Trump to aid ISIS..inflame Mid East...endanger USA the World
President Trump is going to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, on Wednesday, Dec 5, which will inflame the Palestinians and the Mid East, aiding ISIS recruiting and giving aid and comfort to all the terrorist that operate in the MIddle East and around the World - Why ???
There is NO reason to do this at this dangerous time. Trump is trying again, as he has done before, to distract and change the topics that he is emeshed in: Russia Probe, Obstruction of Justice, Alabama's - Roy Moore etc.
Trump taking this action presents a 'clear and present danger' to the American people here and abroad. NO US President, Democrat or Republican has ever taken this action - Why ?? because they have realized the dangers outweigh the political.
Presidents could have done this to 'support Israel' but realized that it endangers Israel too, so they have tried to negotiate peace between the parties, but all have failed.
I have been to Jerusalem, I stayed in the City that is HOLY to Christians, Muslims and Jews with HOLY sites in and around the City, which should remain in its current status.
Republicans elected officials MUST step in and STOP this dangerous act by a mentally challenged President which my face Impeachment and removal from office.