Rush Limbaugh (Rick Santorum) didn't start it - but he is now the Leader of the Republican War on Women - and the Republican Party's rush to the edge in lunancy, decency and insanity on public issues. Nothing it seems is to extreme for Republicans to embrace.
Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke, and the silence of Republicans to denounce his comments - is pr...oof that Republicans no longer are the Party that can prouldly proclaim to uphold the US Constitition. The Party is no longer the party of Ronald Reagan, Dwight D. Eishenhower or Abraham Lincoln.
The Republican Party has been captured and seduced by the Tea Party, which is destroying this once proud Party.
The Republican Party, who believe God created the Earth, are now rushing to see who can destroy its natural benefits - the air, the water, forests - claiming that businesses will protect them - despite proof to the opposite, Chernobyl, Fukishima, the Gulf of Mexico and the Kalamazoo river, and the disaster in the making - the Keystone XL pipline across the county.
The Republican Party is now afraid of Planned Parenthood, outspoken women, the Girl Scouts and soon - the Lorax.
God help us all...!!!!
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Sandra Fluke Responds To Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments - copy and paste in your browser...
Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University law student Rush Limbaugh labeled as a slut and a prostitute for her beliefs about access to birth control, responded on MSNBC's The Ed Show Thursday night. "Initially, you're stunned, but then very quickly, you're outraged, because this is historically the ki.....