STAND UP TO THE - NRA.... Las Vegas - again again again...
Today is a day of mourning, remembering and should be the DAY that all people - say enough - We need common sense gun legislation. Legislation that the NRA (National Rifle Association) knee jerk rejects and castigate and threaten those who bring up the subject.
The Fox News Five (4) said We can't discuss the issue of 'Gun Control' today ( Monday, October 2, 2017)... and a panelist said 'give up specifice - for legislation etc.. ignoring the FACT that after every mass shooting - real concrete suggestions are made and ignored, made fun off, scoffed at and killed by the NRA and its bought and paid for Legislators (both local and national).
Brainwashed NRA members who think the US 2nd Amendment means that they can possess and carry guns wherever and whenever they want.
Since 2011 there has been 18 (18) Mass Shootings in the United States of America...Newtown, San Bernadino, Aurora, Oakland, Oak Creek, Minneapolis, Fort Hood, Isla Vista, Charleston, Chattanooga, Orlando - etc etc etc on and on.
Las Vegas, the WORST MASS SHOOTING IN AMERICA, (59 DEAD - 526 INJURED and still counting) by a wealthy White Male (w/m) who had ten (10) guns (some altered to automatic weapons), who shot from the 32nd floor of a hotel on a happy Country Music concert - turned deadly, bloody and forever a stain on American history.
We need enforcement of current gun laws, with all agencies dealing with gun enforcement fully funded (ATF budget was cut) more agents are needed to investigate and trace stolen guns.
We need better checks of gun store sales records and reporting, especially in the South West but every gun store must be audited regularly, with violations noted and prosecuted.
We need a BAN on the sale of all military style assault weapons and large capacity magazines. The AK47 is supposedly the best and there is a US made version, but in every Sunday paper military style assault weapons are offered for sale, and since President Obama has left office the prices have dropped, making them more affordable.
We need better and faster background checks on all persons trying to purchasing a weapon.
We need more laws controlling the sale of guns / rifles at Gun Shows.
We need a BAN on sale of guns via the Internet - now.
We need a BAN on the manufacture of realistic toy guns !!! and non lethal guns that look like real hand guns and rifles. Since
We need more training with the purchase of a weapon, a person must take a course on how to shoot, when to shoot and the responsibility of gun ownership. Just because you buy a gun doesn't mean you know - how to shoot it.
We just had two young children shot by a 2 year old who found an unsecured gun, in Dearborn. In Dearborn Heights several unsecured weapons were stolen from a home as the occupants slept (including an AK47). In Detroit numerous children have been shot and killed by children who found a gun or who were playing with a gun.
We can't blame mass shootings on Arabs or Mexicans...they are the W/Ms doing it to America and we must put a stop to it - with effective and common sense gun laws - starting today.