Republicans Stand UP...
Honor America.....
TRUMP = NIXON UPDATE............8/15/18
Trump today, to divert attention from the Omarosa Dispute, revoked the security clearance of former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, who has served previous Democratic and Republican Presidents with honor and distinction. BUT
Brennan has been an outspoken critic of Trump, especially his actions toward Russia and Putin, calling his actions - potentially Treasonous.
Trump - a thin skinned bully, with childish impulses, who has shown that he has neither the mental or intellectual capacity to be President of the US.
Trump has now taken us back to the Nixon era of Shame..with an Enemies List - Republicans are turning a 'blind eye, deaf ear and not seeing' the damage Trump is doing to us all.
Republicans need to Stand UP against Trump in a show of
Profiles in Courage, to set this Country on a new course of Being the Most Powerful and Best Country in the World.
Where are THEY ????????????????
They continue to hide and duck and FAIL to speak up and out about the sexist and racist - the bullying, the demeaning tweets, the disrespectful speech that Donald Trump, the President spews out about Women (black and white)....
TRUMP has once again shown that he is not emotionally or intellectually competent to be President of the United States.
Trumps has exhibited Juvenile Behavior many many times before - He LIES constantly - He demeans America and Americans...
While soldiers die in Afghanistan, children in Yemen, Russia assumes more power, N Korea continues with their nuclear weapon program, trade tariff problems, etc etc ....Trump devotes time to Amarosa (America"s favorite villian)....
Amarosa has tremendous Credibility problems - BUT - she has Tapes !!!!! Nixon had tapes and is now a disgraced President, who participated in a criminal conspiracy and cover up...
Trump, who touts himself as a 'stable genius', a great 'deal maker', who knows the 'best people', and would hire the 'best people'...Now calls his highest ranked African-American Woman adviser, a 'dog, a 'low life', not 'smart' etc etc...for all the World to hear and see - Shaming American, here and Worldwide.
Amarosa should not be believed ...BUT...she has Tapes - and that tells the tale the story of an American President, not fit for office, who doesn't know whats going on in America or the World.
Republicans in Congress - the House and Senate - MUST stand up to Trump and say, ENOUGH, you have betrayed your Country and the Office of the President and should VOTE to remove him from Office, before he does irreparable damage to America and the World.
Now is the TIME for Republicans to issue their own - Profiles in Courage.