Sunday, February 26, 2012


The Oscars were right to ban Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat)...and why?? they allowed him to go to tonights Oscars, Hollywood's biggest night, is now up for discussion and condemnation.

Cohen dressed as a 'dictator' / Kaddafi, with sexxy female bodygards in military attire, was carrying the remains of Korean dictator, Kim Jung Il, in an urn, saying that Kim always wanted to attend the Oscars - then dumped the 'remains', bisquick pancake mix, on E Entertainment host, Ryan Secrest - in a distasteful, ignorant, demeaning and thouroghly wrong promotion for Cohen's next movie.

Cohen, dressed as an Arab dictator was especially wrong, after two American military officers were killed in Afghanistan, unrest and massacres in Syria, and continuing protests in Afganistan over the burning of the Quaran, and talk of war with Iran.

The Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Science, the Oscars, should permantely ban Cohen, and he should apologize to all Americans and to the Academy members...for his actions which were totally wrong on so many levels. It was totally disgusting - devoid of humor and decency. Cohen tried to continue the skit - but was quickly ushered down the red carpet, but he should have been escorted out the door !!

And whoever decided to reverse the original ban on his attendance should also apologize.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012



Today, Feb 22, I was interviewed by IR - Ross Jones, of WXYZ, about a continuing investigation into - loitering tickets (with notations inferring narcotics and prostitution related) being issued improperly by Detroit Police Officers....The interview should run the week of February 26th...

I explained how 'loitering tickets' when pro...perly and lawfully issued, are a good crime fighting tool, that helps to reduce narcotic users and prostitutes - and can have an effect on felony crimes, like: murder, robbery, home invasions and rape.

Detroit PC Godbee in a press release, not an interview, said "...we are not in a respond to claims that cases are mishandled"...I say Why not??? This appears to be an 'abuse of power' that residents complained of under PC Warren Evans, and the officers tickets to seemingly lawful citizens deserve to be discussed.

Maybe, Judge Cook should order the Department of Justice, under the Consent Decrees, to investigate. Maybe PC Godbee would discuss the issue then.

ps: There may be more complaints from residents under Godbee's 'broken window' enforcement policy, that lacks enough officers to be effective and will generate 'civil rights' violation complaints, like there was when PC Evans, who ordered increased enforcement in high crime areas.

I have long advocated for a national search for the 'best and brightest' police chief -and it should be a priority.

I said weeks ago, while a guest on the Michael Schwartz Show, on WADL Channel 38, that I thought the Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon had intentions of taking over the DPD and adding it to the WCS Department. What do you think???

pps: Does Detroit still have a Gang Squad??? I advocated that all DPD officers be trained about gangs in Detroit, and that they have a central 'Gang Intelligence Unit' and eliminate Gang Squad - that way every DPD officer could have gang information and be able to use it - and to collect information that could be shared with all officers, not just a few.

pps: Sgt Stephens of the Detroit Police Public Information Office - told me that the DPD made a statement about the above matter, only a small line of response was put in Jones' Report...READ below: COMMENT -- to see the entire text of the Department's response...
(from me) - all residents of Detroit or visitors who feel that a DPD officer has not properly performed their job - should make a citizens complaint..I have always encouraged that, but I have also, advocated that people who make FALSE COMPLAINTS against officers, should face criminal and civil penalties. Law Enforcement officers due a critical, dangerous job for which they can lose their lives and careers, with a bad decision - so those who make false or unecessary complaint should be punished.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012



Where is Mayor Bing ???? No comment by him on another child killed in Detroit - is he too busy trying to save Detroit to worry about another child - dead in the City -

I have for years, since Coleman Young - advocated for Mayors to leave City Hall and get on their 'bully pulpits' in every Detroit Church - to speak out against - Murder in Detroit - against children being shot, against the 'black on black violence' that has made Detroit a City to mock and denigrate across the country.

Bing - Godbee who is 'pissed' about a 9 month infant - gunned down, at night, at home - They both shoud be outraged and take that message to churches across the City..

Show the outrage...tell the community - that enough is enough and 'that they are and everyone should be 'mad as hell - and not going to take it anymore'. They should say that telling the police the truth about a crime - is not snitching, its a positive act to protect their families - their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents and their neighborhoods.

Detroit has problems..lack of jobs, lack of quality education, poor public services - and children dying in their homes, shot by a criminal element that is taking advantage of the situation.
These criminals must be stopped and a joint effort between the community and the police is the only way to start and get a hold on the problem...

Speak Out - Mayor Bing, PC Godbee -press conferences is not the way to shake the community out of their apathy, out of the resignation of the situation..The Pulpit is the way...Just Do It. DLM

ps: The DPD said the shooting death of a 9 month year old, at home - was GANG related.
What is GANG SQUAD doing ? What have they done - how much 'intel' do they have? Where are these gangs located, who are their leaders ? It's time to let the information be given to the public, so they can protect themselves and to work with DPD officers to get and share information.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Mark Diaz

After I left the informational meeting at the UAW hall regarding the tentative agreement I received a call that someone had asked what our pension concessions have saved the city. It was explained that the union was not prepared to answer that question and I regret not being there to field this one because it is very important that everyone takes this into consideration. With suggestions that we a...s a Police Union do not show our appreciation for the citizens of the city of Detroit consider the following facts;

By dropping the multiplier from 2.5% to 2.1% we are saving the City of Detroit $6,000,000 a year.

The part that most people do not really know is that in May of 2011, (before I replaced then DPOA Vice President Paul Stewart on the Board) the Board raised the assumed rate of return to 8% and extended the smoothing to 7-years. The result of this comes out to a $60,000,000 a year savings to the City of Detroit.

Conversely, raising of the assumed rate of return and extending the smoothing period out to 7 years as oppose to the standard market cycle (3-5 years) requires us to basically have to make $145,000,000 a year to get to zero to then make the rest in order to pay our benefits. The good news is that we have great investments and are able to do this. But keep in mind, it is only through good investments will we be able to continue to do this.

Another point that everyone should be aware of is that the way the Actuary figures out how much we have in investments to pay off our accrued liabilities is based on the number of years we are all expected to work. With changes in the last couple of years from a 25 year retirement being the minimum to what we have now which is 20-years, there is a level of impact this has on our pension system.

In order for us to make an educated decision as to the feasibility of this Tentative Agreement’s impact on our pension system as it pertains to the early retirement option, we need to know if the City is planning to take the sick time from the member to pay the members benefit obligations for the three years? I would bet not. What this does is accelerates the decline of the active member payroll contribution to the system, thus causing a negative impact on our pension system funding percentage.

Our last actuarial study at the end of the year indicates we are currently 102.3% funded. I should remind everyone that the Kilpatrick administration took out roughly $650,000,000 in Pension Obligation Certificates (P.O.C.’s) to pay off their debt to us around five years ago. Though we have this money and the debt to us is paid, Michigan legislation prohibits us from including the P.O.C.’s in calculating our funding percentage. Without the P.O.C.’s our funding percentage is somewhere between 80%-90%.

Show me another group that is saving the city roughly $330,000,000 over the next five years before saying we don’t care about the city we protect. I’m voting NO!

ps: They told us maybe a couple weeks or so til the ballots go out. Most members are pretty pissed about the TA.. They say why get screwed twice. (By the city and then again if an EFM comes in. I pretty much feel the same. Most of us say.... BRING ON THE EFM! -- active PO


Tentative agreement between Police and City falls short

Last week the city of Detroit and the unions representing the uniformed police personnel reached a tentative agreement on concessions. This comes on the heels of police, particularly the rank and file officers giving up hundreds of millions in concessions just last September in a deal negotiated by the Bing administration. Now the city has returned looking for additional give backs because they've said the financial situation the city of Detroit is in requires it. Police Officers realize the city is in trouble and have shown a willingness to do what is fitting and proper to help as has been stated by the DPOA President Joe Duncan. Detroit Officers have historically lagged behind other departments in wages and benefits and these new cuts will increase that gap. Cuts that will take decades to recoup if they are achieved. This new proposed deal will likely be voted down as its currently written not because Officers don't want to share in the sacrifice, we already have, but because there is no real protection and assurances after the agreement is signed and sealed. This new deal will expire in 2015 and there is some language that State Treasurer Andy Dillon on behalf of Governor Snyder will sign off on as protection under a consent agreement but it doesn't go far enough. Here are some areas of concerns:


No protections against layoffs. What assurances do we have that once signed off on officers won't be laid off?

Protection from an Emergency Manager

No guarantees against further cuts should an emergency manager be needed. If the Governor can sign off on this plan under a consent agreement, he can also sign off on some assurances should a EM be needed since he appoints that person.

A Plan

These concessions, if agreed upon, are ratified it will only serve to fill the $45 million cash flow shortage the city has. Where is the longer term plan to address the debt that’s reported to be in the billions? How will public safety be impacted?

Give backs

Language that says when this agreement expires in 2015 the concessions made in this agreement ( overtime, holiday and court time) will be restored by the city.

The threat of an empowered administration with a consent agreement in hand or an emergency manager may not be enough to get an affirmative vote. The city needs to come back to the table.

Leave a comment here, on the FB page of MARK DIAZ, and DETROITUNCOVERED.COM

Tuesday, February 14, 2012





Monday, February 13, 2012


'Broken Window' broken policy - Detroit Police Chief Godbee - needs to be replaced.

OMG...PC Godbee has finally gone over the edge - he wants good community relations but 'we aren't in a position to talk about mishandled tickers'..Godbee should respond to legitimate concerns of the public and media.

He has failed the residents of Detroit and his police officers - and things are only going to get WORSE - with his new 'broken window' enforcement.

Godbee needs to be replaced...ASAP....

David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired...more

WXYZ - CHL 7 REPORT, Ross Jones:
Read more:

PC Godbee has introduced a 'broken window' enforcement program for Detroit - which will divert more and more police officers from patrol - to non essential enforcement of ordinances - for which officers don't have time to do and not enough jail space to use as a result of their enforcement efforts..

This is another of Godbee's - SMOKE AND MIRRORS - programs to fool the public into believing that he is doing something to fight crime - he isn't and he dosen't have the respect of his officers..

Tell the Mayor and City Council - to stop this 'BROKEN WINDOW' enforcement and 'virtual precincts' program.

Detroiters stand up and say " I am mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore" David

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Murder in Detroit.....

It started for me, in 1974, when the Detroit Police Department, failed to hire me - despite passing all the tests and meeting the requirements, because I lived in Dearborn Heights. I was hired finally, in September of 1977, discrimination that faced me and before me - black officers, and women under past Mayors.

It started (for me - again) in Detroit in 1980, with the layoff of 1,100 police officers, by Mayor Coleman A. Young, after the DPOA won (?) an Act 312 victory. Young was going to show the DPOA 'who was the boss' - so he cast off 1,100 police officers for five (5) years, ruining their lives and putting Detroit residents in the cross hairs of death. Detroit became the national 'Murder City'.

And the criminals saw the smoke signal, saw the star in the north and started to use
Detroiters, as their criminal piggy bank, if they needed money - take it, there weren't enough police officers to stop them. Guns and death ruled the streets, and Young still persisted in showing that ' I am the Boss ' - blaming the DPOA (the home of the 'white army of occupation' and greedy cops). Detroit did not recall the officers until 1985.

Coleman Young hated police officers black or white - he called black officers 'psychopaths' who would do violence to their own people. He called white officers 'and army of occupation' - thus poisoning public perception of hard working police officers, working in a 'war zone' - in one of America's most dangerous cities. Young fueled the disrespect and lack of community support for police officers.

The Detroit Police Department is now down to less than 700,000 residents and there is only; 2,103 police officers (94 below budgeted), 73 investigators, 454 sergeants (29 below budgeted), 102 lieutenants. The City Council is still holding court with nine (9) council persons, and their bloated staffs - Detroit needs more police officers and less council persons ! DPD is losing more than 30 officers a month through retirements.

Mayor Bing has agreed to an early retirement plan for Detroit police officers, which will damage and destroy needed experience and trained officers facing a rising murder and crime rate. Residents don't believe PC Godbee (64% of Detroiters don't - unscientific poll) when he talks about Detroit crime rates declining. The agreements with the DPOA / LSA and DPDCOA will do nothing to retain officers or motivate them to do more, in this dangerous City. It is a counter productive agreement - that does more harm than good.

Detroit needs a Mayor to hire the best and brightest Police Chief in the nation - and a PC who will stop the 'virtual precinct' program, stop the transfer of investigators (detectives) to a central location, get rid of a bad report system - Crisnet, get needed jail space and to reduce the waste of millions of dollars in prisoner medical costs - and more....

Detroit faces a budget crisis - a specter of an Emergency Financial Manager - but Detroit residents face worse - murder in their neighborhoods and homes, crime in the streets and a dysfunctional City government.

Detroit needs help - who is going to answer the call????

David L. Malhalab
Sergeant DPD Retired

Friday, February 3, 2012


Cann4 runs...means old old runs that need to be answered ??? David

I have to say you are right on this one... we still have the list of CANNED runs that get answered hours later (maybe) and by then of course no on is there to make the report. I go to a lot of calls and they say "well I called the police before and you guys never came." I ask if they came to the station to make a report and they say "NO!" - active dpd po

Mayor Bing...says DPD officers respect Chief Godbee...WHAT DO YOU THINK....DLM

Warrendale (Detroit) Blog

64.2% of Detroiters Don't Believe Chief Godbee

Detroit's Police Chief Ralph L. Godbee, Jr. issued a statement on Friday, January 13 in which he declared that, while Detroit's homicide rate had gone up by 12% in 2011, our overall crime rate had actually gone down by 8%. I, of course, put aside the obvious question of wondering whether or not one might be tempting fate by making a major
announcement on a Friday the 13th. Instead, I asked if anyone believed Chief
Godbee's claim that crime was down overall in Detroit.

I asked this question on Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter as well as in person at a variety of establishments throughout Detroit. In all, a total of 106 Detroiters answered my question as to whether or not they believed that crime really was down in our city. My completely

unscientific polling found:

7 Detroiters (6.6% of respondents) said they

believed Chief Godbee that crime really was down in Detroit in 2011 in

comparison to the year before without any further clarification;

31 Detroiters in my sample (29.2% of

respondents) indicated that they believed that crime

was only down because of a declining population; and

68 Detroiters (64.2% of respondents) said that

they did not believe Chief Godbee's claim at all.
I have to say that it does not bode well for Mayor Dave Bing nor Chief Godbee when such a large group of Detroiters indicate that they do not believe the Detroit Police Department's
official crime statistics. Official statistics, after all, are supposed to becomprehensive, objective, and credible. When a solid majority of Detroiters don't believe them, it is indicative of a larger problem within the

Bing Administration, in my opinion. My personal opinion, in the interest of disclosure, is that Detroit has likely seen a significant drop in the number of crimes that have been reported to police. However, since my sources tell me that almost 30% of calls to 9-1-1 do not yield a response, the fact remains that there is a large amount of crime in Detroit that never makes it into our crime statistics. Unless those individuals who called 9-1-1, but did not get a police officer to show up when one was needed, took the time to go to a police station and file a report then the crime that they called 9-1-1 to report would have never made it into our statistics.

It seems highly doubtful, to me at least, that someone who wasn't able to get a response to a 9-1-1 call would take the time to file another report. Therefore, we likely have thousands of additional crimes in our city that aren't included in the official statistics. The most likely
conclusion, in my estimation, is that our true live of crime in Detroit was up in 2011; not down.

I'm confident that Chief Godbee and Mayor Bing will disagree with me on this. Of course, if they could make it so that Detroit police officers showed every time that they're needed and did so in a timely manner then we would likely have a better picture of what is really happening on our streets.