couldn't cut their own pay because a Compensation Committee sets their pay - Clark asked - 'Why don't you just give it back'...Pugh agreed / $8500...LET'S SEE IF HE FOLLOWS THROUGH...
It may not even be legal to use Narcotic Forfeiture Fund money to purchase this item - (unless the City bends and twists the facts)
Mayor Bing is being mislead, that this will be better for DPD than other needed items - updating the aging fleet of old police cars - obtaining scout cars with working computers, oscillating lights, car video system that works...
DPD needs to comply with DOJ requirements, including a computer to track officer citizen complaints, and jail space to reduce prisoner medical costs...
The Mayor and the media have not addressed the current high costs of prisoner medical costs....
The Mayor MUST now help seat a Retired DPFF Pension Board member, as required by City Charter and State Law....Retirees have given up a 13th check, while the City and active unions benefited from a sick time agreement - and Retirees had their medical costs increased - but the City and others are preventing a Retiree Board Member...that is wrong....
The City just completed Act 312 contract with the DPOA / LSA ...why didn't this include the items the Mayor wanted??? Negotiations will begin in 2012 for a new contract.
DPD needs to raise hiring standards - to get better qualified officers which will reduce lawsuit payouts...
Ps..Detroit City Council President,Charles Pugh - agreed to another $8500. / 10% pay cut on WXYZ TV 7...Anchor Stephen Clark asked about a Council paycut - Pugh danced and dodged saying the Council took a pay cut and that they couldn't cut their own pay because a Compensation Committee sets their pay - Clark asked - 'Why don't you just give it back'...Pugh agreed / $8500...LET'S SEE IF HE FOLLOWS THROUGH...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wayne County Airport Authority - Turkia Mullin...fiasco
The Wayne County Board of Commissioners should ask for the resignation of ALL the Wayne County Airport Authority members...
She is the best
Better than all the rest
Simply the best
Better than all the rest...... Turkia Mullin is on the Yellow Brick road to riches, after WCE Robert Ficano, 'threw her under the bus' thus paving the road for her very profitable lawsuits against the Wayne County Airport Authority and Wayne County.
The WCAA fired Mullin, as CEO of Detroit Metropolitan Airport, after hiring her, with no airport experience because 'she was the best candidate'
Now she is not so much a rising star but an embarrassment and Wayne County taxpayers are going to make a very large contribution to her future - retirement fund, in excess of $700,000.
The WCAA Board should be forced to resign - all of them for the hiring and firing of - Turkia Mullin - the Board is now and should be the focus of a federal criminal investigation for their actions and inactions.
She is the best
Better than all the rest
Simply the best
Better than all the rest...... Turkia Mullin is on the Yellow Brick road to riches, after WCE Robert Ficano, 'threw her under the bus' thus paving the road for her very profitable lawsuits against the Wayne County Airport Authority and Wayne County.
The WCAA fired Mullin, as CEO of Detroit Metropolitan Airport, after hiring her, with no airport experience because 'she was the best candidate'
Now she is not so much a rising star but an embarrassment and Wayne County taxpayers are going to make a very large contribution to her future - retirement fund, in excess of $700,000.
The WCAA Board should be forced to resign - all of them for the hiring and firing of - Turkia Mullin - the Board is now and should be the focus of a federal criminal investigation for their actions and inactions.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Protect Michigan residents and consumers - propose a law to BAN - mail in rebates !! Thousands of Michigan residents lose hundreds of millions of dollars, by being forced to mail in sales reciepts (some originals), fill out forms, and then use their own stamps to mail them in - and not recieve their rebates or have an avenue to pursue them.
Rebates can be given to customers at the time of purchase, with the rebate deducted back to the store, if the item is returned (so that no one loses).
Item pricing - decieving consumers - leaving them clueless - I dont know how other states do it - but Michigan companies are hurting consumers by not pricing items, so that it can be seen and not having pricing stations withing easy access needs revision. CSV Drugs, Staples, and ACO Hardware, make it hard to find out prices of items, and often don't have shelf pricing - A manager at ACO (W Chicago - Telegraph / Redford) told me customers knock off the pricing slips on the shelves and that ACO doesn't need to have pricing stations (because they cost $1,000 or more) and that big stores like Meijers can afford them.
DANGER: I spent part of my career trying to protect children from dangerous fireworks - and now the Michigan Legislature wants to expose children to injury and death - for more revenue!!Wrong...Illegal fireworks now under Michigan law can cause maiming, injurty and death to children - I have seen children as young as 5 with money in their hands trying to buy fireworks and unscrupulous vedors, ready to take their money.
What's more disturbing is that the Detroit Free Press endorses this lunacy !!
If Ohio and Indiana and other state sell Illegal and Dangerous fireworks - let them - Michigan does not have to emulate or conform to dangerous practices and laws -to get a few more dollars for the State Treasury.
Rebates can be given to customers at the time of purchase, with the rebate deducted back to the store, if the item is returned (so that no one loses).
Item pricing - decieving consumers - leaving them clueless - I dont know how other states do it - but Michigan companies are hurting consumers by not pricing items, so that it can be seen and not having pricing stations withing easy access needs revision. CSV Drugs, Staples, and ACO Hardware, make it hard to find out prices of items, and often don't have shelf pricing - A manager at ACO (W Chicago - Telegraph / Redford) told me customers knock off the pricing slips on the shelves and that ACO doesn't need to have pricing stations (because they cost $1,000 or more) and that big stores like Meijers can afford them.
DANGER: I spent part of my career trying to protect children from dangerous fireworks - and now the Michigan Legislature wants to expose children to injury and death - for more revenue!!Wrong...Illegal fireworks now under Michigan law can cause maiming, injurty and death to children - I have seen children as young as 5 with money in their hands trying to buy fireworks and unscrupulous vedors, ready to take their money.
What's more disturbing is that the Detroit Free Press endorses this lunacy !!
If Ohio and Indiana and other state sell Illegal and Dangerous fireworks - let them - Michigan does not have to emulate or conform to dangerous practices and laws -to get a few more dollars for the State Treasury.
Friday, October 21, 2011
On the new Detroit Charter - it does more hame than good.
Detroit does not need districts - there are too many council members - Now, they should have voted to reduce the Council to 5 to 7 members, not make up districts that will eventually be proliticized and patronage will infect them
The Detroit Board of Commissioners is already ineffective and to add more politics, is to, put Detroit residents and police officers in danger.
Vote NO...
On the new Detroit Charter - it does more hame than good.
Detroit does not need districts - there are too many council members - Now, they should have voted to reduce the Council to 5 to 7 members, not make up districts that will eventually be proliticized and patronage will infect them
The Detroit Board of Commissioners is already ineffective and to add more politics, is to, put Detroit residents and police officers in danger.
Vote NO...
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Detroit Economic Growth Corporation executives LIED...
DEGC executives lied to the City of Detoit Planning Commission, in regards to, their Tiger Stadium demolition request, and the DPC knew it, and denied their request.
DEGC executive lied to the Corktown Citizens Council.
NO one has held the DEGC accountable.
Many people suspect that the DEGC was doing the bidding of Mike Ilitch, part of a
group of 'wealthy private investors'. There were many proposals to preserve historic
Detroit Tiger Stadium as an entertainment venue, a tourist attraction and a revenue generator for Detroit. George Jackson and the DEGC did not make a decision 'in the best interests of Detroit' nor did they - 'help walk the deals through the complex process of buying city land, crafting creative financing with a web of tax credits and other incentives and otherwise nurturing deals from concept to ribbon cutting'. He, George Jackson (DEGC) made the decision 'to nix the proposals he (Jackson) finds inconsistent with his mission'.
A Detroit Free Press article,by John Gallagher (9/25/11) mentions several redevelopment projects that the DEGC was involved in, since George Jackson's appointment by disgraced convicted felon former X-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, but does not list, if there was any involvement by indicted Kilpatrick contractor Bobby Ferguson, who also is under indictment, as part of the Kilpatrick Mafia. Ferguson it seems was involved in all development and construction projects, under the Kilpatrick regime - Was the DEGC involved with him???
Jackson is quoted by Gallagher as saying "My job is to make a decision that's in the best interests of Detroit". He is now Mayor Bing's point man on the proposed M-1 Light Rail Plan, which is backed by a "group of wealthy private investors helping bankroll the light rail line".
But if Jackson and the DEGC really did 'what was in the best interests of Detroit', he would put the M1 plan on the back burner - and insist that SMART and DDOT merge into one (1) cohesive bus system that truly serves the residents of Detroit and the suburbs. Detroit residents now stand in the cold, wind, rain, snow and hot sun, for the most part without simple bus shelters, for a bus that is sometimes to most times running slow. People have lost their jobs, waiting for a DDOT bus - that is WRONG. Detroit residents need and deserve a modern efficient bus system. They are already subsidizing the out moded, tax subsidized, People Mover and an inefficient bus system - the M1 should be shelved for now, simply because Detroit can't afford it - but if wealthy private businessmen want to take complete control and financial responsibilites - GO FOR IT...
And why is the M1 running up Woodward - when a more productive and prosperous route would be between Detroit and Ann Arbor (home to the University of Michigan, properous Google offices, research companies, and other 21st Century companies). The answer maybe that wealthy businessmen want subsidizes, federal and state grants, to develop properties, they own and will make them, huge profits at public expense.
Apparently George Jackson, a Southfield city resident, after nine (9) years at the DEGC, not to mention 30 years before that - Jackson can't find a home in a wealty Detroit subdivision or an apartment or condo in Detroit, to his liking???? OMG and he professes to want to make decisions in the "best interests of Detroit"
Hopefully the FBI is investigating the DEGC. Detroit deserves better.
What do you think??? No is the time to speak up.
Read - John Gallegher's Cover Story: Jackson known for down-to-earth attitude, Sunday, September 25, 2011.
DEGC executives lied to the City of Detoit Planning Commission, in regards to, their Tiger Stadium demolition request, and the DPC knew it, and denied their request.
DEGC executive lied to the Corktown Citizens Council.
NO one has held the DEGC accountable.
Many people suspect that the DEGC was doing the bidding of Mike Ilitch, part of a
group of 'wealthy private investors'. There were many proposals to preserve historic
Detroit Tiger Stadium as an entertainment venue, a tourist attraction and a revenue generator for Detroit. George Jackson and the DEGC did not make a decision 'in the best interests of Detroit' nor did they - 'help walk the deals through the complex process of buying city land, crafting creative financing with a web of tax credits and other incentives and otherwise nurturing deals from concept to ribbon cutting'. He, George Jackson (DEGC) made the decision 'to nix the proposals he (Jackson) finds inconsistent with his mission'.
A Detroit Free Press article,by John Gallagher (9/25/11) mentions several redevelopment projects that the DEGC was involved in, since George Jackson's appointment by disgraced convicted felon former X-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, but does not list, if there was any involvement by indicted Kilpatrick contractor Bobby Ferguson, who also is under indictment, as part of the Kilpatrick Mafia. Ferguson it seems was involved in all development and construction projects, under the Kilpatrick regime - Was the DEGC involved with him???
Jackson is quoted by Gallagher as saying "My job is to make a decision that's in the best interests of Detroit". He is now Mayor Bing's point man on the proposed M-1 Light Rail Plan, which is backed by a "group of wealthy private investors helping bankroll the light rail line".
But if Jackson and the DEGC really did 'what was in the best interests of Detroit', he would put the M1 plan on the back burner - and insist that SMART and DDOT merge into one (1) cohesive bus system that truly serves the residents of Detroit and the suburbs. Detroit residents now stand in the cold, wind, rain, snow and hot sun, for the most part without simple bus shelters, for a bus that is sometimes to most times running slow. People have lost their jobs, waiting for a DDOT bus - that is WRONG. Detroit residents need and deserve a modern efficient bus system. They are already subsidizing the out moded, tax subsidized, People Mover and an inefficient bus system - the M1 should be shelved for now, simply because Detroit can't afford it - but if wealthy private businessmen want to take complete control and financial responsibilites - GO FOR IT...
And why is the M1 running up Woodward - when a more productive and prosperous route would be between Detroit and Ann Arbor (home to the University of Michigan, properous Google offices, research companies, and other 21st Century companies). The answer maybe that wealthy businessmen want subsidizes, federal and state grants, to develop properties, they own and will make them, huge profits at public expense.
Apparently George Jackson, a Southfield city resident, after nine (9) years at the DEGC, not to mention 30 years before that - Jackson can't find a home in a wealty Detroit subdivision or an apartment or condo in Detroit, to his liking???? OMG and he professes to want to make decisions in the "best interests of Detroit"
Hopefully the FBI is investigating the DEGC. Detroit deserves better.
What do you think??? No is the time to speak up.
Read - John Gallegher's Cover Story: Jackson known for down-to-earth attitude, Sunday, September 25, 2011.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Inductees into the Mi Sports Hall of Fame should have their plaques hung in a museum at Michigan-Trumbull, which would also house the Ernie Harwell Collection...using a $3.8m Federal grant - and the Mayor and Council should accept Chevrolet's offer to preserve the Tiger Stadium baseball field - that would create a Michigan Field of Dreams - a tourist attraction, and generate money for the City.
The Mayor and Council should exclude George Jackson (who maybe under FBI investigation) and the DEGC from any discussion about Tiger Stadium area use.
The DEGC lied to the Corktown Community Association - telling them that Tiger Stadium
was too dilapidated and unsafe, inside for the group to inspect / tour...
The DEGC lied to the Detroit Planning Commission about Tiger Stadium..
Ken Cockrel told me that Mike Ilitch owed the City - money, for failing to maintain and secure Tiger Stadium per City agreements...Ken Cockrel told me that he would do everything he could to get the money back. One estimate is that Mike Ilitch owes the City up to $12 million dollars...
If it were not for George Jackson, the DEGC and Mike Ilitch - Tiger Stadium - today - would have been a tourist attraction, and entertainment / sports facility that could be producing more revenue to the City, than any costs to the City.
Use the federal grant and the Chevrolet offer to make Tiger Stadium grounds an asset to the City...NOW...
The Mayor and Council should exclude George Jackson (who maybe under FBI investigation) and the DEGC from any discussion about Tiger Stadium area use.
The DEGC lied to the Corktown Community Association - telling them that Tiger Stadium
was too dilapidated and unsafe, inside for the group to inspect / tour...
The DEGC lied to the Detroit Planning Commission about Tiger Stadium..
Ken Cockrel told me that Mike Ilitch owed the City - money, for failing to maintain and secure Tiger Stadium per City agreements...Ken Cockrel told me that he would do everything he could to get the money back. One estimate is that Mike Ilitch owes the City up to $12 million dollars...
If it were not for George Jackson, the DEGC and Mike Ilitch - Tiger Stadium - today - would have been a tourist attraction, and entertainment / sports facility that could be producing more revenue to the City, than any costs to the City.
Use the federal grant and the Chevrolet offer to make Tiger Stadium grounds an asset to the City...NOW...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Detroit is a dysfunctional city - with poor political leadership, a police department with poor leadership, an ineffective city council...can it be saved????
Can Detroit be saved - looking at the newspapers headlines and TV investigative reports, it doesn't look like it can be saved - at this time..
Scott Lewis, of WXYZ / ABC TV, aired a report about the Detroit Pulic Lighting Department and its decaying infrastructure, that injured a city worker - dark streets, light poles with missing covers, light poles that have been knocked over and left, and a underground system that is a danger to employees and residents.
And the City has not done preventive let alone preemptive repair work for year - leaving the city constantly in danger of major power failures.
Detroit is a dsyfunctional city..........
Former Mayor Kilpatrick a curse on the City, got a standing ovation at a book signing at a church in Detroit - leaving suburbanites, city residents and lovers of Detroit to ponder if some Detroiters can ever realize the damage he has done - whether he can 'man up' and take responsibily for his criminal behavior and tell the truth to himself, family and the public. He continually blames, the media, the prosecutor, the judges, and Detroit haters - for his problems, while still lying to his supporters and the public.
Mayor Bing and City Council want to 'move on' but don't realize the City can't move on until the Kilpatrick trials are finished - with years left to go.
Detroit can save itself, if it stands up and realize that after 30 years of bad leadership, it needs to open the City to all who want to contribute - by ending 'local (racial) preferences' in hirings and giving preference to companies who are located in Detroit (creating sham companies) to get City contracts. 'Local preference' has damaged the City by requiring companies to hire Detroit residents, in order to get City of Detroit contracts.
Detroit has a 60+ illeteracy rate, a 60+ plus school dropout rate - Detroit needs to hire qualified people and companies that can contribute to the rebuilding of Detroit.
Detroit has a multitude of problems - including a failed and poor school system etc etc etc - but it can be saved, by being inclusive and that should be the goal.
Can Detroit be saved - looking at the newspapers headlines and TV investigative reports, it doesn't look like it can be saved - at this time..
Scott Lewis, of WXYZ / ABC TV, aired a report about the Detroit Pulic Lighting Department and its decaying infrastructure, that injured a city worker - dark streets, light poles with missing covers, light poles that have been knocked over and left, and a underground system that is a danger to employees and residents.
And the City has not done preventive let alone preemptive repair work for year - leaving the city constantly in danger of major power failures.
Detroit is a dsyfunctional city..........
Former Mayor Kilpatrick a curse on the City, got a standing ovation at a book signing at a church in Detroit - leaving suburbanites, city residents and lovers of Detroit to ponder if some Detroiters can ever realize the damage he has done - whether he can 'man up' and take responsibily for his criminal behavior and tell the truth to himself, family and the public. He continually blames, the media, the prosecutor, the judges, and Detroit haters - for his problems, while still lying to his supporters and the public.
Mayor Bing and City Council want to 'move on' but don't realize the City can't move on until the Kilpatrick trials are finished - with years left to go.
Detroit can save itself, if it stands up and realize that after 30 years of bad leadership, it needs to open the City to all who want to contribute - by ending 'local (racial) preferences' in hirings and giving preference to companies who are located in Detroit (creating sham companies) to get City contracts. 'Local preference' has damaged the City by requiring companies to hire Detroit residents, in order to get City of Detroit contracts.
Detroit has a 60+ illeteracy rate, a 60+ plus school dropout rate - Detroit needs to hire qualified people and companies that can contribute to the rebuilding of Detroit.
Detroit has a multitude of problems - including a failed and poor school system etc etc etc - but it can be saved, by being inclusive and that should be the goal.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Michigan Open Carry Law - is wrong...
The Second Amendment does not guarantee that every citizen can carry a gun - this Amendment was written in the 1791 - 220 years ago, when war weary American's were afraid of the British, French, Canadians, Germans, Native Americans - there was no US Army, no organized militias, no state police, no local police, you had to protect your family and home by yourself, by any means necessary, it was a dangerous times.
This is a contentious issue, 220 years later - now the United States has a standing Army,National Guard, FBI, Border Patrol, state and local police etc etc etc, crime is on the rise and fear mongers are every where, disguised as politicians, private citizens, and opportunists ready to stir up trouble and make money.
Carrying a gun is a dangerous and serious undertaking and should only be done by trained professionals - I would not prevent a person from possessing a gun - in the home - or the use of it to protect the home and family, but to take the gun onto the streets - must be strictly regulated, and so should the registration and purchase of guns / weapons. {note: you are more likely to kill a family member, in the home, husband, wife, children, that a burglar}.
I am a retired Detroit Police Officer and spent eight weeks - training, shooting and learning the law on 'when to shoot'...currently to obtain a CPL, it takes eight (8) hours of supposed training to pass a required course. I have a CPL, I have been properly trained to carry a weapon and know 'when to shoot'...
I do not know all of the provisions of the Open Carry Gun Law, but restrictions include areas that a gun may not be carried open or concealed by the public, which presents, to me a 'clear and present danger' to the public at large - guns cannot be carried onto 'pistol free zones': school property, college campuses, bars, restaurants, sports arenas, churches - so a person with a lawful permit has to store the gun in their vehicle - an unsafe place to secure a gun of any kind, considering the number of breaking and entering's to motor vehicles, and especially dangerous, if other people know that a location is where - gun carrying people congregate.
The National Rifle Association is and has been irresponsible in opposing common sense laws, concerning the registration and ownership of guns - and most especially assault style weapons, most recently used to kill National Guard personnel in an IHOP, in Nevada, and responsible for hundreds of deaths in the US, Mexico and around the world. There is no need for a US resident to own a military assault weapon.
Michigan has experienced no upsurge in shootings because of 'open carry' or the easing of getting a CPL, but neither has there been a decrease in crime - but a gun, in the hands of an insufficiently trained person is a threat to the general public.
The Second Amendment does not guarantee that every citizen can carry a gun - this Amendment was written in the 1791 - 220 years ago, when war weary American's were afraid of the British, French, Canadians, Germans, Native Americans - there was no US Army, no organized militias, no state police, no local police, you had to protect your family and home by yourself, by any means necessary, it was a dangerous times.
This is a contentious issue, 220 years later - now the United States has a standing Army,National Guard, FBI, Border Patrol, state and local police etc etc etc, crime is on the rise and fear mongers are every where, disguised as politicians, private citizens, and opportunists ready to stir up trouble and make money.
Carrying a gun is a dangerous and serious undertaking and should only be done by trained professionals - I would not prevent a person from possessing a gun - in the home - or the use of it to protect the home and family, but to take the gun onto the streets - must be strictly regulated, and so should the registration and purchase of guns / weapons. {note: you are more likely to kill a family member, in the home, husband, wife, children, that a burglar}.
I am a retired Detroit Police Officer and spent eight weeks - training, shooting and learning the law on 'when to shoot'...currently to obtain a CPL, it takes eight (8) hours of supposed training to pass a required course. I have a CPL, I have been properly trained to carry a weapon and know 'when to shoot'...
I do not know all of the provisions of the Open Carry Gun Law, but restrictions include areas that a gun may not be carried open or concealed by the public, which presents, to me a 'clear and present danger' to the public at large - guns cannot be carried onto 'pistol free zones': school property, college campuses, bars, restaurants, sports arenas, churches - so a person with a lawful permit has to store the gun in their vehicle - an unsafe place to secure a gun of any kind, considering the number of breaking and entering's to motor vehicles, and especially dangerous, if other people know that a location is where - gun carrying people congregate.
The National Rifle Association is and has been irresponsible in opposing common sense laws, concerning the registration and ownership of guns - and most especially assault style weapons, most recently used to kill National Guard personnel in an IHOP, in Nevada, and responsible for hundreds of deaths in the US, Mexico and around the world. There is no need for a US resident to own a military assault weapon.
Michigan has experienced no upsurge in shootings because of 'open carry' or the easing of getting a CPL, but neither has there been a decrease in crime - but a gun, in the hands of an insufficiently trained person is a threat to the general public.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
9/11/01 - YELLOW RIBBON, Another 'DAY OF INFAMY'
9/11/01...Another 'Day of Infamy'...after members of Claudia Duff's family got word that she survived and escaped the collapse of the Twin Towers, in New York, after terrorists flew airplanes into them - they put a yellow ribbon around the maple tree in her front yard, on Appleton street, in Dearborn Heights.
photo credit: David L. Malhalab M News Service / MNS Photo (313 580 2393)
Friday, September 2, 2011
David Malhalab, who retired from the Detroit Police Department in 2005 after 21 years of patrolling some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, said putting more officers on the street will have little effect if the department takes away from other vital resources.
"You need police officers in the precincts; you need detectives," Malhalab said. "What good is having 50 extra cops on the street and only two detectives? The reports generated by the patrol officers go to the detectives, and if there aren't enough detectives, those reports will pile up on somebody's desk and the crimes will never get solved."
"You've got to have good community relations, but you can't have that with a dysfunctional city," Malhalab said. "If the residents have a streetlight out in their area, they need to see someone come turn that on. If not, they lose faith in the city — which means they lose faith in the police."
From The Detroit News:’s-deadliest-neighborhood#ixzz1Wqy1PwFr
please read and leave a comment / email it on..........David malhalab 313 580 2393
Hey David,
Just a couple tid bits on the "Inside Out" crap that I have been working since it started....
It is all for show... I say add some horses and hulu hoops and you have a great little act going on. Here are some facts about it.
Yes it is officers that normally have an inside job. Some of us havent been off the street for but a few months (and I have almost 16 years of patrol.) Others have been off of the street for 10 or 15years.
Does anyone realize the things that have changed in that amount of time? The dept scrapes together the bottom of the barrel cars for us to use because they are so short of cars regular patrol officers need the "working" ones. So now you have a car. It is not equipped with a computer, camera or mics (the camera is DOJ mandated for ALL patrol function cars.) And if you do have a computer the officers that have been off of the street have no clue what CAD (computer aided dispatch) is or even have a sign on for LEIN anymore.
Next you have new laws. Then they are taking officers from the west side of the city and putting them on the east side. These officers all come from the same district so unless you have worked over there you now have two officers in a car that have no clue what so ever.
The Lt. that is running the circus gives you a map that you cannot read even if you have a magnifying glass. Now you would think we would be able to go out and talk to people but when you are on the east side where they say all of the shootings are happening and you have no clue where you are going because the street lights are out, you have no clue where the drug houses or the "bad" guys even hang out. I say this, I think I have been a pretty damn good street cop in all of my years, but I am still alive because I have some smarts and common sense. This leads to NO common sense what so ever.
And the numbers are bull crap. We have had around 10 cars out there. He takes us to one area on 7 mile for an hour to "do traffic." Then an hour later we are moved to another little strip of seven mile.
They have changed our hours numerous times. During the 12 hour shifts we had to work days because most of us come back and have an "early" shift to work the next day. Here is an example of what they do to me and a lot of other officers. I have to work it on Wed's. I have to be at the precinct early to change and get a car and be out of the precinct by 6:45pm.
I then go to the east side for a 1/2 hour role call so they can blow smoke somewhere to try and convince us if we don't produce then we will lose our jobs that they think are so great (putting us in another precinct on another shift etc.) Then we "do what we are told" and go back to the precinct by 3am. I get home about 4am. Go figure, because I normally work 7am~3p. (I do have a son and work this shift for a reason.)
Then I am suppose to either come back at 7 a or change my shift hours because they said we could have "flex time" when the heck did the city start using flex time? SO then for 2 days out of 5 my schedule is all messed up and alot of my work gets shoved aside waiting for me to catch up on.
Now I have 4 days to do 5 days worth of work and the day after my "Inside Out" I am so exhausted that I can't completely focus.
A couple weeks ago (after inside out had been going for about 2 1/2 weeks there was a commander that went to one of the comp stat meetings who spoke up and said that the crime has only decreased (he happens to work on the east side) only .04% since inside out was there!!! So what is inside out doing? Nothing but screwing with officers who are working very hard to get the city in compliance with DOJ crap! (Yes we work on A LOT of DOJ stuff. And YES inside out is messing with our work.
We have plenty of younger rookie officers who are probably willing to work a little OT or 30 series or Tac Mobile or lets try bring out SRT and the tank to these areas. Not officers who have other jobs or have advanced their career beyond the street.
Any questions??? lol
ps: These comments and more that I have heard, confirm what I have been saying for years: The Detroit Police Department has failed leadership !!!. It cannot properly protect the residents of Detroit nor its own officers. Detroit needs new respected nationally recruited leadership - a New Police Chief, not associated with the nepotism, favoritism, and cronyism that has been a cancer on the Department for over 30 years. Detroit residents and police officers deserve better...
Now is the time to stand up and Demand and leave a comments...DLM
"You need police officers in the precincts; you need detectives," Malhalab said. "What good is having 50 extra cops on the street and only two detectives? The reports generated by the patrol officers go to the detectives, and if there aren't enough detectives, those reports will pile up on somebody's desk and the crimes will never get solved."
"You've got to have good community relations, but you can't have that with a dysfunctional city," Malhalab said. "If the residents have a streetlight out in their area, they need to see someone come turn that on. If not, they lose faith in the city — which means they lose faith in the police."
From The Detroit News:’s-deadliest-neighborhood#ixzz1Wqy1PwFr
please read and leave a comment / email it on..........David malhalab 313 580 2393
Hey David,
Just a couple tid bits on the "Inside Out" crap that I have been working since it started....
It is all for show... I say add some horses and hulu hoops and you have a great little act going on. Here are some facts about it.
Yes it is officers that normally have an inside job. Some of us havent been off the street for but a few months (and I have almost 16 years of patrol.) Others have been off of the street for 10 or 15years.
Does anyone realize the things that have changed in that amount of time? The dept scrapes together the bottom of the barrel cars for us to use because they are so short of cars regular patrol officers need the "working" ones. So now you have a car. It is not equipped with a computer, camera or mics (the camera is DOJ mandated for ALL patrol function cars.) And if you do have a computer the officers that have been off of the street have no clue what CAD (computer aided dispatch) is or even have a sign on for LEIN anymore.
Next you have new laws. Then they are taking officers from the west side of the city and putting them on the east side. These officers all come from the same district so unless you have worked over there you now have two officers in a car that have no clue what so ever.
The Lt. that is running the circus gives you a map that you cannot read even if you have a magnifying glass. Now you would think we would be able to go out and talk to people but when you are on the east side where they say all of the shootings are happening and you have no clue where you are going because the street lights are out, you have no clue where the drug houses or the "bad" guys even hang out. I say this, I think I have been a pretty damn good street cop in all of my years, but I am still alive because I have some smarts and common sense. This leads to NO common sense what so ever.
And the numbers are bull crap. We have had around 10 cars out there. He takes us to one area on 7 mile for an hour to "do traffic." Then an hour later we are moved to another little strip of seven mile.
They have changed our hours numerous times. During the 12 hour shifts we had to work days because most of us come back and have an "early" shift to work the next day. Here is an example of what they do to me and a lot of other officers. I have to work it on Wed's. I have to be at the precinct early to change and get a car and be out of the precinct by 6:45pm.
I then go to the east side for a 1/2 hour role call so they can blow smoke somewhere to try and convince us if we don't produce then we will lose our jobs that they think are so great (putting us in another precinct on another shift etc.) Then we "do what we are told" and go back to the precinct by 3am. I get home about 4am. Go figure, because I normally work 7am~3p. (I do have a son and work this shift for a reason.)
Then I am suppose to either come back at 7 a or change my shift hours because they said we could have "flex time" when the heck did the city start using flex time? SO then for 2 days out of 5 my schedule is all messed up and alot of my work gets shoved aside waiting for me to catch up on.
Now I have 4 days to do 5 days worth of work and the day after my "Inside Out" I am so exhausted that I can't completely focus.
A couple weeks ago (after inside out had been going for about 2 1/2 weeks there was a commander that went to one of the comp stat meetings who spoke up and said that the crime has only decreased (he happens to work on the east side) only .04% since inside out was there!!! So what is inside out doing? Nothing but screwing with officers who are working very hard to get the city in compliance with DOJ crap! (Yes we work on A LOT of DOJ stuff. And YES inside out is messing with our work.
We have plenty of younger rookie officers who are probably willing to work a little OT or 30 series or Tac Mobile or lets try bring out SRT and the tank to these areas. Not officers who have other jobs or have advanced their career beyond the street.
Any questions??? lol
ps: These comments and more that I have heard, confirm what I have been saying for years: The Detroit Police Department has failed leadership !!!. It cannot properly protect the residents of Detroit nor its own officers. Detroit needs new respected nationally recruited leadership - a New Police Chief, not associated with the nepotism, favoritism, and cronyism that has been a cancer on the Department for over 30 years. Detroit residents and police officers deserve better...
Now is the time to stand up and Demand and leave a comments...DLM
Monday, August 15, 2011
August 19..Detroit had nine active shooting locations - 15 people shot - six dead,
bloody bloody day into night, 24 hours of violence that continues, 215 homicides (as of August 8, add 6 more at least - 221) at this pace Detroit will have the highest homicide rate this decade.
Mayor Dave Bing, continues to say that Public Safety is #1 priority - but but he hasn't commited the resources to make it so, and he is hindered by Police Chief Godbee, who is not respected by DPD officers and who announces 'smoke and mirror' programs (a DPOA rep comment) but one that I have used over and over to try and get the media to hold Bing and Godbee accountable. Read - Questions that should be asked..please leave your comments.
Ask the Mayor... who has said 'Public Safety is Priority One' ....over and over and over again and again...BUT
* has he authorized 'unlimited overtime' for DPD...?
12 hour shifts will not solve the homicide issue...
12 hour shifts have been tried before and failed...morale issue among others..
Allowing supervisors to use 'overtime' or even mandatory overtime allows for 'flexibility'in utilizing officers...
* has he gotten more jail space....?
if officers can't arrest people because 50% of jail space was closed (EBC) ...what good is extending POs hours...?
* has he authorized priority repair of police vehicles (also fire / ems)?
* why hasn't he meet with police unions to seek their advice ...?
dpoa / lsa / cou / may have good suggestions for use of personnel...
* has he talked to Gary Brown / James Tate - to get his perspective on improving
the dpd?
Ask the Chief:
* why hasn't he replaced Crisnet report system
(keeps officers off the street too long - wrong system for dpd...ebc / evans said they would replace it - years ago)
* what other plans has he thought about - other than 12 hour shifts...?
* what arrests are being discouraged - because of lack of jail space?
* what specific officers are being put on the street ( Inside - Out program)?
Some officers are needed in the station to service officers and the public - are they being endangered or not properly serviced by this program....?
* why does dpd need 21 commanders...5 deputy chiefs...?
what are their duties..why can't they utilize inspectors more... 50% of precincts were closed - was there a corresponding downsizing of police executives??? (NO)
* why is there no additional jail space available...?
* what is the average costs for prisoner medical treatments at emergency room visits..?
what is the total yearly medical costs for dpd prisoners....?
* what is the chief doing to improve morale..?
re: after contract, improving equipment, working conditions...
* how often does the chief visit police stations and talk to offices / supervisors?
* what is his plan to get more money - to hire more officers?
average age of dpd officer is 42 -
Jim wrote: "hey dave did their plans include 5-6 hundred new cops and working equipment????"
* is he going to recommend raising the hiring standards, eliminate discrimination in hiring...? A GED is not enough education for a modern progressive police department...better background investigations...raising the hiring age...
* has he talked to Gary Brown who says he could save $8m in the dpd budget..?
Brown was a dpd insider...what are his plans to improve dpd and reduce crime...
You must hold the Mayor, the Council and the Police Chief accountable for their
actions and more importantly their inactions and statements that don't really improve public safety, but meant to fool the public.
supplementary questions...ASK THE MAYOR...ASK THE CHIEF...
* will they suspend Secondary employment program to make more officers available to work overtime...?
* how many officers are working Secondary employment?
* list of all businesses that are using officers (bars / liquor stores / clubs - etc)
* can these officers be ordered to work OT vs. secondary jobs..?
* how much overtime is dpd using each month?...?
bloody bloody day into night, 24 hours of violence that continues, 215 homicides (as of August 8, add 6 more at least - 221) at this pace Detroit will have the highest homicide rate this decade.
Mayor Dave Bing, continues to say that Public Safety is #1 priority - but but he hasn't commited the resources to make it so, and he is hindered by Police Chief Godbee, who is not respected by DPD officers and who announces 'smoke and mirror' programs (a DPOA rep comment) but one that I have used over and over to try and get the media to hold Bing and Godbee accountable. Read - Questions that should be asked..please leave your comments.
Ask the Mayor... who has said 'Public Safety is Priority One' ....over and over and over again and again...BUT
* has he authorized 'unlimited overtime' for DPD...?
12 hour shifts will not solve the homicide issue...
12 hour shifts have been tried before and failed...morale issue among others..
Allowing supervisors to use 'overtime' or even mandatory overtime allows for 'flexibility'in utilizing officers...
* has he gotten more jail space....?
if officers can't arrest people because 50% of jail space was closed (EBC) ...what good is extending POs hours...?
* has he authorized priority repair of police vehicles (also fire / ems)?
* why hasn't he meet with police unions to seek their advice ...?
dpoa / lsa / cou / may have good suggestions for use of personnel...
* has he talked to Gary Brown / James Tate - to get his perspective on improving
the dpd?
Ask the Chief:
* why hasn't he replaced Crisnet report system
(keeps officers off the street too long - wrong system for dpd...ebc / evans said they would replace it - years ago)
* what other plans has he thought about - other than 12 hour shifts...?
* what arrests are being discouraged - because of lack of jail space?
* what specific officers are being put on the street ( Inside - Out program)?
Some officers are needed in the station to service officers and the public - are they being endangered or not properly serviced by this program....?
* why does dpd need 21 commanders...5 deputy chiefs...?
what are their duties..why can't they utilize inspectors more... 50% of precincts were closed - was there a corresponding downsizing of police executives??? (NO)
* why is there no additional jail space available...?
* what is the average costs for prisoner medical treatments at emergency room visits..?
what is the total yearly medical costs for dpd prisoners....?
* what is the chief doing to improve morale..?
re: after contract, improving equipment, working conditions...
* how often does the chief visit police stations and talk to offices / supervisors?
* what is his plan to get more money - to hire more officers?
average age of dpd officer is 42 -
Jim wrote: "hey dave did their plans include 5-6 hundred new cops and working equipment????"
* is he going to recommend raising the hiring standards, eliminate discrimination in hiring...? A GED is not enough education for a modern progressive police department...better background investigations...raising the hiring age...
* has he talked to Gary Brown who says he could save $8m in the dpd budget..?
Brown was a dpd insider...what are his plans to improve dpd and reduce crime...
You must hold the Mayor, the Council and the Police Chief accountable for their
actions and more importantly their inactions and statements that don't really improve public safety, but meant to fool the public.
supplementary questions...ASK THE MAYOR...ASK THE CHIEF...
* will they suspend Secondary employment program to make more officers available to work overtime...?
* how many officers are working Secondary employment?
* list of all businesses that are using officers (bars / liquor stores / clubs - etc)
* can these officers be ordered to work OT vs. secondary jobs..?
* how much overtime is dpd using each month?...?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is Arson a crime? It maybe, Wayne County Prosecutor Kim Worthy, added a special prosecutor to handle the rapidly expanding arson cases, but a Wayne County Circuit Court Judge MARGIE BRAXTON, apparently thinks ARSON isn't a big deal - even if the arsonist is from the suburbs and did his crime in Detroit - to an apartment building.
BRAXTON gave Giovanni Naccarato, of Dearborn Heights, who burned an apartment building - after getting the residents out by saying, there was going to be an 'insect fumigation.' - so nobody died, 'no blood on the floor'.
Naccarato, in a insurance for profit arson, faced multiple felony charges carrying 20+ year prison time, but he plead guilty, and faced state mandated minimum sentence of four years (4) and six (6) years maximum. He got probation and maybe restitution. Overcrowding and lack of jail space is given as an excuse. He would get more jail time for - dumping garbage in Detroit, for drunk driving (with no injuries)
for selling small amounts of 'crack / cocaine') etc etc etc...
Arson is a dangerous crime - 11,326 suspicious fires in Michigan in 2010, 11,767 in 2009. The payouts by insurance companies is in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Firefighters lives are put at risk, even at vacant arson fires - they deserve better and real accountability.
The probation sentence, in the first prosecution with the special arson prosecutor, sends a powerful message throughout Michigan - Arson isnt a real crime, come to Detroit and learn your arson craft - if caught - you may face probation, not real jail / prison time. It says Detroit is open - buy property in Detroit and if you cant resell it or make a profit - burn it down and collect insurance; help right size, down size Detroit burn down abandon houses, apartments, buildings etc etc etc..
This is the wrong messages - Prosecutor Worthy is appealing this Wrong senctence, and hopefully some Wayne County Judge or an appellate judge will send a right message - Arson is a real, dangerous, crime that deserves, jail / prison time. Lives are always affected by Arson - victims deserve justice and accountability, and Arsonists deserve jail / prison time, a long time.
read the Detroit News article (7/18/2011) Arson Crackdown Goes Up In Smoke, by Doug Guthrie, Santiago Esparza, for more read the rest of the story.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Republican Party, and their right wing subsection - Tea Party (?) synchophats...are endangering the US Economy...Your job, your paycheck, your savings and retirement! !
The Republican Party refuses to make a deal to increase the US debt limit, and have the whole world looking at a disfunctional American Government, wondering if they can't do it - American Democracy - how are we supposed to control our economy.
The Republican Party refuses to tax the RICH, people making over $250,000., people with that kind of money can afford to help save the poor and elderly - and it won't hurt them to shop less at Tiffany's, Bon Mar, Parisian, BMW and Lexus dealers, they can eat less caviar, drink less Moet champagne...etc etc etc...
The Republican Party wants to allow the Big Oil companies to keep their subsidzes, to allow food to be made into gas (raising corn / food prices) and to allow $6 billion dollars in corn subsidizes, while the poor and elderly can't afford good food and quality medical care - which raises public health costs.
The Republican Party and Tea Party faithful refuse to acknowledge that the Bush tax cuts - have failed. It is President Bush, that gave us two (2) wars. It was Bush that depleted the Clinton budget surplus. It is not 'playing the blame game' it is a matter of acknowledging history and learning from the past.
The Republican Party refuses to make a deal to increase the US debt limit, and have the whole world looking at a disfunctional American Government, wondering if they can't do it - American Democracy - how are we supposed to control our economy.
The Republican Party refuses to tax the RICH, people making over $250,000., people with that kind of money can afford to help save the poor and elderly - and it won't hurt them to shop less at Tiffany's, Bon Mar, Parisian, BMW and Lexus dealers, they can eat less caviar, drink less Moet champagne...etc etc etc...
The Republican Party wants to allow the Big Oil companies to keep their subsidzes, to allow food to be made into gas (raising corn / food prices) and to allow $6 billion dollars in corn subsidizes, while the poor and elderly can't afford good food and quality medical care - which raises public health costs.
The Republican Party and Tea Party faithful refuse to acknowledge that the Bush tax cuts - have failed. It is President Bush, that gave us two (2) wars. It was Bush that depleted the Clinton budget surplus. It is not 'playing the blame game' it is a matter of acknowledging history and learning from the past.
Friday, July 8, 2011
President Obama should reset the priorites for NASA - land a man on the moon and establish a permanent scientific base - from which to explore space.
We were second in the space race, after the USSR / Russia launched Sputnik and then we / the USA played catch up - We won - We put a man on the moon. We planted the flag, but we retreated (some say, we never landed on the moon).
President Kennedy set an ambitious goal - President Obama should extend the Shuttle Program and resend our astronauts to the MOON, a no less ambitious goal, that we can meet and lead the world.
We must save the Space Shuttle - we should not, cannot depend on the Russians, the Chinese, or others to pass us by...we cannot depend on other countries to carry our astronauts into space and return them. The Space Shuttle may not have fulfilled its entire objectives, but it has been a dependable reliable method of putting astronauts into space, and bringing them home - to the USA, and a reliable cargo carrier to the Space Station. The Space Shuttle program should be continued and we should land a man on the moon - not an astroid or Mars or any other place, until the moon is colonized as a scientific base.
We were second in the space race, after the USSR / Russia launched Sputnik and then we / the USA played catch up - We won - We put a man on the moon. We planted the flag, but we retreated (some say, we never landed on the moon).
President Kennedy set an ambitious goal - President Obama should extend the Shuttle Program and resend our astronauts to the MOON, a no less ambitious goal, that we can meet and lead the world.
We must save the Space Shuttle - we should not, cannot depend on the Russians, the Chinese, or others to pass us by...we cannot depend on other countries to carry our astronauts into space and return them. The Space Shuttle may not have fulfilled its entire objectives, but it has been a dependable reliable method of putting astronauts into space, and bringing them home - to the USA, and a reliable cargo carrier to the Space Station. The Space Shuttle program should be continued and we should land a man on the moon - not an astroid or Mars or any other place, until the moon is colonized as a scientific base.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
DEADLY and DANGEROUS fireworks popular in Michigan - should have been the headline for Francis X. Donnelly's story, Detroit News, on 4th of July fireworks.
"The top quality of life complaint by residents", Dearborn Police Chief Ron Haddad said - and 'several hundred {300+} complaints (of fireworks)'...
400 complaints (fireworks)..Livingston County Sheriff Bob Bezotte, "There's not much's a matter of priorities, if nothing else is happening." Also - his 'Department has cut back on checking whether or not merchants were selling illegal fireworks'
Enforcement of ordinances about illegal fireworks , which can kill residents - they can maim and dismember children and adults, starts with the Police Chiefs and County Sheriffs, and in Livingston County it seems like its not an important matter. What happens to the 400+ 911 requests - are they tossed in a basket.
At the very least, Police Chiefs and County Sheriffs should check local merchants and street corner tents and trailers, for sale of illegal fireworks and proper permits, because illegal fireworks are DEADLY and DANGEROUS. This will cut down on the number of 911 calls.
And next to Donnelly's article is an Associated Press article about states banning fireworks as a 'fire hazzards'...Patton - N/ W. Warren, in Detroit, has been an extremely lucky neighborhood as residents set off of hundreds of 'roman candles' and mortar style fireworks that make house fires a high probability, but it seems they escape the danger. The fireworks are set off by minors.
Lack of enforcement in Detroit, means that merchants are unafraid of police officers, and allows a gas station owner to sell fireworks at his station on the W.Warren - Evergreen corner. Detroit announced that it was enforcing fireworks ordinances - which are virtually banned because Detroit doesn't issue permits for their sale. Detroit should announce the total tickets issued and violators names.
I did the firework enforcement in Detroit and most stores in the 6th Precinct area sold legal and illegal fireworks, because the profits are so high - and eager customers, as young as five (5) year olds are buying them. I was urged by fellow officers, not to issue tickets ($500 ea) because the merchant was a 'good guy' and threatened by merchants who got tickets, and who got convicted.
Fireworks enforcement should not be ignored or dismissed - Police Departments and Sheriff Departments conduct sting operations to catch merchants illegally selling cigarettes and liquor to minors - fireworks that can maim, dismember and kill people - deserve law enforcement efforts.

DEADLY AND DANGEROUS....people do not take the dangers seriously..and police /
sheriffs departments do not do the necessary minimum enforcement...dlm....
"The top quality of life complaint by residents", Dearborn Police Chief Ron Haddad said - and 'several hundred {300+} complaints (of fireworks)'...
400 complaints (fireworks)..Livingston County Sheriff Bob Bezotte, "There's not much's a matter of priorities, if nothing else is happening." Also - his 'Department has cut back on checking whether or not merchants were selling illegal fireworks'
Enforcement of ordinances about illegal fireworks , which can kill residents - they can maim and dismember children and adults, starts with the Police Chiefs and County Sheriffs, and in Livingston County it seems like its not an important matter. What happens to the 400+ 911 requests - are they tossed in a basket.
At the very least, Police Chiefs and County Sheriffs should check local merchants and street corner tents and trailers, for sale of illegal fireworks and proper permits, because illegal fireworks are DEADLY and DANGEROUS. This will cut down on the number of 911 calls.
And next to Donnelly's article is an Associated Press article about states banning fireworks as a 'fire hazzards'...Patton - N/ W. Warren, in Detroit, has been an extremely lucky neighborhood as residents set off of hundreds of 'roman candles' and mortar style fireworks that make house fires a high probability, but it seems they escape the danger. The fireworks are set off by minors.
Lack of enforcement in Detroit, means that merchants are unafraid of police officers, and allows a gas station owner to sell fireworks at his station on the W.Warren - Evergreen corner. Detroit announced that it was enforcing fireworks ordinances - which are virtually banned because Detroit doesn't issue permits for their sale. Detroit should announce the total tickets issued and violators names.
I did the firework enforcement in Detroit and most stores in the 6th Precinct area sold legal and illegal fireworks, because the profits are so high - and eager customers, as young as five (5) year olds are buying them. I was urged by fellow officers, not to issue tickets ($500 ea) because the merchant was a 'good guy' and threatened by merchants who got tickets, and who got convicted.
Fireworks enforcement should not be ignored or dismissed - Police Departments and Sheriff Departments conduct sting operations to catch merchants illegally selling cigarettes and liquor to minors - fireworks that can maim, dismember and kill people - deserve law enforcement efforts.

DEADLY AND DANGEROUS....people do not take the dangers seriously..and police /
sheriffs departments do not do the necessary minimum enforcement...dlm....
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Was DPD Officer Charles Armour - wearing a reflective traffic safety vest?????
Officer Armour was being treated from what at the time was said to be non-life threatening injuries. He sustained the injuries after a wrong way driver hit him last week in Greektown as he directed traffic.....WXYZ TV
I was hit by a driver - in full uniform, behind a double line of road flares, with my all of my oscillating, alley lights and spot light on...I sustained serious injuries - officer thought I was dead at the scene...I have tried to get DPD to give all officers - reflective traffic safety vests since then - 1991....and traffic wands..They have not provided all officers with vests...A reflective traffic safety vest may not have saved PO Armour, in this case, but all uniformed Detroit Police Officers should have the vests, safety should be the first concern - especially at accidents scenes or directing traffic. (Belle Isle officers most definetly need vests).
I dont believe that PO Armour had a vest - available to him...DLM
Please, be informed before you go off and write something that's not factual. ANSI 207, PublIc Safety Vests. There are exceptions to the rule. "Exceptions for Emergency Responders" It reads Due to "comments from State and local police, national police organizations, and the State DOT's" the original publishment in the federal register includes exceptions for law enforcement officers working in potentially adversarial or confrontational roles. This includes traffic stops and searches. Officers are still required under 23 CFR634 to wear highl-visibility clothing during other times, such as "directing traffic, investigating crashes, and hadling lane closures, obstructed roadways and disasters within the right-of-way of a Federal-aid highway." The language for this exception can be found in the second column of page 67797 of the publication in the Federal Register Vol.71, No. 226. Our Officers have vests that do traffic or traffic enforcement and or traffic accident investigations. Vests are available on request.
PO Armour, is a Detroit Hero, he was doing a dangerous job, in a dangerous City - He served the public and he deserves and will get a Heroes funueral...May God Bless him and his family...DLM
Was DPD Officer Charles Armour - wearing a reflective traffic safety vest?????
Officer Armour was being treated from what at the time was said to be non-life threatening injuries. He sustained the injuries after a wrong way driver hit him last week in Greektown as he directed traffic.....WXYZ TV
I was hit by a driver - in full uniform, behind a double line of road flares, with my all of my oscillating, alley lights and spot light on...I sustained serious injuries - officer thought I was dead at the scene...I have tried to get DPD to give all officers - reflective traffic safety vests since then - 1991....and traffic wands..They have not provided all officers with vests...A reflective traffic safety vest may not have saved PO Armour, in this case, but all uniformed Detroit Police Officers should have the vests, safety should be the first concern - especially at accidents scenes or directing traffic. (Belle Isle officers most definetly need vests).
I dont believe that PO Armour had a vest - available to him...DLM
Please, be informed before you go off and write something that's not factual. ANSI 207, PublIc Safety Vests. There are exceptions to the rule. "Exceptions for Emergency Responders" It reads Due to "comments from State and local police, national police organizations, and the State DOT's" the original publishment in the federal register includes exceptions for law enforcement officers working in potentially adversarial or confrontational roles. This includes traffic stops and searches. Officers are still required under 23 CFR634 to wear highl-visibility clothing during other times, such as "directing traffic, investigating crashes, and hadling lane closures, obstructed roadways and disasters within the right-of-way of a Federal-aid highway." The language for this exception can be found in the second column of page 67797 of the publication in the Federal Register Vol.71, No. 226. Our Officers have vests that do traffic or traffic enforcement and or traffic accident investigations. Vests are available on request.
PO Armour, is a Detroit Hero, he was doing a dangerous job, in a dangerous City - He served the public and he deserves and will get a Heroes funueral...May God Bless him and his family...DLM
Saturday, June 11, 2011
A man was driving erratically. Cops rolled up behind him. The man sped away, blew a red light before eventually pulling over.
He had a bridge card but no driver’s license. He had thousands of dollars in traffic tickets and warrants. Cops cuffed him then searched his car. Finding no weapon, they let him go. Cops have to prioritize. That’s how it is in the most violent quarter of the most violent city.
“We’ve got no one to look after him,” said Sgt. Mike Osman. “We’ve got no jail space. And we don’t have enough manpower for us to go back to the station and do the paperwork. So you kick him loose. And everyone out here knows it.”
Charlie LeDuff...Fox2 - 2011
In addition the lack of jail space, created by x-PC Bully-Cummings (closing 50% of jail cells - precincts) leaves Detroit with insufficient jail space for police officers to arrest criminals and puts some back on the street shortly after they are arrested, because of lack of jail space - the streets of Detroit are dangerous enough without criminal - knowing that they can commit crimes and not fear arrest because - 'we don't have a cell for them'. Officers are demoralized, in part, because they can't properly do their jobs. DLM
For years I have spoken out about the lack of jail space...since EBC failed 'reorganization plan, that puts residents and police officers lives in danger...
David L. Malhalab. Sgt DPD Retired
We’ve got no one to look after him,” said Sgt. Mike Osman. “We’ve got no jail space. And we don’t have enough manpower for us to go back to the station and do the paperwork. So you kick him loose. And everyone out here knows it.”
Charlie LeDuff...Fox2 2011 According to the memo, the so-called CRISNET technology — implemented four years ago as a way for cops on the street to move from paper to computer when submitting preliminary crime reports — is part of the reason the time it takes to process an arrest has increased from 50 minutes to as long as two hours.
News Hits got its mitts on an interesting memo last week, one in which a high-ranking member of the Detroit Police Department admitted that things weren't going well, and that the "department's ability to maintain its core functions in an efficient and effective manner has been greatly challenged ..."
Among the areas being impacted, according to the Sept. 28 memo sent to northwestern district supervisors by Deputy Chief Ronald Haddad, were response times, investigations and crime solving, and community police visibility.
David Malhalab, a retired DPD sergeant and one of the force's most persistent critics, forwarded the memo to us and other media in town.
Curt Guyette, Metro Times 2006
Metro Times - News+Views: Hit and miss
Why is there 800 beds at wc jail unused....
DPD under fed monitor ...needs to replace 50% of its jail space that xpc cummings closed without finding replacement space...that partly responsible for why crime is rising in detroit...dpd officers cannot arrest because there is no space for prisoners
and the prisoner medical costs are high...because they have to send prisoners to drh emergency room for evaluation....that is wrong....
hold a press conference and support dpd using wcjail ...and that its a win win for both agencies....and benny has road patrol officers or uc officers that could make np buys and get a lot of publicity ... keep in touch............ ....david malhalab
CELL BLOCK NIGHTMARE-There were some concerns about the cell block brought up to the Northwestern District Command. These problems have occurred since the reorganization.
The concerns are as follows: That our cell blocks have been consistently filled over capacity (we also house all high risk, suicidal, parole violators, handicapped and homicide prisoners.) We are also housing additional prisoners because Southwestern District has been closed for remodeling. Northwestern has been accommodating 4 times or more the volume of prisoners that the facility is intended to handle! This situation has led to situations that have frequently placed the officers and the prisoners at risk of harm or civil rights violations as well as placing the department and our members in a highly actionable position, civilly and criminally.
To start, Officers have to wait outside in the garage with their prisoners until they can be processed. This has been known to take over a half hour. The garage is not a secure place to hold prisoners. It is usually full of juvenile detainees that were brought in for curfew. Adults and juveniles should not be together.
Prisoners waiting to be processed are,Males and female prisoners waiting to be processed are intermingling, there is no physical place to secure and monitor them.
There have been numerous assaults and attempted assaults on officers by prisoners leading to use of force that could be avoided if prisoners could be secured in individual cells.
Also prisoners requiring medical attention or psychiatric treatment that are made to wait due to logistical problems we are experiencing processing, evaluating and transporting them to the hospital.
The Commander basically stated that our resources (being officers and cell block) are “being stretched beyond our ability to function efficiently, effectively or safely.” He also stated in his response that Southwestern should be done about a week after Easter. The Commander also stated that the Supervisors (desk and cell block) basically have to use their discretion with shutting down the cell blocks but before this is done they should “appropriately release misdemeanor prisoners” and call other cell blocks in other districts to get help with housing.
What is it going to take for the city to realize the fiasco they have created by closing down the precincts. They also eliminated half of our cellblocks!becoming in involved in altercations, which interferes with processing and cell block processing.
detroit needs more jail jail/medical
He had a bridge card but no driver’s license. He had thousands of dollars in traffic tickets and warrants. Cops cuffed him then searched his car. Finding no weapon, they let him go. Cops have to prioritize. That’s how it is in the most violent quarter of the most violent city.
“We’ve got no one to look after him,” said Sgt. Mike Osman. “We’ve got no jail space. And we don’t have enough manpower for us to go back to the station and do the paperwork. So you kick him loose. And everyone out here knows it.”
Charlie LeDuff...Fox2 - 2011
In addition the lack of jail space, created by x-PC Bully-Cummings (closing 50% of jail cells - precincts) leaves Detroit with insufficient jail space for police officers to arrest criminals and puts some back on the street shortly after they are arrested, because of lack of jail space - the streets of Detroit are dangerous enough without criminal - knowing that they can commit crimes and not fear arrest because - 'we don't have a cell for them'. Officers are demoralized, in part, because they can't properly do their jobs. DLM
For years I have spoken out about the lack of jail space...since EBC failed 'reorganization plan, that puts residents and police officers lives in danger...
David L. Malhalab. Sgt DPD Retired
We’ve got no one to look after him,” said Sgt. Mike Osman. “We’ve got no jail space. And we don’t have enough manpower for us to go back to the station and do the paperwork. So you kick him loose. And everyone out here knows it.”
Charlie LeDuff...Fox2 2011 According to the memo, the so-called CRISNET technology — implemented four years ago as a way for cops on the street to move from paper to computer when submitting preliminary crime reports — is part of the reason the time it takes to process an arrest has increased from 50 minutes to as long as two hours.
News Hits got its mitts on an interesting memo last week, one in which a high-ranking member of the Detroit Police Department admitted that things weren't going well, and that the "department's ability to maintain its core functions in an efficient and effective manner has been greatly challenged ..."
Among the areas being impacted, according to the Sept. 28 memo sent to northwestern district supervisors by Deputy Chief Ronald Haddad, were response times, investigations and crime solving, and community police visibility.
David Malhalab, a retired DPD sergeant and one of the force's most persistent critics, forwarded the memo to us and other media in town.
Curt Guyette, Metro Times 2006
Metro Times - News+Views: Hit and miss
Why is there 800 beds at wc jail unused....
DPD under fed monitor ...needs to replace 50% of its jail space that xpc cummings closed without finding replacement space...that partly responsible for why crime is rising in detroit...dpd officers cannot arrest because there is no space for prisoners
and the prisoner medical costs are high...because they have to send prisoners to drh emergency room for evaluation....that is wrong....
hold a press conference and support dpd using wcjail ...and that its a win win for both agencies....and benny has road patrol officers or uc officers that could make np buys and get a lot of publicity ... keep in touch............ ....david malhalab
CELL BLOCK NIGHTMARE-There were some concerns about the cell block brought up to the Northwestern District Command. These problems have occurred since the reorganization.
The concerns are as follows: That our cell blocks have been consistently filled over capacity (we also house all high risk, suicidal, parole violators, handicapped and homicide prisoners.) We are also housing additional prisoners because Southwestern District has been closed for remodeling. Northwestern has been accommodating 4 times or more the volume of prisoners that the facility is intended to handle! This situation has led to situations that have frequently placed the officers and the prisoners at risk of harm or civil rights violations as well as placing the department and our members in a highly actionable position, civilly and criminally.
To start, Officers have to wait outside in the garage with their prisoners until they can be processed. This has been known to take over a half hour. The garage is not a secure place to hold prisoners. It is usually full of juvenile detainees that were brought in for curfew. Adults and juveniles should not be together.
Prisoners waiting to be processed are,Males and female prisoners waiting to be processed are intermingling, there is no physical place to secure and monitor them.
There have been numerous assaults and attempted assaults on officers by prisoners leading to use of force that could be avoided if prisoners could be secured in individual cells.
Also prisoners requiring medical attention or psychiatric treatment that are made to wait due to logistical problems we are experiencing processing, evaluating and transporting them to the hospital.
The Commander basically stated that our resources (being officers and cell block) are “being stretched beyond our ability to function efficiently, effectively or safely.” He also stated in his response that Southwestern should be done about a week after Easter. The Commander also stated that the Supervisors (desk and cell block) basically have to use their discretion with shutting down the cell blocks but before this is done they should “appropriately release misdemeanor prisoners” and call other cell blocks in other districts to get help with housing.
What is it going to take for the city to realize the fiasco they have created by closing down the precincts. They also eliminated half of our cellblocks!becoming in involved in altercations, which interferes with processing and cell block processing.
detroit needs more jail jail/medical
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Why is Detroit Mayor Bing protecting Detroit PC Godbee??????????????
If I had been given the order to turn over evidence to MSP and close the lab - and failed, I would be blogging you from jail - misconduct in office ++++.
Or be fired by trial board - fail to follow direct order - neglect of duty +++++
what does it do to morale - to have the chief - screw up so bad and not be disciplined, when the DPD disciplines officers and takes pay and benefits from officers for far less serious violations of the rules and regulations...if not criminal behavior...???????
Godbee should be fired - DOJ Judge Julian Cook should be replaced - and either get a new chief or get a federal DPD monitor to take control of the DPD.
I spent over 30 yrs...writing in the Tuebor, talking to reporters about the nepotism, favoritism, cronyism and mismanagement of the DPD - it started (during my career 1977 - with Mayor Young and well liked but illiterate PC Hart (who was convicted as a felon),it continued with chief after bad thru Godbee (a Kilpatrick supporter and adulterer...and things are not better.
I put my career and safety in danger, by speaking out and lost time because of it...and Godbee gets a pass????. I lost six (6) days pay and benefits for talking to Mike Lewis of WDIV TV, about the Beatty traffic stop - never mentioned Kilpatrick or Beatty by name, the ACLU had to get the DPD to cancel a teletype that violated my Constitutional Rights, but I didn't get my pay back.
Detroit residents deserve better...DPD officers deserve better...
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
If I had been given the order to turn over evidence to MSP and close the lab - and failed, I would be blogging you from jail - misconduct in office ++++.
Or be fired by trial board - fail to follow direct order - neglect of duty +++++
what does it do to morale - to have the chief - screw up so bad and not be disciplined, when the DPD disciplines officers and takes pay and benefits from officers for far less serious violations of the rules and regulations...if not criminal behavior...???????
Godbee should be fired - DOJ Judge Julian Cook should be replaced - and either get a new chief or get a federal DPD monitor to take control of the DPD.
I spent over 30 yrs...writing in the Tuebor, talking to reporters about the nepotism, favoritism, cronyism and mismanagement of the DPD - it started (during my career 1977 - with Mayor Young and well liked but illiterate PC Hart (who was convicted as a felon),it continued with chief after bad thru Godbee (a Kilpatrick supporter and adulterer...and things are not better.
I put my career and safety in danger, by speaking out and lost time because of it...and Godbee gets a pass????. I lost six (6) days pay and benefits for talking to Mike Lewis of WDIV TV, about the Beatty traffic stop - never mentioned Kilpatrick or Beatty by name, the ACLU had to get the DPD to cancel a teletype that violated my Constitutional Rights, but I didn't get my pay back.
Detroit residents deserve better...DPD officers deserve better...
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
To all Detroiters..
Gary Brown, Detroit City Councilman and former Detroit Police Executive, has made numerous - several - deceptive and misleading statements to the media, the latest to radio am950 WWJ / Florence Walton.
He has said, that the uniformed services (ie) Detroit Police Officers (Union) havn't been asked to contribute to lowering the City Budget, false and misleading - The City and DPOA are currently in Act 312 negotiations for a new contract, with the old one long past expired. The City is offering only take backs, pay and medical benefits reductions. Recently, the DP Lieutenants and Sergeants Association lost pay and benefits in an Act 312 decision, causing many to retire and leave this City, and leaving others demoralized. I am retired from the DPD, receiving a duty disability - I have had my medical premiums - raised, since my retirement - that was wrong. I gave to the City with my service and was rewarded with increased medical costs, and life long injuries.
Police Officers have made concessions and continue to protect residents day in and day out, night after night, 24/7 even after being denigrated and taken advantage of by Mayors since Coleman Young, while remaining one of the lowest paid major police departments in the country. Their lives are in danger from the time they wake up until they wake up another day - and it is particularly dangerous for police officers that live in this City.
Gary Brown and James Tate have failed Detroit residents and Detroit Police Officers - they were insiders - they were police executives - they saw the nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and mismanagement (that I have spoken out about for years) up close and personal (Tate told me he was 'left out to the loop' - re: red Navigator) and so they should have been from Day One of their Council careers, had reforms in hand and on the Council table - to improve, repair and upgrade the Detroit Police Department. They have nothing and are failing residents and brave police officers.
Brown and Tate should have made PCs Evans and Godbee (? - unqualified) replace the Crisnet Report System that has complicated and made report writing a lengthy and unproductive report system (Haddad Memo), causing long delays to police response times.
Brown and Tate should have had the Council adopt a 'Verified Response System' to handle false B&E alarms - making profit making alarm companies responsible for the initial check of alarms. DPD have been used for years a security guards for alarm companies. It has cost Detroit $1.2 - 1.5 million dollars a year for the DPD to respond to false alarms. A report was created documenting the need for 'VRS' and the cost of false alarms in 2003. Add up the costs to date. A step has been taken is this process - but it needs to be adopted - now not later.
Brown and Tate should have taken the lead to create a Wayne County / Detroit Police medical - jail facility, which would have put Detroit in compliance with the Department of Justice Decrees, per the Federal Prosecutor. PC Warren Evans blamed PC Bully-Cummings, now we have Godbee and still no compliance and no medical - jail facility.Millions of Detroit taxpayer dollars are being spent on unnecessary and unneeded medical costs for prisoners, who know and take advantage of Detroit's failure to create this facility. A precinct has a midnight prisoner transfer crew, two officers, simply to take prisoners back and forth to Detroit Receiving Hospital. An emergency room doctor, acknowledge the costly service - but DPD executives continue this process - with no reports of costs to the public.
In addition the lack of jail space, created by x-PC Bully-Cummings (closing 50% of jail cells - precincts) leaves Detroit with insufficient jail space for police officers to arrest criminals and puts some back on the street shortly after they are arrested, because of lack of jail space - the streets of Detroit are dangerous enough without criminal - knowing that they can commit crimes and not fear arrest because - 'we don't have a cell for them'. Officers are demoralized, in part, because they can't properly do their jobs.
The Tamara Greene homicide investigation and lawsuit hangs over the City - but their seems no resolution is in sight, what with continued lies and cover ups. To many police executives remain on the job, who have things to cover up and hide - that were part of the Kilpartick police department and the DPD is now led by Ralph Godbee, a hold over and Kilpatrick fund raiser, what police officer would feel safe career wise and safety wise to come forward and divulge information that could resolve the situation?
Detroit needs the best, the brightest, and ethically unchallenged police chief available from a nation wide search - no consideration should be made for race, religion, ethnicity or sexual preference. Brown and Tate should take the lead and appropriate the money for the
Brown and Tate should vigorously oppose an eleven (11) member, Detroit Board of Police Commissioners, some elected by districts. The Board is already ineffective and inefficient - adding members is wrong and dangerous to public safety.
Detroit residents deserve better service from its uniformed services, but the solution is in getting better executives and Council members willing to lead - not deceive or to offer up smoke and mirrors
Detroit has lost population to below 713,000 - fact, but the City Council refuse to acknowledge this fact - and the new City Charter fails to understand this - Detroit City Council should be reduced to five (5) members to make it more effective and efficient and to lower their costs to the City. The Charter can provide for seven (7) members if Detroit gains population. Detroit does not need council elected by districts - this will lead to more corruption and not provide better representation - remember those that favored a term limited state legislators - now support a Detroit election by districts, its wrong and Brown and Tate should oppose it.
Brown and Tate should also support a reduction in the number of Detroit Board of Education members - there are too many - now, you see the results of a bloated Board now.
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
Gary Brown, Detroit City Councilman and former Detroit Police Executive, has made numerous - several - deceptive and misleading statements to the media, the latest to radio am950 WWJ / Florence Walton.
He has said, that the uniformed services (ie) Detroit Police Officers (Union) havn't been asked to contribute to lowering the City Budget, false and misleading - The City and DPOA are currently in Act 312 negotiations for a new contract, with the old one long past expired. The City is offering only take backs, pay and medical benefits reductions. Recently, the DP Lieutenants and Sergeants Association lost pay and benefits in an Act 312 decision, causing many to retire and leave this City, and leaving others demoralized. I am retired from the DPD, receiving a duty disability - I have had my medical premiums - raised, since my retirement - that was wrong. I gave to the City with my service and was rewarded with increased medical costs, and life long injuries.
Police Officers have made concessions and continue to protect residents day in and day out, night after night, 24/7 even after being denigrated and taken advantage of by Mayors since Coleman Young, while remaining one of the lowest paid major police departments in the country. Their lives are in danger from the time they wake up until they wake up another day - and it is particularly dangerous for police officers that live in this City.
Gary Brown and James Tate have failed Detroit residents and Detroit Police Officers - they were insiders - they were police executives - they saw the nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and mismanagement (that I have spoken out about for years) up close and personal (Tate told me he was 'left out to the loop' - re: red Navigator) and so they should have been from Day One of their Council careers, had reforms in hand and on the Council table - to improve, repair and upgrade the Detroit Police Department. They have nothing and are failing residents and brave police officers.
Brown and Tate should have made PCs Evans and Godbee (? - unqualified) replace the Crisnet Report System that has complicated and made report writing a lengthy and unproductive report system (Haddad Memo), causing long delays to police response times.
Brown and Tate should have had the Council adopt a 'Verified Response System' to handle false B&E alarms - making profit making alarm companies responsible for the initial check of alarms. DPD have been used for years a security guards for alarm companies. It has cost Detroit $1.2 - 1.5 million dollars a year for the DPD to respond to false alarms. A report was created documenting the need for 'VRS' and the cost of false alarms in 2003. Add up the costs to date. A step has been taken is this process - but it needs to be adopted - now not later.
Brown and Tate should have taken the lead to create a Wayne County / Detroit Police medical - jail facility, which would have put Detroit in compliance with the Department of Justice Decrees, per the Federal Prosecutor. PC Warren Evans blamed PC Bully-Cummings, now we have Godbee and still no compliance and no medical - jail facility.Millions of Detroit taxpayer dollars are being spent on unnecessary and unneeded medical costs for prisoners, who know and take advantage of Detroit's failure to create this facility. A precinct has a midnight prisoner transfer crew, two officers, simply to take prisoners back and forth to Detroit Receiving Hospital. An emergency room doctor, acknowledge the costly service - but DPD executives continue this process - with no reports of costs to the public.
In addition the lack of jail space, created by x-PC Bully-Cummings (closing 50% of jail cells - precincts) leaves Detroit with insufficient jail space for police officers to arrest criminals and puts some back on the street shortly after they are arrested, because of lack of jail space - the streets of Detroit are dangerous enough without criminal - knowing that they can commit crimes and not fear arrest because - 'we don't have a cell for them'. Officers are demoralized, in part, because they can't properly do their jobs.
The Tamara Greene homicide investigation and lawsuit hangs over the City - but their seems no resolution is in sight, what with continued lies and cover ups. To many police executives remain on the job, who have things to cover up and hide - that were part of the Kilpartick police department and the DPD is now led by Ralph Godbee, a hold over and Kilpatrick fund raiser, what police officer would feel safe career wise and safety wise to come forward and divulge information that could resolve the situation?
Detroit needs the best, the brightest, and ethically unchallenged police chief available from a nation wide search - no consideration should be made for race, religion, ethnicity or sexual preference. Brown and Tate should take the lead and appropriate the money for the
Brown and Tate should vigorously oppose an eleven (11) member, Detroit Board of Police Commissioners, some elected by districts. The Board is already ineffective and inefficient - adding members is wrong and dangerous to public safety.
Detroit residents deserve better service from its uniformed services, but the solution is in getting better executives and Council members willing to lead - not deceive or to offer up smoke and mirrors
Detroit has lost population to below 713,000 - fact, but the City Council refuse to acknowledge this fact - and the new City Charter fails to understand this - Detroit City Council should be reduced to five (5) members to make it more effective and efficient and to lower their costs to the City. The Charter can provide for seven (7) members if Detroit gains population. Detroit does not need council elected by districts - this will lead to more corruption and not provide better representation - remember those that favored a term limited state legislators - now support a Detroit election by districts, its wrong and Brown and Tate should oppose it.
Brown and Tate should also support a reduction in the number of Detroit Board of Education members - there are too many - now, you see the results of a bloated Board now.
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Developing a plan for Rouge Park, the largest park in Detroit.
The one thing I think all friends of Rouge Park can agreen on - is the need to protect residents from potential robbers and rapist - who may use the - open to tresspass, stripped, dangerous and abandoned bathrooms on West Outer Dr at Tireman and another at Dover - they have long been a crime waiting to happen and the City Council has failed to take action to demolsh them, make this a priority in your vision of Rouge Park.
ps. Mike Ilitch, of the Tigers and Red Wings' owes the City up to $12 million dollars for agreements he failed to keep concerning historic Detroit Tiger Stadium. He should spend a million dollars or more - creating new baseball fields throughout Rouge Park. Hopefully, they can reach a sort of - out of court settlement, before Ilitch is indicted. Councilman Ken Cockrel should take the lead, since he told me 'Yes David, your guy (Peter Riley) was right, he (Ilitch) owes the City, the money, and I will do everything I can to get the money back.'
pss. Dave Bing, a Detroit Piston - Hall of Fame Player, should ask Tom Gores to build new basketball courts throughout Rouge Park - he will not move the Pistons to Detroit! So maybe he will make a contribution to the residents who are basketball fanatics.
So here are three suggestions to make Rouge Park better - along with the basics of just cutting the grass.
Developing a plan for Rouge Park, the largest park in Detroit.
The one thing I think all friends of Rouge Park can agreen on - is the need to protect residents from potential robbers and rapist - who may use the - open to tresspass, stripped, dangerous and abandoned bathrooms on West Outer Dr at Tireman and another at Dover - they have long been a crime waiting to happen and the City Council has failed to take action to demolsh them, make this a priority in your vision of Rouge Park.
ps. Mike Ilitch, of the Tigers and Red Wings' owes the City up to $12 million dollars for agreements he failed to keep concerning historic Detroit Tiger Stadium. He should spend a million dollars or more - creating new baseball fields throughout Rouge Park. Hopefully, they can reach a sort of - out of court settlement, before Ilitch is indicted. Councilman Ken Cockrel should take the lead, since he told me 'Yes David, your guy (Peter Riley) was right, he (Ilitch) owes the City, the money, and I will do everything I can to get the money back.'
pss. Dave Bing, a Detroit Piston - Hall of Fame Player, should ask Tom Gores to build new basketball courts throughout Rouge Park - he will not move the Pistons to Detroit! So maybe he will make a contribution to the residents who are basketball fanatics.
So here are three suggestions to make Rouge Park better - along with the basics of just cutting the grass.
Friday, April 22, 2011
The US Constitution was trampled a Dearborn judge, the Wayne County Prosecutor, and the Mayor of Dearborn, by denying Pastor (?) Terry Jones, of Florida the right of free speech - to protest radical Muslim influence.
The Mayor of Dearborn, John Reilly, embarrassed himself, Dearborn residents - first with an Open Letter and then on Let It Rip, Fox2 News, Friday night, with a disjointed and wrong defense of a misguided attempt to prevent the 1st Amendment - Free Speech of Terry Jones, an ignorant, publicity seeking, fear mongering demagogue, who is using anti Muslim fears to enrich himself, without regards to the consequences. Carl Marlinga made several good comments, including that Homer Simpson is smarter than Jones, and that if Jones was allowed to speak, this media circus would have been over - its not.
How much did it cost($$$)Wayne County, Dearborn to keep Jones, silent - except for the throng of eager news media, who have made him an international phenomenon, a man prevented from speaking about radical Islam, by a US Judge, in a country that promotes free speech, to Mideast countries,and then sent Jones to jail.
Terry Jones, will return to Dearborn and the circus that he began will begin again - this time with even more attention directed at him and those that support and oppose him, not the people of Dearborn and its Muslim residents, but fringe elements willing to exploit the situation and events to further their separate disparate agendas, including but not limited to the Detroit fringe group, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) that has disrupted school board meetings and other public meetings that don't agree with their goals.
Terry Jones is not a spokeman for Christianity, and I believer Jesus, would have rebuked him for burning the 'Quran' - he is a poor ($$$$) publicity hound who has made his claim to fame - and now is exploiting it (you can donate to him on five (5) different credit cards)and we can't wait to see the next installment, how sad for all of us.
The Mayor of Dearborn, John Reilly, embarrassed himself, Dearborn residents - first with an Open Letter and then on Let It Rip, Fox2 News, Friday night, with a disjointed and wrong defense of a misguided attempt to prevent the 1st Amendment - Free Speech of Terry Jones, an ignorant, publicity seeking, fear mongering demagogue, who is using anti Muslim fears to enrich himself, without regards to the consequences. Carl Marlinga made several good comments, including that Homer Simpson is smarter than Jones, and that if Jones was allowed to speak, this media circus would have been over - its not.
How much did it cost($$$)Wayne County, Dearborn to keep Jones, silent - except for the throng of eager news media, who have made him an international phenomenon, a man prevented from speaking about radical Islam, by a US Judge, in a country that promotes free speech, to Mideast countries,and then sent Jones to jail.
Terry Jones, will return to Dearborn and the circus that he began will begin again - this time with even more attention directed at him and those that support and oppose him, not the people of Dearborn and its Muslim residents, but fringe elements willing to exploit the situation and events to further their separate disparate agendas, including but not limited to the Detroit fringe group, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) that has disrupted school board meetings and other public meetings that don't agree with their goals.
Terry Jones is not a spokeman for Christianity, and I believer Jesus, would have rebuked him for burning the 'Quran' - he is a poor ($$$$) publicity hound who has made his claim to fame - and now is exploiting it (you can donate to him on five (5) different credit cards)and we can't wait to see the next installment, how sad for all of us.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Public Safety is NOT the #1 issue in Detroit - public safety for Detroit residents was compromised by Opening Day of the Detroit Tigers, owned by billionaire Mike Ilitch, who can afford to pay for private security.....
Three officers were pulled from the Sixth Precinct (NW District) and three officers were pulled from the day shift of the Eighth Precinct (NW District) and sent to Comerica Park, to provide police protection to the large number of suburban residents who attended the Opening Day festivities. Other precincts also contributed officers, the total number is not known - at this time, but at the NW District the six officers would make up three scout car crews that weren't able to respond to 911 calls...multiply that - by all the other precincts and the reason - police officers weren't there to protect Detroit residents is because they were at new non historical ball park.
This situation but to lesser extent will exist all through the Tiger season - as police officers will be assigned to a Comerica Park Baseball Detail, robbing the local precincts of officers needed to respond to 911 calls - from a Department that is already understaffed, with low morale.
ps: Detroit Police Officers still do not have - traffic safety vests, needed to protect them at accident scenes (I requested them as long ago as 1993 - after I was hit by a car at an accident scene, where some officers - upon arrival thought that I was dead, because of the amount of blood, I had lost.
Moonlighting - Detroit Police Officers (2nd Job) is not viable - the Department is too understaffed.
David L. Malhalab
Sergeant DPD Retired
Three officers were pulled from the Sixth Precinct (NW District) and three officers were pulled from the day shift of the Eighth Precinct (NW District) and sent to Comerica Park, to provide police protection to the large number of suburban residents who attended the Opening Day festivities. Other precincts also contributed officers, the total number is not known - at this time, but at the NW District the six officers would make up three scout car crews that weren't able to respond to 911 calls...multiply that - by all the other precincts and the reason - police officers weren't there to protect Detroit residents is because they were at new non historical ball park.
This situation but to lesser extent will exist all through the Tiger season - as police officers will be assigned to a Comerica Park Baseball Detail, robbing the local precincts of officers needed to respond to 911 calls - from a Department that is already understaffed, with low morale.
ps: Detroit Police Officers still do not have - traffic safety vests, needed to protect them at accident scenes (I requested them as long ago as 1993 - after I was hit by a car at an accident scene, where some officers - upon arrival thought that I was dead, because of the amount of blood, I had lost.
Moonlighting - Detroit Police Officers (2nd Job) is not viable - the Department is too understaffed.
David L. Malhalab
Sergeant DPD Retired
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Memo to: Detroit Charter Commission
CC: Mayor Dave Bing, Detroit City Council
It is now mandatory that the Detroit Charter Commission 'right size' the number of City Council members. The new Census figures show that Detroit has 714,000 people, down from 1,800,000.
For efficiency, economy, and a more effective city government - City Council must be downsized to five (5) members, and it will be reflected in a lower City Council budget, for staff and other miscellaneous items. City residents will be better served without superfluous ego centered council members.
Detroit must bite the bullet - see the truth, and not keep challenging it...Detroit city leaders must make better choices to move Detroit forward and a great first step would be to show that government will not stand in the way and that it recognizes the need to improve and get 'right sized'.
Detroit residents make your voice heard - keep Detroit moving forward don't look back - make Detroit better - starting with City Council. The future is ahead - start the process,with better smaller governance.
David L. Malhalab
Detroit Police Sergeant - Retired
CC: Mayor Dave Bing, Detroit City Council
It is now mandatory that the Detroit Charter Commission 'right size' the number of City Council members. The new Census figures show that Detroit has 714,000 people, down from 1,800,000.
For efficiency, economy, and a more effective city government - City Council must be downsized to five (5) members, and it will be reflected in a lower City Council budget, for staff and other miscellaneous items. City residents will be better served without superfluous ego centered council members.
Detroit must bite the bullet - see the truth, and not keep challenging it...Detroit city leaders must make better choices to move Detroit forward and a great first step would be to show that government will not stand in the way and that it recognizes the need to improve and get 'right sized'.
Detroit residents make your voice heard - keep Detroit moving forward don't look back - make Detroit better - starting with City Council. The future is ahead - start the process,with better smaller governance.
David L. Malhalab
Detroit Police Sergeant - Retired

Mark a pot hole Month....Drivers see a lot of dangerous and vehicle damaging pot holes - well its time to mark them, so that state, county and city officials see them too - and take action to repair them. These at NB - Evergreen at Ann Arbor Trail, don't look bad in photo but are deep tire eating holes, that need to be fixed. If you can safely mark a pot hole - ACO sells an Inverted Marking Paint - do so and then notify your city.
Use 2 (two) hands on the wheel - pot holes can throw your car into another lane, unexpectedly or cause you to swerve - use 2 hands (9 and 3) for better control and safety.
photo credit: David L. Malhalab M News Service / MNS Photo
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Did Governor Rick Snyder lie - or is he misunderstood...???
Mitch Albom, Free Press columnist, Jeff Daniels, movie star, have virtually called the new Governor a liar - because they claim he said he would not kill the Michigan Movie Incentives, that have brought in commercial development, jobs and an industry that can retain and attract creative 'cool' people to Michigan.
Michigan offers 42% tax incentive to movie, TV and gamerS who create in Michigan.
Most people would agree that it is way way to generous, but it has done the job of making Michigan a creative destination. The long list of top top movie / TV stars who have worked in Michigan speaks for itself.
Michigan needs to lead in tax incentives !!! to retain what we have and to continue to grow the industry.
Compromise is needed - a lower percentage for incentives - and a melding of the Pure Michigan advertising campaign. The $25 million budgeted for Pure Michigan should become film incentive money and a requirement that all movies / televison / video games that get incentives, MUST include at least - two (2) Pure Michigan commercials, in the front and end trailers of the production.
This would gaurantee Michigan is promoted in every movie theatre / television show that is shown, nationally and internationally. A good twofer...and a better distribution of Pure Michigan than it can get with its budget.
So start thinking and promoting this compromise...and contact the Governor and your legistalive member.
Mitch Albom, Free Press columnist, Jeff Daniels, movie star, have virtually called the new Governor a liar - because they claim he said he would not kill the Michigan Movie Incentives, that have brought in commercial development, jobs and an industry that can retain and attract creative 'cool' people to Michigan.
Michigan offers 42% tax incentive to movie, TV and gamerS who create in Michigan.
Most people would agree that it is way way to generous, but it has done the job of making Michigan a creative destination. The long list of top top movie / TV stars who have worked in Michigan speaks for itself.
Michigan needs to lead in tax incentives !!! to retain what we have and to continue to grow the industry.
Compromise is needed - a lower percentage for incentives - and a melding of the Pure Michigan advertising campaign. The $25 million budgeted for Pure Michigan should become film incentive money and a requirement that all movies / televison / video games that get incentives, MUST include at least - two (2) Pure Michigan commercials, in the front and end trailers of the production.
This would gaurantee Michigan is promoted in every movie theatre / television show that is shown, nationally and internationally. A good twofer...and a better distribution of Pure Michigan than it can get with its budget.
So start thinking and promoting this compromise...and contact the Governor and your legistalive member.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Update...The Black Eyed Peas, delivered a good Super Bowl half time shows - it was upbeat and entertaining...and the stage design didn't seem to exclude those behind the stage..I was disappointed with how the teams were brought onto the field after they were introduced - bland boring entrance - you get a better entrances at some hockey or basketball games - and this was the Super Bowl..
Chrysler deserves all the acclaim it is getting for its Eminem ad featuring Detroit as a background - this is what should be required on all movies, that get Michigan film subsidies - a Pure Michigan commercial at the beginning and end of all movies filmed in Michigan.
What was GM (General Motors)thinking with that insulting ad - about senior citizens being unable to hear a spokeswoman...very bad - and
Pervert - The Doritos ad that had a guy liking the Dorito crumbs off a co-workers finger and then pulling off another co-workers pants??? Deviant behavior isn't funny.
The NFL Pro Bowl - deserves to remain in Hawaii..but the NFL has to improve its entertainment value - how bad were the Goo Goo Dolls??? What was their entertainment interest - ZERO - ..the only entertaining portion of their dismal, boring set were the shots of Hawaiian drummers and dancers, who should have been featured in this game and all future Pro Bowl Games...
And Chris Allen??? How bland, wasted time was he - The choir behind him and the Hawaiian dancers should again have been featured and would have made a memorable impression and much better entertainment. And Chris Allen in white Tshirt?? too hot for him - he should have had on an Hawaiian shirt - if not given to him by the NFL or at least he should have had the common sense to buy or borrow one..
The Super Bowl - The Black Eyed Peas, what again??? singing their BOOM BOOM hits of long ago...David Brandon, said it cost the University of Michigan, one million dollars - to put on Band Day, in the 1970's, using local high school bands, but everyone was entertained and came away impressed - its time for the NFL to forego bad entertainment that caters to only the TV audience and create a memorable entertainment package to go along with their games.
Chrysler deserves all the acclaim it is getting for its Eminem ad featuring Detroit as a background - this is what should be required on all movies, that get Michigan film subsidies - a Pure Michigan commercial at the beginning and end of all movies filmed in Michigan.
What was GM (General Motors)thinking with that insulting ad - about senior citizens being unable to hear a spokeswoman...very bad - and
Pervert - The Doritos ad that had a guy liking the Dorito crumbs off a co-workers finger and then pulling off another co-workers pants??? Deviant behavior isn't funny.
The NFL Pro Bowl - deserves to remain in Hawaii..but the NFL has to improve its entertainment value - how bad were the Goo Goo Dolls??? What was their entertainment interest - ZERO - ..the only entertaining portion of their dismal, boring set were the shots of Hawaiian drummers and dancers, who should have been featured in this game and all future Pro Bowl Games...
And Chris Allen??? How bland, wasted time was he - The choir behind him and the Hawaiian dancers should again have been featured and would have made a memorable impression and much better entertainment. And Chris Allen in white Tshirt?? too hot for him - he should have had on an Hawaiian shirt - if not given to him by the NFL or at least he should have had the common sense to buy or borrow one..
The Super Bowl - The Black Eyed Peas, what again??? singing their BOOM BOOM hits of long ago...David Brandon, said it cost the University of Michigan, one million dollars - to put on Band Day, in the 1970's, using local high school bands, but everyone was entertained and came away impressed - its time for the NFL to forego bad entertainment that caters to only the TV audience and create a memorable entertainment package to go along with their games.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The assassination attempt of US Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-Az), the death of US District Judge John Roll, the death of a nine (9) year Christina Taylor Green,the three other dead and twelve wounded - the blood is on the hands of those Republican Party, Tea Party and Sarah Palin whose - anti Obama, birther, anti health care, anti gun control, anti immigrant and anti big government rhetoric, laid the emotional ground work for assassin, Jared Loughner, to develop and nurse his hatered and to form a rational for the shootings.
Dozens and perhaps hundreds of US citizens have been give the green light to hate - to feel that picking up a gun and killing those people who disagree with them is 'doing the right thing' because of the leadership and direction of the Republican Party, Tea Party and its chief bad mouth, unintelligent and wrong Sarah Palin, aided by the Glen Beck's, Shawn Hannity's, and others who lost the ability for rational discussion and logic.
Sarah Palin put a gun sight - a cross hair, on Giffords and other Democrats she wanted to defeat - an encouragement for the gun lovers to take up guns against their governmental leaders ( a terrorist act???) and Giffords opponent Jesse Kelly, held a fundraiser, at a SHOOTING RANGE, with M-16 assault weapons - asking HELP to remove Giffords from office (a terrorist act???).
The Republican Party, who controls the US House of Representatives, and a majority of State Governorships and the National Rifle Association (NRA), should support, as a priority, in the name of Christian Taylor Green and Rep Gabrielle Giffords, an ANTI ASSAULT WEAPONS BILL to ban the sale, manufacture, and distribution of all assault weapons, and place stronger restrictions on purchase of semi automatic weapons and require 40 hours of gun use training, (assault weapons and handguns are being bought and smuggled to Mexico - causing over 25,000 deaths) and a ban on all extended magazines for semi automatic weapons, which together with assault weapons are killing American citizens, unnecessarily.
Republicans, Tea Party memebers and above all Sarah Palin, will deny any responsibility for the deaths and injuries of this act - by a crazed gun man - but how much death could have been avoided if he didnt have the gun, and we had intelligent leaders and intelligent honest discourse on our policy differences.
But, the question is - Is Sarah Palin and Jesse Kelly - terrorist??? - did they not implicitly encourage the assasination of Gabrielle Giffords, a member of the US Congress. Did their imagery convey encouragement to those to take up guns against a member of Congress...???? I say - Yes...
Ps..An Arizona public official has now said "it is easier to get a gun (in AZ)than a drivers license" that is wrong and ludicrous !!
Arizona should NOW be the leading state to REPEAL all open carry pistol / rifle (except hunting) laws - and make stonger gun educational requirements for concealed weapons laws - leading the nation to a saner gun control laws.
The NRA has already mounted a campaign to condemn those who want stronger more effective gun laws - blaming those 'who attempt to exploit this situation (Giffords shooting)' - after John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Marting Luther King, Jim Brady etc, there were calls for stronger more effective gun laws - the Giffords shooting is no different - The National Rifle Association is a dangerous anti American organization that prevents and stymies effective and sane gun laws. Now is the time to stand up against the NRA. We must save US residents and Mexican lives.
Dozens and perhaps hundreds of US citizens have been give the green light to hate - to feel that picking up a gun and killing those people who disagree with them is 'doing the right thing' because of the leadership and direction of the Republican Party, Tea Party and its chief bad mouth, unintelligent and wrong Sarah Palin, aided by the Glen Beck's, Shawn Hannity's, and others who lost the ability for rational discussion and logic.
Sarah Palin put a gun sight - a cross hair, on Giffords and other Democrats she wanted to defeat - an encouragement for the gun lovers to take up guns against their governmental leaders ( a terrorist act???) and Giffords opponent Jesse Kelly, held a fundraiser, at a SHOOTING RANGE, with M-16 assault weapons - asking HELP to remove Giffords from office (a terrorist act???).
The Republican Party, who controls the US House of Representatives, and a majority of State Governorships and the National Rifle Association (NRA), should support, as a priority, in the name of Christian Taylor Green and Rep Gabrielle Giffords, an ANTI ASSAULT WEAPONS BILL to ban the sale, manufacture, and distribution of all assault weapons, and place stronger restrictions on purchase of semi automatic weapons and require 40 hours of gun use training, (assault weapons and handguns are being bought and smuggled to Mexico - causing over 25,000 deaths) and a ban on all extended magazines for semi automatic weapons, which together with assault weapons are killing American citizens, unnecessarily.
Republicans, Tea Party memebers and above all Sarah Palin, will deny any responsibility for the deaths and injuries of this act - by a crazed gun man - but how much death could have been avoided if he didnt have the gun, and we had intelligent leaders and intelligent honest discourse on our policy differences.
But, the question is - Is Sarah Palin and Jesse Kelly - terrorist??? - did they not implicitly encourage the assasination of Gabrielle Giffords, a member of the US Congress. Did their imagery convey encouragement to those to take up guns against a member of Congress...???? I say - Yes...
Ps..An Arizona public official has now said "it is easier to get a gun (in AZ)than a drivers license" that is wrong and ludicrous !!
Arizona should NOW be the leading state to REPEAL all open carry pistol / rifle (except hunting) laws - and make stonger gun educational requirements for concealed weapons laws - leading the nation to a saner gun control laws.
The NRA has already mounted a campaign to condemn those who want stronger more effective gun laws - blaming those 'who attempt to exploit this situation (Giffords shooting)' - after John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Marting Luther King, Jim Brady etc, there were calls for stronger more effective gun laws - the Giffords shooting is no different - The National Rifle Association is a dangerous anti American organization that prevents and stymies effective and sane gun laws. Now is the time to stand up against the NRA. We must save US residents and Mexican lives.
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