When they time......Reporters need to do a story on the 'Open Carry' Law problems...like they can carry guns into public buildings but CPL people can't....'Open Carry' either needs to be fixed or banned.....Open Carry is a clear and present danger to public safety....
Did Snyder also veto - eliminating gun boards - allowing County Sheriffs to approve gun permits...and making MSP the record keeper for gun registrations...
PS...I can carry a gun into stadiums, schools, etc...I have a pistol free zone exemption - as a retired police officer....Law enforcement officers, off duty, and retired LE personnel can do so - because of our past training....
The lack of training for Open Carry and non LE - CPL carriers is a very serious threat to public safety.............needs to be addressed and corrected....now......
The NRA now agrees the need for common sense gun laws - this is not about taking guns from citizens - BUT - taking military assault weapons and high capacity magazines from the public marketplace - they are not needed to protect a home or for hunting...they are for mass killing, to kill as many people as possible in war situations, not domestic situations..
Jase Bolger, is a slimy, dishonest, Republican House Speaker (?), he should be in jail - shunned by the Republican Party for trying to 'rig' and election! The fact that the Republicans let him be Speaker - shows their lack of respect for the voting public and their own lack of accountability.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Do you think the people of Newtown, Ct, are rushing to buy guns and assault weapons, to protect themselves !!!! - from another school, movie theatre, or public gun massacre ???...
The NRA, Fox News (?), misguided gun nuts and others are trying to make us feel guilty for talking about gun laws and assault weapon bans, in the wake of the child massacre in Newtown.
NRA and their gun nut, fools and paid politicians members are trying to downplay another gun massacre, make us think - its about a single deranged shooter - and not the insane and wrong headed 'gun culture' that is engrained in the US culture. Our wrong belief that people kill people, not guns !!! And that more guns in the hands of more people will solve the problem.
There automatic response to our very prevalent - gun massacres - is more guns, less laws...'Don't take our guns away' - because then only criminals will have guns'. Not acknowledging that the availability of guns - is how criminals get guns ( from home invasions, B&E of autos, etc)
Military assault weapons (AR15 /16s - AK 47s - Uzis - Mac10s - etc ) are not guns. They are military weapons designed to kill a large amount of people in the least amount of time. High capacity magazines allow you to have all of the ammunition you will need without reloading as often as needed with smaller magazines.
Our Founding Fathers (1781 - 231 years ago) and our Constitution could not have imagined these personal weapons of mass destruction and death.
The Fathers were trying to establish the right of citizens to be able to protect themselves, their families, homes and towns from the English, French, and 'savage' Native Americans, before the establishment of local police departments, state police, FBI and other law enforcement agencies that have been created to fill the need for public safety - common sense guns laws (except) for home protection should be discussed and reevaluated to make them stronger and more effective.
We need an immediate Assault Weapons / High Capacity Magazine Ban - The President, Congress, Governors and State Legislators must all stand up pass similiar legislation - Stand Up against the NRA. We also need to review all gun laws to strengthen them and make them more effective.
We need and END to 'Open Carry Gun Laws' in Michigan and in every state in the Country, and more and improved training for those 'legitimate' citizens who want and have 'concealed weapons permits'....Everyone who carries a gun - should know how and when to properly use the weapon and a clear understanding of the rights and responsibilities of having a gun, in public.
Michigan Governor Snyder must Stand Up to the Tea Party / right wing Republicans and the NRA and VETO - the recently passed gun bill, that would allow gun to be brought into schools, stadiums, hospitals, and have a real review of the Michigan 'Open Carry Law' and 'CPL Law' - to ban OC and to make mandatory more training for CPL carriers.
I am a retired Detroit Police Sergeant - I want the massacres of innocents to be stopped - and the availability of military style weapons to end.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Newtown, Cn, 20 school children, 6 adults (and counting) killed by a gun.
Guns KILL People...
The NRA is complicit in another mass killing of innocents - another massacre, in which, the killing weapon was a gun...
The NRA opposition to an Assault Weapon / High Capacity Magazine Ban, makes them complicit and responsible..Their opposition, intimidation and lavish money lobbying,
is reprehensible, now and in the past.
The NRA must join, President Obama, Congress, Governors and Legilatures in supporting and passing an immediate - Assault Weapons / High Capacity Magazine Law.
This will not stop crazy, demented, unbalanced people from commiting crimes, but it will begin to change the gun mentality - the gun culture, and help take these dangerous military style weapons off the US market.
PS: Did Michigan Governor Snyder, have the guts, balls, courage to VETO, the insane legislative bill to allow guns in churchs and other protected areas ????
As a retired Police Sergeant, I feel, Michigan's Open (Gun) Carry Law, and the lack of training for CPLs (concealed weapons) is a clear and present danger to the public.
With the massacre of children, in Newtown, Cn, we need an immediate - Assa...ult Weapon / High Capacity Magazine Ban - Guns Kill People - the NRA is complicite in all gun massacres because of their opposition to the AWB - and their opposition to gun laws.
But it is also the President, Congress, Governors and State Legislatures that must - Stand Up - and against the NRA - and STAND WITH - the people who have been victims of gun violence and massacres.
Guns KILL People...
The NRA is complicit in another mass killing of innocents - another massacre, in which, the killing weapon was a gun...
The NRA opposition to an Assault Weapon / High Capacity Magazine Ban, makes them complicit and responsible..Their opposition, intimidation and lavish money lobbying,
is reprehensible, now and in the past.
The NRA must join, President Obama, Congress, Governors and Legilatures in supporting and passing an immediate - Assault Weapons / High Capacity Magazine Law.
This will not stop crazy, demented, unbalanced people from commiting crimes, but it will begin to change the gun mentality - the gun culture, and help take these dangerous military style weapons off the US market.
PS: Did Michigan Governor Snyder, have the guts, balls, courage to VETO, the insane legislative bill to allow guns in churchs and other protected areas ????
As a retired Police Sergeant, I feel, Michigan's Open (Gun) Carry Law, and the lack of training for CPLs (concealed weapons) is a clear and present danger to the public.
With the massacre of children, in Newtown, Cn, we need an immediate - Assa...ult Weapon / High Capacity Magazine Ban - Guns Kill People - the NRA is complicite in all gun massacres because of their opposition to the AWB - and their opposition to gun laws.
But it is also the President, Congress, Governors and State Legislatures that must - Stand Up - and against the NRA - and STAND WITH - the people who have been victims of gun violence and massacres.
Monday, December 3, 2012
The Detroit Police Sixth Precinct, just a short nine months ago, was the subject of an internationally reported shooting, in which four police officers were shot, inside their building by a gunman, who rushed in with a shotgun and began to fire.
There was much hand ringing and promises of finding a solution to better protect the officers who sat behind a high desk, with almost NO view of people entering the front doors.
A hand held metal detector was used, then a real metal detector was brought in - problem solved ??? NO NO NO apparently the batteries or some other problem has left the metal detector - inoperable, unusable. An officer is now assigned to wand all visitors, a hand wand !!! The officer has a desk at the one entrance door, confusing signs on all the front doors make it difficult to find the right door to enter - then if the officers is not distracted by other duties, wands the visitor, BUT BUT nothing has been done to stop a person, who wants to burst in - guns blazing, because the front door is so close to the front desk, which officers sit at behind - with NO view of visitors coming in...
Apparently, the acting PC Chester Logan has known about the situation, as well as other police executives - a private citizen (former 6th Precinct Officer) and his company has offered to install a state of the art, metal detector, but 'red tape' has been delaying the gift.!!!!
Detroit police executives have said - Detroit has no money, to improve the Department. The Department us under Federal Consent Decress (for 10 years), paying out money to a monitor, under the view of US Judge Julian Cook,(who seems to have fallen asleep the past 10 years {a federal monitor slept with Mayor Kilpatrick}. The Detroit Police Department has no money to find a new Police Chief, to conduct a national search for a police chief, who can come in and clean up, clean out the Department of 'dead wood', nepotism, cronisym, and favoritism.
Mayor Bing and the City Council ,should go to Lansing and Washington DC, and request money - to protect the residents from crime, arsons, and to be able to transport its residents to a hospital, in a timely manner. State and Federal grants must be a priority in getting the funding to improve the Police / Fire / EMS Departments.
If no grant money is forthcoming the City - should tell Lansing and Washington DC, that it will layoff all Police / Fire / EMS personeel, or shut down all the non necessary duties of these employees. The police and fire unions must be brought in -to bear witness to the clear and present dangers to their members.
Detroit residents are NOT being properly protected by the police department, fire and EMS departments - not because of the officers, fireman, or medical technicians, but because of the politics, the negelect of duty - of current and previous mayors and council members. and police executives - Detroit residents deserve better...if City leaders don't act - then the Governor and Department of Justice - MUST step in and take control - to make Detroit a safe city.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Is Mitt Romney being 'brainwashed' by Grover Norquist, Karl Rove and other enablers ?
He made a comment to his rich powerful supporters that 'gifts' President Obama promised to Blacks, Hispanics, and young voters, is what got him elected !!!
Mitt Romney is drinking the 'kool aid' of failed advisors, some official and some the murky background types - like Rove and Norquist both of whom seem bent on pushing the once proud Republican Party to the extreme right wing of American politics - an area that voters showed they didn' want to go.
Mitt Romney, helped doom himself to losing with comments about the - 47% - self deportation - let Detroit go bankrupt - Chrysler Jeeps to be made in China (?) - I will repeal Obamacare except parts that are popular - supporting anti arbortion fools - binders of women - the list goes on and on....
Mitt Romney is not George Romney, whom I would have voted for as President - but George was an honest man, who spoke, what he considered to be the truth - Mitt pushed to the extreme right wing, couldn't come up with a solid platform that appealed to the American people - Mitt got votes - but they were more anti - Obama votes, than we support Mitt votes.
Look at the fools, who now want to seceed from the Union - OMG - that is part of the Republican base - endorsed by: Shaun Hannity, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh (stellar lights in politcal insanity and speech).
And those Republicans who proudly say - we kept the House, are deluding themselves, incumbants usually win, unless they do / say something really stupid, - like 'abortion babies are God's will'.
That is what Republicans and Mitt Romney need to realize - their right wing agenda will not get them elected, if they hold true to their ways - they will lose big in the 2014 Congressional Elections - then Obama may have a madated to change America -and Republicans will be the fools looking in - while being out.
Appreciate any comments - this is America....
Is Mitt Romney being 'brainwashed' by Grover Norquist, Karl Rove and other enablers ?
He made a comment to his rich powerful supporters that 'gifts' President Obama promised to Blacks, Hispanics, and young voters, is what got him elected !!!
Mitt Romney is drinking the 'kool aid' of failed advisors, some official and some the murky background types - like Rove and Norquist both of whom seem bent on pushing the once proud Republican Party to the extreme right wing of American politics - an area that voters showed they didn' want to go.
Mitt Romney, helped doom himself to losing with comments about the - 47% - self deportation - let Detroit go bankrupt - Chrysler Jeeps to be made in China (?) - I will repeal Obamacare except parts that are popular - supporting anti arbortion fools - binders of women - the list goes on and on....
Mitt Romney is not George Romney, whom I would have voted for as President - but George was an honest man, who spoke, what he considered to be the truth - Mitt pushed to the extreme right wing, couldn't come up with a solid platform that appealed to the American people - Mitt got votes - but they were more anti - Obama votes, than we support Mitt votes.
Look at the fools, who now want to seceed from the Union - OMG - that is part of the Republican base - endorsed by: Shaun Hannity, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh (stellar lights in politcal insanity and speech).
And those Republicans who proudly say - we kept the House, are deluding themselves, incumbants usually win, unless they do / say something really stupid, - like 'abortion babies are God's will'.
That is what Republicans and Mitt Romney need to realize - their right wing agenda will not get them elected, if they hold true to their ways - they will lose big in the 2014 Congressional Elections - then Obama may have a madated to change America -and Republicans will be the fools looking in - while being out.
Appreciate any comments - this is America....
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Jon Stewart on his Daily Show (CCN) announced the President Obama has been re-elected. Now followed by all the major networks -
The closet race (??) in American history is over by 11:30 pm - election night. $6 billion dollars has been spent , in the most expensive Presidential election, leaves us the same as before the election - a Democratic President, a Democratic US Senate, and a Republican House of Representatives.
All that is left of the Republican Party is for Paul Ryan and Gordon Norquist is to tear apart the GOP - the former home of Dwight Eishower, Ronald Regan, Gerald Ford and Abraham Lincoln - this once proud party has been undermined by right wing fanatics, who opposed President Obaman, in part, because he was black - and their denial of the USA as part of a world economy.
Obama has done a remarkable job taking us back from a recession - and creating a slow but steady growth. The US suffers as part of a world economic slowdown, not because of the 'failed policies of President Obama'.
Obama Care (Romney Care) will survive providing a better more affordable health care for Americans, the poor and middle class will benefit, and America will be better for it.
So America has survived a close call with fanaticism - but still in the heart of Mississippi a KKK leader predicted a race war (ABC News) if President Obama was re-eleted - so there are still major problems to face and overcome, but hopefully our political leaders will finally stand up and lead - so that America will move forward and lead the world to peace and prosperity.
God Bless America - and Thank you - God.
Jon Stewart on his Daily Show (CCN) announced the President Obama has been re-elected. Now followed by all the major networks -
The closet race (??) in American history is over by 11:30 pm - election night. $6 billion dollars has been spent , in the most expensive Presidential election, leaves us the same as before the election - a Democratic President, a Democratic US Senate, and a Republican House of Representatives.
All that is left of the Republican Party is for Paul Ryan and Gordon Norquist is to tear apart the GOP - the former home of Dwight Eishower, Ronald Regan, Gerald Ford and Abraham Lincoln - this once proud party has been undermined by right wing fanatics, who opposed President Obaman, in part, because he was black - and their denial of the USA as part of a world economy.
Obama has done a remarkable job taking us back from a recession - and creating a slow but steady growth. The US suffers as part of a world economic slowdown, not because of the 'failed policies of President Obama'.
Obama Care (Romney Care) will survive providing a better more affordable health care for Americans, the poor and middle class will benefit, and America will be better for it.
So America has survived a close call with fanaticism - but still in the heart of Mississippi a KKK leader predicted a race war (ABC News) if President Obama was re-eleted - so there are still major problems to face and overcome, but hopefully our political leaders will finally stand up and lead - so that America will move forward and lead the world to peace and prosperity.
God Bless America - and Thank you - God.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Mike and Marian Ilitch - Detroit Tigers - Gambling Casino ???
They own the Detroit Tigers, Detroit Red Winds, Fox Theatre, etc etc etc...BUT - they should pay back the up to $12 million dollars that Detroit taxpayers are owed for their failure secure and maintain historic Detroit Tiger Stadium....
Up to $12 million dollars, that Detroit needs to hire police officers, fire fighters, EMS techs, fix the lights, water and bus system. But they have no intention of paying and squeamish, cowardly public officials - won't stand up and demand, what is do - pay back to Detroit tax payers.
Mike Ilitch is getting a lot of positive publicity now that the Detroit Tigers have reached the World Series - but you must look behind the curtain - and see - what's behind the story.
Mike Ilitch has invested a lot of money in the Tigers (MLB) and the Detroit Red Wings (NHL) both professional sports teams - but his wife owns a Gambling Casino - The Motor City Casino) in Detroit, also - Is it wrong ??? Yes...Yes...but MLB and the NHL have failed to try and stop this obvious - conflict of interest...
Mile Ilitch has invested money in Detroit, but is he poorer now because of it...NO NO NO...he has reaped the benefits of his efforts and tax breaks and concessions from public officials, who were to sqeamish to stand up to him.
He is responsible for the destruction, of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium, a national treasure and a revenue source for deficeit riddent Detroit, along with George Jackson, of the DEGC and other sqeamish city officials (including former City Council President Ken Cockrell - who admitted publicly that Ilitch 'owed Detroit the money (for Tiger Stadium - up to $12m) and vowed 'to do everything I can to get it back' but hasn't done anything but complain to me - that I alerted the media to his comments.
So if the media want to do a fair portrait of Mike Ilitch look what he has taken from the City - even going so far as to help push, for Red Wing star, Darren McCartney, into bankruptcy for a debt to Marians's casino..
There is a doumentary about the Ilitch and the City's 'demolition by neglect of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium by Peter C. Riley and Gary Glaser - titled: Stranded at the Corner....
There is more sinister curtains to pull back...do you job and look.
Sgt DPD Retired
They own the Detroit Tigers, Detroit Red Winds, Fox Theatre, etc etc etc...BUT - they should pay back the up to $12 million dollars that Detroit taxpayers are owed for their failure secure and maintain historic Detroit Tiger Stadium....
Up to $12 million dollars, that Detroit needs to hire police officers, fire fighters, EMS techs, fix the lights, water and bus system. But they have no intention of paying and squeamish, cowardly public officials - won't stand up and demand, what is do - pay back to Detroit tax payers.
Mike Ilitch is getting a lot of positive publicity now that the Detroit Tigers have reached the World Series - but you must look behind the curtain - and see - what's behind the story.
Mike Ilitch has invested a lot of money in the Tigers (MLB) and the Detroit Red Wings (NHL) both professional sports teams - but his wife owns a Gambling Casino - The Motor City Casino) in Detroit, also - Is it wrong ??? Yes...Yes...but MLB and the NHL have failed to try and stop this obvious - conflict of interest...
Mile Ilitch has invested money in Detroit, but is he poorer now because of it...NO NO NO...he has reaped the benefits of his efforts and tax breaks and concessions from public officials, who were to sqeamish to stand up to him.
He is responsible for the destruction, of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium, a national treasure and a revenue source for deficeit riddent Detroit, along with George Jackson, of the DEGC and other sqeamish city officials (including former City Council President Ken Cockrell - who admitted publicly that Ilitch 'owed Detroit the money (for Tiger Stadium - up to $12m) and vowed 'to do everything I can to get it back' but hasn't done anything but complain to me - that I alerted the media to his comments.
So if the media want to do a fair portrait of Mike Ilitch look what he has taken from the City - even going so far as to help push, for Red Wing star, Darren McCartney, into bankruptcy for a debt to Marians's casino..
There is a doumentary about the Ilitch and the City's 'demolition by neglect of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium by Peter C. Riley and Gary Glaser - titled: Stranded at the Corner....
There is more sinister curtains to pull back...do you job and look.
Sgt DPD Retired
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
DPD Police Chief Ralph Godbee has been suspended for a month, pending a complete investigation into a sexual affair with a Internal Affairs police officer.
News organizations are going crazy trying to track down more information - this will become a national news story and another negative story that will bring ridicule and leave a further impression that Detroit is not a place you want to visit or live.
I have said since the day Mayor Bing appointed Godbee - that Godbee "should not be the face of the Detroit Police Department" - he held fundraisers for XMayor Kilpatrick and was a supporter. He
admitted to an adulterous relationship with former PC Warren Evans girlfriend.
Now he apparently has two girlfriends, who didn't know about each other and their is reports that one found out about the other, when he took one girlfriend on a 'business trip'.
The sordid details will be front page news, because one of the girlfriends has an attorney - and had her gun taken away from her, by the Department.
Mayor Bing was wrong to appoint Godbee - Police Chief, and failed over the last two years to fire him - for failing to build a better police department and has made several bad decisions which has endangered police officers and residents of Detroit.
Detroit must conduct a 'national search' for the best and brightest person to be the new police chief - someone who commands respect in the law enforcement community and someone with the determination to restucture the DPD to better protect Detroit residents and police officers, and visitors.
I have suggested for years - former LA Police Chief William Bratton, but DPD must not get another bad police chief chosen from 'the ranks'.
DPD Police Chief Ralph Godbee has been suspended for a month, pending a complete investigation into a sexual affair with a Internal Affairs police officer.
News organizations are going crazy trying to track down more information - this will become a national news story and another negative story that will bring ridicule and leave a further impression that Detroit is not a place you want to visit or live.
I have said since the day Mayor Bing appointed Godbee - that Godbee "should not be the face of the Detroit Police Department" - he held fundraisers for XMayor Kilpatrick and was a supporter. He
admitted to an adulterous relationship with former PC Warren Evans girlfriend.
Now he apparently has two girlfriends, who didn't know about each other and their is reports that one found out about the other, when he took one girlfriend on a 'business trip'.
The sordid details will be front page news, because one of the girlfriends has an attorney - and had her gun taken away from her, by the Department.
Mayor Bing was wrong to appoint Godbee - Police Chief, and failed over the last two years to fire him - for failing to build a better police department and has made several bad decisions which has endangered police officers and residents of Detroit.
Detroit must conduct a 'national search' for the best and brightest person to be the new police chief - someone who commands respect in the law enforcement community and someone with the determination to restucture the DPD to better protect Detroit residents and police officers, and visitors.
I have suggested for years - former LA Police Chief William Bratton, but DPD must not get another bad police chief chosen from 'the ranks'.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Mitt Romney, running for President of the United States, as a Republican, is a dangerous empty suit / chair, that is endangering all Americans living in the US and abroad, by his explotation of the Israel / Arab situation, fostering flames between the US and Iran, and could cause World War III, by his failure to support US policy - while not offering real solutions or even a policy, that can be considered or debated - see him after the election !!!
Mitt Romney apparently is being advised by old George W. Bush aides, who did not learn the lessons from his failures in foreign policy and who got us into two wars with @ 5,700 dead US Soldiers and 66,000 wounded soldiers. Soldiers who will need extensive post war medicaL and psychological treatment far into the future.
Romney waNTs to get tough with Iran. Iran is not worth World War III and that may happen if his misguieded comments force a division between the US and Israel, and encourages Israel to strike at Iran, inflaming the whold Middle East. Iran with a nuclear weapon is not a credible threat to Israel or the US. If Iran were to use a nuclear weapon he may destroy Israeil, Lebonon, Turkey, Syria,Jordan and parts of Ejypt. No Arab nation would feel comfortable with Iran using a nuclear weapon.
North Korean has developed a nuclear weapon - should we be concerned - Yes. Iran - Yes, but we cannot be the policeman of the World. We must use the United Nations, and diplomacy to stope Iran. The United Nations, is our cover, is our vehicle to develop a coordinated, consensus to solve the worlds problems. Not US Soldiers. Romney has not spoken out against North Korea - why?? because he has no foreign policy. He just shouts from the Lip, whenever President Obama speaks.
President Obama made a perfect speech at the United Nations, Tuesday, that spoke about our beliefs, values and of a United States that doesn't want to make war against any nation, but will be strong, and will take action if necessary. Republicans will take the President's speech and turn it to their own agenda - to stir up right wing fervor, to make the American people think that Obama has failed and weak in foreign policy - when the opposite is true. President Obama has turned the bad policies of George Bush, and made America more respected overseas.
Romney needs to shut up...and to give Americans and the World, his views on how to move forward in foreign policy and what he would do different the President Obama.
We should not have to wait until the election has passed to find out how Romney will make the US stronger and protect American from threats both domestic and foreign.
Mitt Romney apparently is being advised by old George W. Bush aides, who did not learn the lessons from his failures in foreign policy and who got us into two wars with @ 5,700 dead US Soldiers and 66,000 wounded soldiers. Soldiers who will need extensive post war medicaL and psychological treatment far into the future.
Romney waNTs to get tough with Iran. Iran is not worth World War III and that may happen if his misguieded comments force a division between the US and Israel, and encourages Israel to strike at Iran, inflaming the whold Middle East. Iran with a nuclear weapon is not a credible threat to Israel or the US. If Iran were to use a nuclear weapon he may destroy Israeil, Lebonon, Turkey, Syria,Jordan and parts of Ejypt. No Arab nation would feel comfortable with Iran using a nuclear weapon.
North Korean has developed a nuclear weapon - should we be concerned - Yes. Iran - Yes, but we cannot be the policeman of the World. We must use the United Nations, and diplomacy to stope Iran. The United Nations, is our cover, is our vehicle to develop a coordinated, consensus to solve the worlds problems. Not US Soldiers. Romney has not spoken out against North Korea - why?? because he has no foreign policy. He just shouts from the Lip, whenever President Obama speaks.
President Obama made a perfect speech at the United Nations, Tuesday, that spoke about our beliefs, values and of a United States that doesn't want to make war against any nation, but will be strong, and will take action if necessary. Republicans will take the President's speech and turn it to their own agenda - to stir up right wing fervor, to make the American people think that Obama has failed and weak in foreign policy - when the opposite is true. President Obama has turned the bad policies of George Bush, and made America more respected overseas.
Romney needs to shut up...and to give Americans and the World, his views on how to move forward in foreign policy and what he would do different the President Obama.
We should not have to wait until the election has passed to find out how Romney will make the US stronger and protect American from threats both domestic and foreign.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
With 'Devil's Night err Angels night approaching....
Detroit is ablaze, and the Detroit Fire Department can't handle the crush of fires that is engulfing Detroit. People suspect that most of the fires are arson !
Mayor Dave Bing, and the Detroit City Council are, in part, responsible - because they have failed to make Public Safety thee #1 issue in Detroit. Detroit has closed police precincts and fire stations.
The Detroit Police Department and the Detroit Fire Department are both undermanned, with low morale, and under paid, making due with poor executive leadership, bad equipment and long hours.
The Mayor and bloated City Council (with four (4)) more Council members than needed) have failed to put the safety of Detroit residents, police officers, fire fighters and visitors lives at risk, in part, because of petty bickering and a financially desperate situation, that they cannot solve on their own. The Mayor and City Council are at WAR against each other, while the City sinks deeper in debt and problems are not resolved.
This is at a time when Detroit had 140 shootings / 32 homicides in 15 days..not including more homicides since my last blog.
ps: Apparently the Detroit City Council, described by one of Detroit's major newspaper as a 'bunch of clowns' has rejected a proposal to make Belle Isle, a state park, that would restore the park to usable condition, make it safer, and save Detroit almose $3m dollars a year - saying it lacked specifics and was 'insulting' - If Detroit residents didn't deserve better - I would tell Govenor Snyder to walk away and let Detroit dissolve...but Detroit needs State and Federal assistance because the Mayor and City Council cannot and do not have the resolve to solve Detroit's problems.
Monday, September 17, 2012
DETROIT - MURDER CITY - USA...Trying to keep the Title !!!
From Fox2 Detroit:
277 homicides / murders - so far 2012
259 homicides / murders - 2011
32 homicides/ murders - 2012, last 15 --15 --15 DAYS !!!!
140 shootings - 32 homicides / murders - 2012, last 15 days...
Detoit maybe the only city to host a Super Bowl (50) and still have two (2) unsolved homicides / murders - and this occured with over 10,000 local, state, and federal law enforcement officers working Super Bowl 50.
The Detroit Police Department has failed to comply with Department of Justice -Consent Decrees, since 2003 - in part because a sexual relationship between felon/x Mayor Kilpatrick and the Kroll Worldwide court monitor, and because the Judge Julian Cook has apparently gone to sleep and failed to do his job of keeping the process going forward.
When will Mayor Bing, City Council members and the powerful black ministers of Detroit get out on their bully pulpits and preach, pray and teach - that using a gun is wrong, and harming the black community and Detroit's image around the country and the world.
The Detroit Police Department is undermanned, morale low, and lacking quality leadership. This must change - Detroit needs a new police chief, a national search for a new nationally respected individual that will come in, clean house and demand more from the Mayor, City Council, the State of Michigan and the Federal Government. Detroit cannot solve its problems with the current political leaders and financial situation.
Detroit needs help and the political leadership of Detroit is too worried about a state takeover - rather than making Public Safety the #1 issue - the #1 concern - saving Detroit residents lives and not Bell Isle.
ps: From - Charlie LeDuff, Fox2 Detroit:
Unfortunately, this doesn't include "justifiables" and reclassifieds...the true number is at least 297.
277 homicides / murders - so far 2012
259 homicides / murders - 2011
32 homicides/ murders - 2012, last 15 --15 --15 DAYS !!!!
140 shootings - 32 homicides / murders - 2012, last 15 days...
Detoit maybe the only city to host a Super Bowl (50) and still have two (2) unsolved homicides / murders - and this occured with over 10,000 local, state, and federal law enforcement officers working Super Bowl 50.
The Detroit Police Department has failed to comply with Department of Justice -Consent Decrees, since 2003 - in part because a sexual relationship between felon/x Mayor Kilpatrick and the Kroll Worldwide court monitor, and because the Judge Julian Cook has apparently gone to sleep and failed to do his job of keeping the process going forward.
When will Mayor Bing, City Council members and the powerful black ministers of Detroit get out on their bully pulpits and preach, pray and teach - that using a gun is wrong, and harming the black community and Detroit's image around the country and the world.
The Detroit Police Department is undermanned, morale low, and lacking quality leadership. This must change - Detroit needs a new police chief, a national search for a new nationally respected individual that will come in, clean house and demand more from the Mayor, City Council, the State of Michigan and the Federal Government. Detroit cannot solve its problems with the current political leaders and financial situation.
Detroit needs help and the political leadership of Detroit is too worried about a state takeover - rather than making Public Safety the #1 issue - the #1 concern - saving Detroit residents lives and not Bell Isle.
ps: From - Charlie LeDuff, Fox2 Detroit:
Unfortunately, this doesn't include "justifiables" and reclassifieds...the true number is at least 297.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Years ago (2003) when I ran for Detroit City Council, no one from the BI Conservancy responded at all, no one from the media, was interested in my proposals to improve BI - as a DPD Officer assigned for two summers, I know that BI was thee most dangerous place in Detroit, during the summer and needed improvements.
Now it is a hot topic - because some ignorant members of the 'enlightened' City Council are worried about a State takeover, refusing to acknowledge history that - it was the State that encouraged Detroit to buy BI and gave the City the money to do so...
The most ignorant comment so far and there have been many (Joanne Watson) is by Coleman Young, Jr, a state senator, who made comments about Yogi Bear and Boo Boo ??? BI will be operated like any other state park - you can buy a $10. state park sticker, from the Secretary of State, for you license plate and go onto BI or into any other state park, with now other charges - except camping fees. This fee is a bargain - a steal for anyone who uses state parks...
The City can not properly take care of Rouge Park, which will remain free to use - but large parts are unuseable because of tall grass and poor or no maintenance.
Detroit cannot maintain Eliza Howell Park (I was a DPD Park Ranger there) where deer have been killed and suburbanites have grooved deep tracks in the grass, while riding illegally on 4 wheelers. The city is fighting and expensive lawsuit, by Ken Cheyne, to take back EHP, that his family donated, so he can maintain and improve it for local residents. A pay to play scheme was offered but rejected by Cheyen.
The only damage that has been done to BI has been by Roger Penske and the Grand Prix - with the Mayors and City Council apparent unconcern and approval. Penske paved over 10 acres of BI ($7M dollars) and now are fixing and extending the roads to accomodate the Grand Prix - that is for the rich and ignores the damaged done to the wildlife and beauty of BI. Detroit is NOT getting compensated enough for the time the Grand Prix, preparations and race that take over BI (closing it to residents - and impedes their use of BI) and not enough to compensate for the police, fire and EMS expenses.
The City is getting a deal at 20 years !!! and should approve and sign the agreement - ASAP, so improvements can be done.
So City Council - the paperwork is in your hands...Do you have the intelligence to approve the contract or do you still pander, decieved the public - that you are protecting them and Detroit's 'jewels'.
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
Years ago (2003) when I ran for Detroit City Council, no one from the BI Conservancy responded at all, no one from the media, was interested in my proposals to improve BI - as a DPD Officer assigned for two summers, I know that BI was thee most dangerous place in Detroit, during the summer and needed improvements.
Now it is a hot topic - because some ignorant members of the 'enlightened' City Council are worried about a State takeover, refusing to acknowledge history that - it was the State that encouraged Detroit to buy BI and gave the City the money to do so...
The most ignorant comment so far and there have been many (Joanne Watson) is by Coleman Young, Jr, a state senator, who made comments about Yogi Bear and Boo Boo ??? BI will be operated like any other state park - you can buy a $10. state park sticker, from the Secretary of State, for you license plate and go onto BI or into any other state park, with now other charges - except camping fees. This fee is a bargain - a steal for anyone who uses state parks...
The City can not properly take care of Rouge Park, which will remain free to use - but large parts are unuseable because of tall grass and poor or no maintenance.
Detroit cannot maintain Eliza Howell Park (I was a DPD Park Ranger there) where deer have been killed and suburbanites have grooved deep tracks in the grass, while riding illegally on 4 wheelers. The city is fighting and expensive lawsuit, by Ken Cheyne, to take back EHP, that his family donated, so he can maintain and improve it for local residents. A pay to play scheme was offered but rejected by Cheyen.
The only damage that has been done to BI has been by Roger Penske and the Grand Prix - with the Mayors and City Council apparent unconcern and approval. Penske paved over 10 acres of BI ($7M dollars) and now are fixing and extending the roads to accomodate the Grand Prix - that is for the rich and ignores the damaged done to the wildlife and beauty of BI. Detroit is NOT getting compensated enough for the time the Grand Prix, preparations and race that take over BI (closing it to residents - and impedes their use of BI) and not enough to compensate for the police, fire and EMS expenses.
The City is getting a deal at 20 years !!! and should approve and sign the agreement - ASAP, so improvements can be done.
So City Council - the paperwork is in your hands...Do you have the intelligence to approve the contract or do you still pander, decieved the public - that you are protecting them and Detroit's 'jewels'.
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
Monday, September 10, 2012
MITT ROMNEY AND PRESIDENT OBAMA - need to stand up as ONE against the NRA (National Rifle Association) and propose common sense gun regulations that prevent the sale of assault weapons and large amounts of ammunition to citizens of the USA.
NO MORE MASSACRES caused by military style assault weapons with high capacity ammunition magazines......hand guns with high capacity magazines.
There are and will remain to many military style assault weapons in the hands of nut cases, anti-goverment subversives (US citizens), and disgruntled people, who can snap in a minute - but we must make a stand, stand up...and say 'enough is enough'
We support responsible gun laws - and oppose those NRA members, who misuse the US Constitution and buy US government officials to stop - responsible gun regulations -and a ban on military assault weapons and high capacity magazines.
MITT ROMNEY AND PRESIDENT OBAMA - need to stand up as ONE against the NRA (National Rifle Association) and propose common sense gun regulations that prevent the sale of assault weapons and large amounts of ammunition to citizens of the USA.
NO MORE MASSACRES caused by military style assault weapons with high capacity ammunition magazines......hand guns with high capacity magazines.
There are and will remain to many military style assault weapons in the hands of nut cases, anti-goverment subversives (US citizens), and disgruntled people, who can snap in a minute - but we must make a stand, stand up...and say 'enough is enough'
We support responsible gun laws - and oppose those NRA members, who misuse the US Constitution and buy US government officials to stop - responsible gun regulations -and a ban on military assault weapons and high capacity magazines.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
ROMNEY- RYAN 2012 ???, JON HUNTSMAN, FOX NEWS (Chris Wallace)
The EMPTY CHAIR - at the Republican Party Convention 2012 - should have been filled by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan !! Romney has failed to pass the 'trust issues' that plague US Democracy -
- He hasn't filed his 20122 IRS Tax Return, that was due on April 15, 2012. His father, former Michigan Governor and Presidential candidate provided over 20 tax returnds, what is Mitt hiding, the fact that he paid only up to 13% tax rate and gave ONLY 8% to charity (Mormons are required to donate 10%).
- He decried Pesident Obama's policy toward Cuba (Romney - Castro is a damned boogie man / communist - who threatens the US) - wrong, Castro is an old man, who has relinquished power, to his brother, Cuba is no threat to the US. Obama's policy toward Cuba, is enlightened and more likely to undermine the Castro brothers, than isolation. The Obama policy is to open Cuba to scholars and visitors and to Cuban families that have been divided since the JFK era (1963)...1963 - We are now trading partners with Viet Nam, whom we fought a war against, lost over 51,000 American lives. We now have thousands of Viet Nam era soldiers returning to see where they fought and their friends and collegues died - but we can't visit Cube (under Romney). We eat Vietnamese shrimp and wear clothes made in Viet Nam, but Castro must be destroyed or he will destroy the USA ??? American $$$$ will put an end to the Castro brothers. Romney will continue a failed policy - an extreme right wing / tea party agenda - that is wrong.
- He (Romney) wants WAR??? He seems not to see that George W. Bush, who started two wars (one on a blantant lie) that has cost American soldiers their lives - Romney doesn't seem to understant that negotiations, not shoe thumping table talk is a better way - Iran is not worth World War III - North Korea has a nuclear weapon, Isreal has a nuclear weapon, Why does Romney seem to want to push the Button !!!
And Romney has not told us his VISION of US Foriegn Policy - He says he will not be 'flexible' with Russian President Putin. He supports putting missiles in Poland, even though they are a threat to Russia - didn't we oppose missles in Cuba, because they were a threat to the USA ???
- He said Obams 'threw Israel under the bus'??? OMG what an outrageous and wrong statement !!! And no one seems to have challenged it. Israel has a nuclear weapon and is building settlements in lands they say they will return, under a Peace Agreement - but it doesn't see the need to stop the settlements. We all stand with Israel, but the US should not support or encourage a World War over Iran.
- Romney has not told us his plan to return America to prosperity, Why not?? He said he will create 12 million job, in four years - HOW?? If Obama said that - Republicans would call him a liar.
- Romney - Ryan 2012 need to tell the TRUTH, explain their plans, not wait until December 2012 to tell the American People - thier plans.
Chris Wallace (Fox News) shame - your father, would be so embarrased that you failed to critically review the speech of Mitt Romney and said 'I will shup up and let the visuals tell the story (balloons failing from the ceiling and children happy seeing the balloons, that is his commentary of Romney) Shame Chris Wallace..
Jon Huntsman, Jr, on the Colbert Report, on Comedy Central (8-30-2012) made a case that the Republican Party is too extreme right, and that HE should have been the Republican nominee in 2012...listen to his interview - below (click)
- He hasn't filed his 20122 IRS Tax Return, that was due on April 15, 2012. His father, former Michigan Governor and Presidential candidate provided over 20 tax returnds, what is Mitt hiding, the fact that he paid only up to 13% tax rate and gave ONLY 8% to charity (Mormons are required to donate 10%).
- He decried Pesident Obama's policy toward Cuba (Romney - Castro is a damned boogie man / communist - who threatens the US) - wrong, Castro is an old man, who has relinquished power, to his brother, Cuba is no threat to the US. Obama's policy toward Cuba, is enlightened and more likely to undermine the Castro brothers, than isolation. The Obama policy is to open Cuba to scholars and visitors and to Cuban families that have been divided since the JFK era (1963)...1963 - We are now trading partners with Viet Nam, whom we fought a war against, lost over 51,000 American lives. We now have thousands of Viet Nam era soldiers returning to see where they fought and their friends and collegues died - but we can't visit Cube (under Romney). We eat Vietnamese shrimp and wear clothes made in Viet Nam, but Castro must be destroyed or he will destroy the USA ??? American $$$$ will put an end to the Castro brothers. Romney will continue a failed policy - an extreme right wing / tea party agenda - that is wrong.
- He (Romney) wants WAR??? He seems not to see that George W. Bush, who started two wars (one on a blantant lie) that has cost American soldiers their lives - Romney doesn't seem to understant that negotiations, not shoe thumping table talk is a better way - Iran is not worth World War III - North Korea has a nuclear weapon, Isreal has a nuclear weapon, Why does Romney seem to want to push the Button !!!
And Romney has not told us his VISION of US Foriegn Policy - He says he will not be 'flexible' with Russian President Putin. He supports putting missiles in Poland, even though they are a threat to Russia - didn't we oppose missles in Cuba, because they were a threat to the USA ???
- He said Obams 'threw Israel under the bus'??? OMG what an outrageous and wrong statement !!! And no one seems to have challenged it. Israel has a nuclear weapon and is building settlements in lands they say they will return, under a Peace Agreement - but it doesn't see the need to stop the settlements. We all stand with Israel, but the US should not support or encourage a World War over Iran.
- Romney has not told us his plan to return America to prosperity, Why not?? He said he will create 12 million job, in four years - HOW?? If Obama said that - Republicans would call him a liar.
- Romney - Ryan 2012 need to tell the TRUTH, explain their plans, not wait until December 2012 to tell the American People - thier plans.
Chris Wallace (Fox News) shame - your father, would be so embarrased that you failed to critically review the speech of Mitt Romney and said 'I will shup up and let the visuals tell the story (balloons failing from the ceiling and children happy seeing the balloons, that is his commentary of Romney) Shame Chris Wallace..
Jon Huntsman, Jr, on the Colbert Report, on Comedy Central (8-30-2012) made a case that the Republican Party is too extreme right, and that HE should have been the Republican nominee in 2012...listen to his interview - below (click)
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Jon Huntsman Pt. 1 | ||||
www.colbertnation.com | ||||
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Jon Huntsman Pt. 1 | ||||
www.colbertnation.com | ||||
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Detroit Police Godbee, who just yesterday was rebuked by the Detroit City Council (7-2) that rejected his and the Detroit Police Commissioners request to put a 8 mill Public Safety Tax on the November ballot. He retaliated today, and will put Detroit Police Officers lives in danger and public safety will not be enhanced.
Godbee will institute a 12 hour shift, for one year - after admitting that some police officer work, 16 hours a day, due to staff shortages. He will give officers a 45 minute lunch break (????). This is attempt to show the Council that he is in charge, and to not properly pay officers, for their overtime.
Godbee is a failed police chief, who should not have been names PC by Mayor Bing, and who should immediately be: fired, resign or be retired. This will better serve public safety. Detroit needs a nationally respected and highly experienced police chief...the sooner the better.
Mayor Bing to enhanced public safety and support Detroit Police Officers should:
1) Quit - the Department of Justice, Consent Decrees, order all officers and supervisors back to patrol. Detroit has spent millions of dollars for a monitor to comply with Consent Decress, since 2003, and still is not in compliance !!!
This will force Judge Cook, who apparently feel asleep during all those years of non compliance (the first monitor had sex with Mayor Kilpatrick), to take some action to pay for the police officers and supervisors or tho place the Department under federal control, which means maybe federal dollars will be spent to improve the Department which should result in increased hiring standards, better training, equipment and leadership, instead of just monitoring its actions.
2) Quit - Homeland Security, order all police officers and supervisors back to patrol. Detroit is the largest border city, in the United States, and should be getting more money for border safety, which means the Detroit Police Department oficers should get better training, equipment and leadership, to protect city residents and visitors, and enhance boder security.
Mayor Bing has said he won't pay union officials. This mandate means that police and fire department union officials are hampered in protecting its members from abuse by department executives and city officials, which is not in the best interest of city residents.
If the Mayor and City Council don't implement my proposals 1 and 2 - the Governor Snyder must stand up and declare a 'Public Safety Emergency' (which already exists) in Detroit and send in Michigan State Police to take over the Department and protect city residents and officers.
The Mayor and City Council along with DPD executives have failed to make Public Safety the #1 issue in Detroit, for fear that it will negatively impact the City - but crime is out of control ( 7 killed - 32 shot, in one week !).
As of Aug. 5, there were 212 homicides. There were 211 at the same time last year and 182 in 2010, according to the department.
In May alone there were 657 aggravated assaults, 278 robberies, 33 homicides and 33 carjackings recorded in Detroit.
From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120808/METRO/208080485#ixzz230qpWHEv
As a gambler would say - 'the cards speak for themselves'...Detroit crime stats speak for themselves.. Godbee must go - and the Mayor and City Council must act - Detroit residents and Detroit Police Officers lives are at stake.
David L. Malhalab, Sgt DPD Retired...
Godbee will institute a 12 hour shift, for one year - after admitting that some police officer work, 16 hours a day, due to staff shortages. He will give officers a 45 minute lunch break (????). This is attempt to show the Council that he is in charge, and to not properly pay officers, for their overtime.
Godbee is a failed police chief, who should not have been names PC by Mayor Bing, and who should immediately be: fired, resign or be retired. This will better serve public safety. Detroit needs a nationally respected and highly experienced police chief...the sooner the better.
Mayor Bing to enhanced public safety and support Detroit Police Officers should:
1) Quit - the Department of Justice, Consent Decrees, order all officers and supervisors back to patrol. Detroit has spent millions of dollars for a monitor to comply with Consent Decress, since 2003, and still is not in compliance !!!
This will force Judge Cook, who apparently feel asleep during all those years of non compliance (the first monitor had sex with Mayor Kilpatrick), to take some action to pay for the police officers and supervisors or tho place the Department under federal control, which means maybe federal dollars will be spent to improve the Department which should result in increased hiring standards, better training, equipment and leadership, instead of just monitoring its actions.
2) Quit - Homeland Security, order all police officers and supervisors back to patrol. Detroit is the largest border city, in the United States, and should be getting more money for border safety, which means the Detroit Police Department oficers should get better training, equipment and leadership, to protect city residents and visitors, and enhance boder security.
Mayor Bing has said he won't pay union officials. This mandate means that police and fire department union officials are hampered in protecting its members from abuse by department executives and city officials, which is not in the best interest of city residents.
If the Mayor and City Council don't implement my proposals 1 and 2 - the Governor Snyder must stand up and declare a 'Public Safety Emergency' (which already exists) in Detroit and send in Michigan State Police to take over the Department and protect city residents and officers.
The Mayor and City Council along with DPD executives have failed to make Public Safety the #1 issue in Detroit, for fear that it will negatively impact the City - but crime is out of control ( 7 killed - 32 shot, in one week !).
As of Aug. 5, there were 212 homicides. There were 211 at the same time last year and 182 in 2010, according to the department.
In May alone there were 657 aggravated assaults, 278 robberies, 33 homicides and 33 carjackings recorded in Detroit.
From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120808/METRO/208080485#ixzz230qpWHEv
As a gambler would say - 'the cards speak for themselves'...Detroit crime stats speak for themselves.. Godbee must go - and the Mayor and City Council must act - Detroit residents and Detroit Police Officers lives are at stake.
David L. Malhalab, Sgt DPD Retired...
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Marty, a Toledo resident said 'he was amazed with how little comps / rewards points he has recieved from Hollywood Casino - Toledo, compared to the amount he has recieved from his Greektown Casino (Detroit) account.'
Hollywood Casino - Toledo, is still not ready for Prime Time !!!
Hollywood Casino - Toledo still seems plagued by lack of employees, a customer service rep said, 'they have been applying for full time work, but the Casino, isn't doing the hiring'...They still have a temporary table to sign up Marquee Rewards customers, one employee said - they were supposed to handle, bus customers, but that they didn't have enough help, so they sit at a temp table, covered in black cloth, on plastic seats with a gerry mandered computer set up system. And the Casion does not give out neck cords, which all other casinos do, that attaches to your Marquee Rewards card, so that you don't loose it or leave it in a slot.
Brandon, a customer service manager, was telling people in the cashier line to go to the temporary table,(to get M R cards) 'because there are six employees there to help them'. I told Brandon, "I was just there and they had two (2) employees', he insisted that there were six (6), I went back and there were only three (3)...two had gone home and one was MIA..Brandon obviously didn't know what he was talking about - and mislead patrons.
The Casino, NOW, has four (4) Multi-Game slots, which has a Blackjack screen, out of 2,000 slot machines,(located in the High Roller area) but an employee had to call a Casino technician to explain how to get to the Blackjack screen, which has a $5 minimum, while Blackjack tables start at $15 - $25 minimum.
The Hollywood Casino Toledo lounge, menu describes 'jumbo chicken wings' (8) for $9...the order took a long time to prepare, and a waiter said that 'we are understaffed, and had been busy, so that may have backed up the kitchen'. When the wings arrived they were hardly / really no where near 'jumbo'...it was hard to explain to the waiter and manager, that they were 'to small to be jumbo'...I told them I could get larger chicken wings at Costco. The manager said, that Lucky's in Oregon, Ohio (near Toledo) had bigger wings and less expensive. She compared the Casion chicken wings to Buffalo Wild Wings, I told her they were more sized like - Hooters wings (too small). She said that 'corporate - was responsible for ordering the wings'. The manager and waiter were very polite and professional.
The Casino still charges $5. for valet parking, and the staff shortage wasn't evident today, because they didn't have a lot of cars using the service.
The Casino still will not allow under age children, with parents to use the restaurants, which initially they did, but changed the policy, on Opening Day.
The Casino is refreshingly 'smoke free', they do have a 'smoking room', so you can enjoy a smoke free environment. Remember Casino Windsor, is smoke free.
So I don't recommend Hollywood Casino Toledo, until they get their staffing problems fixed, their food prices lowered, and loosen up the slots and get more Blackjack tables or more Blackjack machines at a more reasonable minimum bid.
Let me know - your thoughts... David
Hollywood Casino - Toledo, is still not ready for Prime Time !!!
Hollywood Casino - Toledo still seems plagued by lack of employees, a customer service rep said, 'they have been applying for full time work, but the Casino, isn't doing the hiring'...They still have a temporary table to sign up Marquee Rewards customers, one employee said - they were supposed to handle, bus customers, but that they didn't have enough help, so they sit at a temp table, covered in black cloth, on plastic seats with a gerry mandered computer set up system. And the Casion does not give out neck cords, which all other casinos do, that attaches to your Marquee Rewards card, so that you don't loose it or leave it in a slot.
Brandon, a customer service manager, was telling people in the cashier line to go to the temporary table,(to get M R cards) 'because there are six employees there to help them'. I told Brandon, "I was just there and they had two (2) employees', he insisted that there were six (6), I went back and there were only three (3)...two had gone home and one was MIA..Brandon obviously didn't know what he was talking about - and mislead patrons.
The Casino, NOW, has four (4) Multi-Game slots, which has a Blackjack screen, out of 2,000 slot machines,(located in the High Roller area) but an employee had to call a Casino technician to explain how to get to the Blackjack screen, which has a $5 minimum, while Blackjack tables start at $15 - $25 minimum.
The Hollywood Casino Toledo lounge, menu describes 'jumbo chicken wings' (8) for $9...the order took a long time to prepare, and a waiter said that 'we are understaffed, and had been busy, so that may have backed up the kitchen'. When the wings arrived they were hardly / really no where near 'jumbo'...it was hard to explain to the waiter and manager, that they were 'to small to be jumbo'...I told them I could get larger chicken wings at Costco. The manager said, that Lucky's in Oregon, Ohio (near Toledo) had bigger wings and less expensive. She compared the Casion chicken wings to Buffalo Wild Wings, I told her they were more sized like - Hooters wings (too small). She said that 'corporate - was responsible for ordering the wings'. The manager and waiter were very polite and professional.
The Casino still charges $5. for valet parking, and the staff shortage wasn't evident today, because they didn't have a lot of cars using the service.
The Casino still will not allow under age children, with parents to use the restaurants, which initially they did, but changed the policy, on Opening Day.
The Casino is refreshingly 'smoke free', they do have a 'smoking room', so you can enjoy a smoke free environment. Remember Casino Windsor, is smoke free.
So I don't recommend Hollywood Casino Toledo, until they get their staffing problems fixed, their food prices lowered, and loosen up the slots and get more Blackjack tables or more Blackjack machines at a more reasonable minimum bid.
Let me know - your thoughts... David
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
???? $44+ million dollars for RiverWalk
$25+ million dollars for M1 Light Rail
$$$$+ millions of dollars for People Mover subsidize.
$000 - no dollars, dimes, nickels or pennies for Police and Fire Protection???
Detroit residents - SALVATION IS COMING - those residents who live in fear of crime, been victims of crimes, or who know someones who has been murdered, raped, robbed - Detroit Mayor Bing and the disengenous City Council have placed your SALVATION in your hands - just vote 9 mills ($56 million dollars) and you will have better police protection. It is your choise - more taxes better police protection - or more crime and fear of crime, its your vote...
Well maybe not !!! apparently some on the City Council are having second thoughts, tax more, and risk Detroit residents fleeing the city, due to the high taxes (the highest rate in Michigan)...but still residents are fleeing the City because of the crime rates - murder, robbery, rape - out of control ???? We really don't know because the Chief of Police has closed police precincts, installing 'virtual precincts' breaking a needed point of community-police relations, transferring detectives out of precincts and their files and connection to the community, and making it extremely hard for residents to report a crime
, so the true crime statstics are NOT KNOWN.
Chief Godbee and Rev Jerome Warfield, of the Board of Police Commisioners, are pushing for the tax increase - OMG - then they won't have to get federal and state grants, that they say are unavailable !!! Detroit is a major International Border City - the Department of Homeland Security,and the Department of Justice (Police Consent Decrees) should be pushed to get Detroit more money to protect the border and residents. There was $44 million dollars made available to finish the RiverWalk - $25 million is being considered for the M1 Light Rail System, millions are being spent on subsidizing the People Mover, why can't money be found to fund better police and fire protection - without further taxing Detroit residents, who have an inability to pay - now, let alone with a 9 mill increase.
Why? Why? Why? can't their be a surcharge placed on tickets to the Detroit Tiger, Detroit Red Wing, Detroit Lions games and special events at the Fox and Cobo Hall ???
Billionaires - Mike Ilitch and Willian Ford for years have gotten FREE - police and fire protection at games at publicly funded sports facilities.
Why hasn't Council Ken Cockrel, asked Mike Ilitch for the up to $12 million dollars - he owes the City (Cockrel agrees) for failing to maintain and secure Tiger Stadium, since 1999 to its demolition ??????
Tax Detroit residents - that is the Mayor's and City Councils suggestion - not make those who can pay and who owe the City, to pay !!!
Detroit Police and Detroit Fire Fighters who do a dangerous and difficult job - are demoralized, and discouraged and the City wants another 10% pay cut !
The solution must be Detroit's Mayor and City Council make their case to the Governor, Legislature, President and Congress - that Detroit residents deserve better police and fire protection - and the residents can't pay anymore - and that the crime rate endangers Public Safety and National Security.
Make yourself heard...
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
$25+ million dollars for M1 Light Rail
$$$$+ millions of dollars for People Mover subsidize.
$000 - no dollars, dimes, nickels or pennies for Police and Fire Protection???
Detroit residents - SALVATION IS COMING - those residents who live in fear of crime, been victims of crimes, or who know someones who has been murdered, raped, robbed - Detroit Mayor Bing and the disengenous City Council have placed your SALVATION in your hands - just vote 9 mills ($56 million dollars) and you will have better police protection. It is your choise - more taxes better police protection - or more crime and fear of crime, its your vote...
Well maybe not !!! apparently some on the City Council are having second thoughts, tax more, and risk Detroit residents fleeing the city, due to the high taxes (the highest rate in Michigan)...but still residents are fleeing the City because of the crime rates - murder, robbery, rape - out of control ???? We really don't know because the Chief of Police has closed police precincts, installing 'virtual precincts' breaking a needed point of community-police relations, transferring detectives out of precincts and their files and connection to the community, and making it extremely hard for residents to report a crime
, so the true crime statstics are NOT KNOWN.
Chief Godbee and Rev Jerome Warfield, of the Board of Police Commisioners, are pushing for the tax increase - OMG - then they won't have to get federal and state grants, that they say are unavailable !!! Detroit is a major International Border City - the Department of Homeland Security,and the Department of Justice (Police Consent Decrees) should be pushed to get Detroit more money to protect the border and residents. There was $44 million dollars made available to finish the RiverWalk - $25 million is being considered for the M1 Light Rail System, millions are being spent on subsidizing the People Mover, why can't money be found to fund better police and fire protection - without further taxing Detroit residents, who have an inability to pay - now, let alone with a 9 mill increase.
Why? Why? Why? can't their be a surcharge placed on tickets to the Detroit Tiger, Detroit Red Wing, Detroit Lions games and special events at the Fox and Cobo Hall ???
Billionaires - Mike Ilitch and Willian Ford for years have gotten FREE - police and fire protection at games at publicly funded sports facilities.
Why hasn't Council Ken Cockrel, asked Mike Ilitch for the up to $12 million dollars - he owes the City (Cockrel agrees) for failing to maintain and secure Tiger Stadium, since 1999 to its demolition ??????
Tax Detroit residents - that is the Mayor's and City Councils suggestion - not make those who can pay and who owe the City, to pay !!!
Detroit Police and Detroit Fire Fighters who do a dangerous and difficult job - are demoralized, and discouraged and the City wants another 10% pay cut !
The solution must be Detroit's Mayor and City Council make their case to the Governor, Legislature, President and Congress - that Detroit residents deserve better police and fire protection - and the residents can't pay anymore - and that the crime rate endangers Public Safety and National Security.
Make yourself heard...
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
Rare photo - fallow deer on Belle Isle posed for a photograph - Belle Isle, once a place where thousands held picnics, played and partied has been neglected by Detroit, who no longer can afford to maintain or provide for improvements. While the Mayor and City Council play games to try to maintain control instead of allowing the state to make it a state park, and allow them to make Belle Isle a destination for Detroiters and visitors. Belle Isle has been desecrated by the Grand Prix (Roger Penske) which paved over 10 acres ($7m) and now wants to extend the race track, one half mile more, thus making sightings of the deer even more rare. Detroit has failed to protect a valuable asset, now the state must step in.
photo credit: David L. Malhalab MNS Photo / M News Service
Monday, July 30, 2012
SHAME..SHAME...SHAME, on Mayor Dave Bing and Detroit City Council, who have not put public safety, as JOB 1 - #1 Issue in Detroit. Financial stability for Detroit must be found, but JOB 1, should be Public Safety. Detroit residents don't care about financial stability - they care that their families and not found 'Dead in Detroit', that their homes aren't broken in to, that their wives and daughters aren't raped, that they aren't robbed at the local gas station or party store.
"I'm afraid now'..Cynthia Morrison, of Detroit, after her home was broken into for the 13th time, and the thieves just took the doors to her home - and Detroit Police did not respond - because it was not a 'crime in progress'. (Andrea Isom 'Fox2 Detroit).
Police Chief Godbee must be retired or fired !!! He closed Detroit Police precinct stations, instituted 'virtual precincts', transferred detective to from / out of their precincts, and hindered police response times, and responses to crimes. He didn't do this in a vacumn - he did it with the acquiesence of the Mayor and City Council, all share in the SHAME..SHAME..SHAME.. Godbee is NOT RESPECTED by police officers or residents.
Detroit Police Officers are working in a 'war zone', in a dangerous under appreciated job, everyday they face danger and death. They aren't able to do their job to the best of their abilities because the Mayor and City Council have hindered them, discouraged them, demoralized them and still want a 10% pay reduction.
Two suburbanites, Jourdan Bobbish and Jacob Kudla were executed in Detroit - an exotic dancer, from Westland, was just found 'Dead in Detroit', two girlfriends, from Detroit, were found 'Dead in Detroit' there bodies dumped in Detroit, and still the Mayor and City Council are more concerned with the State takeover of Belle Isle, a jewel that has faded, and can't be restored by Detroit.
The Mayor and City Council can't agree on most anything, worried that the Governor, the suburbanites (white) will steal Detroit - take away its jewels - not caring that people are 'Dead in Detroit' - the homicide rate climbs day by day, home invasions (B&Es), armed robberies, carjackings, rapes, go uninvestigated, unreported - Crime is out of control - maybe ??? well we don't know for sure, because Detroit Police can't properly respond to crimes, properly investigate crimes, because precinct stations are closed for 16 hours a day - and 911 operators and 'Telephone Crime Reporting' are overwhelmed with calls - and Detroit Police can't help Detroiters or themselves, because the Mayor and City Council can't understand the effect - crime - is having on Detroiters and its police officers. They haven't made Public Safety #1.
And its not just the police department that is overwhelmed - The Detroit Fire Department just fought 16 - 16 - 16 (sixteen) arson fires on the east side. The DFD is understaffed and without sufficient equipment. The firemen are discouraged and demoralized - and Detroit residents suffer and are victimized and re-victimized, day after day, week after week, year after year.
Detroit Police are understaffed and without sufficint equipment and quality leadership.
Something must be done - the Mayor and City Council can't protect the residents of Detroit - ask Cynthia Morrison, of Detroit, ask any victim of crime in Detroit, not families of high profile crimes, that grab news headlines - ask the victims who don't make the headlines, who have been victims but the police didn't respond because it wasn't a 'crime in progress'...or make a report.
Detroit residents, its police officers and fire fighters deserve better - The Governor must stand up to the Mayor and City Council and make Public Safety - Job 1, put Public Safety as the #1 issue. The Governor must find the money, through state and federal grants for public safety, from the Department of Homeland Security etc..and state grants.
Now is the time - Detroit's reputation will not be restored if people keep being found 'Dead in Detroit'.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Shame....Tens of millions of dollars have been spent on Detroit RiverFront, but apparently not a dime (10 cents) on the closed Riverside Park, near the Ambassador Bridge. The park that is being used - has overflowing garbage cans, litter everywhere...broken benches - a disgrace - that should be cleaned up...
Matty Maroun contributed to this SHAME...he should be made to clean up the Park and the Mayor and City Council should - OPEN THE PARK...today
photo credit: David L. Malhalab MNS Photo / M News Service
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
NRA vs. ROMNEY AND OBAMA and the American People
It's time to pass national legislation to - ban the sale of military style assault weapons and high capity magazines, to ban the sale of body armor and large amount of ammunition online. We must close 'loop holes' that allow for sale of guns at 'gun shows' and to evade background checks.
Its time for Mitt Romney and President Obama to unite Republicans and Democrats to pass this legislation before the Presidential elections - to stand up against the National Rifle Association (NRA) and opponents of common sense gun control legislation.
There is NO reason, no animal that a hunter needs a military style assualt weapon (AK 47, AR 15, Tech 9, Uzi etc etc) to kill. There is NO constitutional gaurantee to own a military assault weapon, or to have 100 round high capacity magazines.
No legislation is guaranteed to stop - gun violence or prevent a person who is determined to kill people, but it may begin to change the 'culture of violence', the 'gun culture' that pervades our society - that all we need to protect ourselves is a gun..
The NRA is thee biggest obstacle to a safer America - to safer homes and neighborhoods, so NOW must be the time to stand up - against the NRA and for the American people.
The National Rifle Association is responsible for 'Operation Gunrunner / Fast and Furious), not President Obama or US Attorney General Eric Holder - the NRA, the all powerful gun lobby, that refuses to cooperate, and intimidates politicians from the White House to your local city council.
The NRA that fails to suggest, support and help get votes for responsible and legitimate - gun control laws, from Washington to state capitols.
The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was written so farmers would be able to protect their homes, families and their country, in a time, when there was no US Army, no national guard, no FBI, state police or local police - it was farmers against an all powerful England. And those farmers used their guns to kill Native Americans so that they could take / steal their lands.
We may need a gun, especially in Detroit - where gun violence and the lack of the Mayor and City Council to make - Crime / Public Safety, the #1 issue. They have weakend and demoralized the police department and fire department - the two stalwart essential elements to life in Detroit. They have signaled the drug gangs and petty criminals - that we would rather fight among ourselves than to fight crime.
We may need a gun to protect our homes and families, but we DO NOT need to buy military style assault weapons, AR-15s, AK-47s, Tech9s, etc, that can kill a person 550 feet to 2 miles down the street. There is no big game animals that need to be shot with these powerful weapons of WAR.
Indeed the criminals, drug gangs and petty thieves are aided and abetted by lack of responsilbe gun laws - its cheaper to steal them - although its not very expensive to buy them legally or illegally.
We do not need more George Zimmerman's who weren't adequately trained on 'when to shoot' and who are not properly advised of the serious consequences of pulling out - and using a gun.
We DO NOT need - Open Carry Laws - in which macho men and women can parade around with a loaded gun on their hips, just daring someone bigger, stronger or stupider to come 'take it away from me'. I know my rights !!!!
Fast and Furious - started under President George Bush, continued under President Obaman - neither President wanted to endanger the lives of Border Patrol Agents (hell their job - means danger). But something had to be done about the porous US Border that allowed DRUG CARTELS (not just a drug gang) to buy military style assault weapons and every gun made and use them to kill Mexican citzens. They saw the US as a gun free zone - They get guns for free (because they are using our drug proceeds) and take them to Mexico, where anything over a .38 is considered - illegal. But in the US South West - which is fighting for immigration laws - but oppose gun laws to stop Mexican DRUG CARTELS, from buying guns.
American citizens do not need military assault weapons - well maybe, to fight off the crack pot - under educated - poorly socially trained - militia groups - who think training like soldiers, arming themselves like soldiers - make themselves MORE
So AMERICA - WAKE UP, don't listen to the NRA - and their bought and paid for politicians, think for your selves - protect you and your family by supporting - responsible,legitimate and practical gun laws for your city, state and nation.
GOD BLESS AMERICA....stop the NRA...
Its time for Mitt Romney and President Obama to unite Republicans and Democrats to pass this legislation before the Presidential elections - to stand up against the National Rifle Association (NRA) and opponents of common sense gun control legislation.
There is NO reason, no animal that a hunter needs a military style assualt weapon (AK 47, AR 15, Tech 9, Uzi etc etc) to kill. There is NO constitutional gaurantee to own a military assault weapon, or to have 100 round high capacity magazines.
No legislation is guaranteed to stop - gun violence or prevent a person who is determined to kill people, but it may begin to change the 'culture of violence', the 'gun culture' that pervades our society - that all we need to protect ourselves is a gun..
The NRA is thee biggest obstacle to a safer America - to safer homes and neighborhoods, so NOW must be the time to stand up - against the NRA and for the American people.
The National Rifle Association is responsible for 'Operation Gunrunner / Fast and Furious), not President Obama or US Attorney General Eric Holder - the NRA, the all powerful gun lobby, that refuses to cooperate, and intimidates politicians from the White House to your local city council.
The NRA that fails to suggest, support and help get votes for responsible and legitimate - gun control laws, from Washington to state capitols.
The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was written so farmers would be able to protect their homes, families and their country, in a time, when there was no US Army, no national guard, no FBI, state police or local police - it was farmers against an all powerful England. And those farmers used their guns to kill Native Americans so that they could take / steal their lands.
We may need a gun, especially in Detroit - where gun violence and the lack of the Mayor and City Council to make - Crime / Public Safety, the #1 issue. They have weakend and demoralized the police department and fire department - the two stalwart essential elements to life in Detroit. They have signaled the drug gangs and petty criminals - that we would rather fight among ourselves than to fight crime.
We may need a gun to protect our homes and families, but we DO NOT need to buy military style assault weapons, AR-15s, AK-47s, Tech9s, etc, that can kill a person 550 feet to 2 miles down the street. There is no big game animals that need to be shot with these powerful weapons of WAR.
Indeed the criminals, drug gangs and petty thieves are aided and abetted by lack of responsilbe gun laws - its cheaper to steal them - although its not very expensive to buy them legally or illegally.
We do not need more George Zimmerman's who weren't adequately trained on 'when to shoot' and who are not properly advised of the serious consequences of pulling out - and using a gun.
We DO NOT need - Open Carry Laws - in which macho men and women can parade around with a loaded gun on their hips, just daring someone bigger, stronger or stupider to come 'take it away from me'. I know my rights !!!!
Fast and Furious - started under President George Bush, continued under President Obaman - neither President wanted to endanger the lives of Border Patrol Agents (hell their job - means danger). But something had to be done about the porous US Border that allowed DRUG CARTELS (not just a drug gang) to buy military style assault weapons and every gun made and use them to kill Mexican citzens. They saw the US as a gun free zone - They get guns for free (because they are using our drug proceeds) and take them to Mexico, where anything over a .38 is considered - illegal. But in the US South West - which is fighting for immigration laws - but oppose gun laws to stop Mexican DRUG CARTELS, from buying guns.
American citizens do not need military assault weapons - well maybe, to fight off the crack pot - under educated - poorly socially trained - militia groups - who think training like soldiers, arming themselves like soldiers - make themselves MORE
So AMERICA - WAKE UP, don't listen to the NRA - and their bought and paid for politicians, think for your selves - protect you and your family by supporting - responsible,legitimate and practical gun laws for your city, state and nation.
GOD BLESS AMERICA....stop the NRA...
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Rossen Reports: Are carnival games cheating you — and your kids? - TODAY Rossen Reports - TODAY.com
Many comments deal with the fact that everyone knows the games are rigged.
Unfortunately, most people don’t people know that billions of dollars are stolen by crooked carnies annually. Law enforcement carnival game experts should agree that the games shown by the NBC “Today” show are either “Theft by Deception and/or illegal “games of chance.”
This particular carnival the “Today” show reported about in Indiana was a North American Midway Entertainment carnival owned by Jeffrey Blomsness and Danny Huston. It was the Marion County Fair in Indianapolis.
Their games were rigged to the extent that winning was practically impossible (confirmed through undercover video by Today show investigators).
This is the same carnival company which allegedly perpetrated no-win fraud and illegal games of chance in the Dearborn Heights Michigan Spirit festival and Dearborn Arab International Festival in Michigan(according to complaints and police reports).
Police (or security) always patrol these carnivals. Tons of cash are “taken” off these games. Police are often paid in whole or in part, and either directly or indirectly, by wealthy carny-owners. Police should start following their oath, doing their jobs, and stop taking money, wrist bands, and Teddy-bears from owners with deep pockets.
Cops need to stop serving and protecting scamming itinerant carny-predators, and put forth an effort to arrest and prosecute these criminals, ripping off trusting children in American towns, each and every year. Keep the faith.
Richard Margittay, Dearborn Police Dept / Retired
Carnival Games: $10,000,000,000 Hoodwink Racket - Richard Margittay : Xlibris
Many comments deal with the fact that everyone knows the games are rigged.
Unfortunately, most people don’t people know that billions of dollars are stolen by crooked carnies annually. Law enforcement carnival game experts should agree that the games shown by the NBC “Today” show are either “Theft by Deception and/or illegal “games of chance.”
This particular carnival the “Today” show reported about in Indiana was a North American Midway Entertainment carnival owned by Jeffrey Blomsness and Danny Huston. It was the Marion County Fair in Indianapolis.
Their games were rigged to the extent that winning was practically impossible (confirmed through undercover video by Today show investigators).
This is the same carnival company which allegedly perpetrated no-win fraud and illegal games of chance in the Dearborn Heights Michigan Spirit festival and Dearborn Arab International Festival in Michigan(according to complaints and police reports).
Police (or security) always patrol these carnivals. Tons of cash are “taken” off these games. Police are often paid in whole or in part, and either directly or indirectly, by wealthy carny-owners. Police should start following their oath, doing their jobs, and stop taking money, wrist bands, and Teddy-bears from owners with deep pockets.
Cops need to stop serving and protecting scamming itinerant carny-predators, and put forth an effort to arrest and prosecute these criminals, ripping off trusting children in American towns, each and every year. Keep the faith.
Richard Margittay, Dearborn Police Dept / Retired
Carnival Games: $10,000,000,000 Hoodwink Racket - Richard Margittay : Xlibris
Friday, July 13, 2012
Rossen Reports: Are carnival games cheating you — and your kids?
I wrote about Carnival Games - and their fraudulent games that cheat children out of their money.
Carnival Games - reap in Billions of dollars - from the unsusepting carnival goer, usually children, this is disgusting and a Criminal Offense, but you must complain - if you think the games are rigged, let the carnival operators prove to the police that the games are legal.
I wrote about Carnival Games - and their fraudulent games that cheat children out of their money.
Carnival Games - reap in Billions of dollars - from the unsusepting carnival goer, usually children, this is disgusting and a Criminal Offense, but you must complain - if you think the games are rigged, let the carnival operators prove to the police that the games are legal.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
The Detroit News ran an editorial on Michigan Fireworks Law - suggesting that 'good intentions' were behind the faulty and dangerous legislation.
"Greed" is NOT a "good intention" (Safety first with fireworks - (Detroit News Editorial - 7/4/12).
I spent years enforcing fireworks ordinances in Detroit and Romulus - risking my career, to protect the public from 'illegal fireworks' - that have an 'inherent danger' to the public, because of the nature and use of 'illegal fireworks'.
Harold Haugh (D-Roseville) and a majority of the Michigan Legislature, put the price on a human life, a childs' finger, hand, eyes at $6 - $10 million dollars in tax revenue (new tax revenue), disregarding the dangers of powerful fireworks, becoming easily available in Michigan. OMG - Michigan residents, no longer have to go South to get dangerous fireworks - now they can go to buy 'fireworks in tents, makeshift booths, and ...previously vacant storefronts...at strip malls and supermarket parking lots all over Michigan'.
Reasonable and sensible limits of setting off fireworks were 'defeated' by the State Senate. So local cities and townships and counties now must bear the law enforcement problems that come with fireworks, without compensation - and the public is placed in danger because of the Legislatures greedy law.
Grand Rapids is reporting 30 - 50 complaints a day...Warren claims children, pets and veterans are being terrorized by pyrotechnics (fireworks). Imagine Detroit Police getting 10x the amount of complaints - 'shots fired' police runs, because residents know that DPD will not respond to fireworks related complaints - so they use the higher priority issue of someone may be shot.
People will always want what they can't have - but at least 'illegal fireworks' was easier to enforce (if it ever was) than the current - let them fire away. There is no constitutional right to buy, possess and to explode - illegal fireworks, and public safety issues should be considered first and exploding fireworks - not.
The Legislature did wrong - they should repeal the fireworks laws - and forego the new tax revenue, in favor of, public safety and peace in the neighborhoods. People have been killed, in Michigan, and in the country, children have had fingers and eyes damaged by fireworks.
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
ps.. The Michigan Legislature should repeal their phony 'anti texting law', which is unenforceable, in favor of, a ban on the use of hand held cell phones / or a ban on distracted driving, again - public safety was not well served by legislative 'smoke and mirrors'.
"Greed" is NOT a "good intention" (Safety first with fireworks - (Detroit News Editorial - 7/4/12).
I spent years enforcing fireworks ordinances in Detroit and Romulus - risking my career, to protect the public from 'illegal fireworks' - that have an 'inherent danger' to the public, because of the nature and use of 'illegal fireworks'.
Harold Haugh (D-Roseville) and a majority of the Michigan Legislature, put the price on a human life, a childs' finger, hand, eyes at $6 - $10 million dollars in tax revenue (new tax revenue), disregarding the dangers of powerful fireworks, becoming easily available in Michigan. OMG - Michigan residents, no longer have to go South to get dangerous fireworks - now they can go to buy 'fireworks in tents, makeshift booths, and ...previously vacant storefronts...at strip malls and supermarket parking lots all over Michigan'.
Reasonable and sensible limits of setting off fireworks were 'defeated' by the State Senate. So local cities and townships and counties now must bear the law enforcement problems that come with fireworks, without compensation - and the public is placed in danger because of the Legislatures greedy law.
Grand Rapids is reporting 30 - 50 complaints a day...Warren claims children, pets and veterans are being terrorized by pyrotechnics (fireworks). Imagine Detroit Police getting 10x the amount of complaints - 'shots fired' police runs, because residents know that DPD will not respond to fireworks related complaints - so they use the higher priority issue of someone may be shot.
People will always want what they can't have - but at least 'illegal fireworks' was easier to enforce (if it ever was) than the current - let them fire away. There is no constitutional right to buy, possess and to explode - illegal fireworks, and public safety issues should be considered first and exploding fireworks - not.
The Legislature did wrong - they should repeal the fireworks laws - and forego the new tax revenue, in favor of, public safety and peace in the neighborhoods. People have been killed, in Michigan, and in the country, children have had fingers and eyes damaged by fireworks.
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
ps.. The Michigan Legislature should repeal their phony 'anti texting law', which is unenforceable, in favor of, a ban on the use of hand held cell phones / or a ban on distracted driving, again - public safety was not well served by legislative 'smoke and mirrors'.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
The National Rifle Association is responsible for 'Operation Gunrunner / Fast and Furious), not President Obama or US Attorney General Eric Holder - the NRA, the all powerful gun lobby, that refuses to cooperate, and intimidates politicians from the White House to your local city council.
The NRA that fails to suggest, support and help get votes for responsible and legitimate - gun control laws, from Washington to state capitols.
The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was written so farmers would be able to protect their homes, families and their country, in a time, when there was no US Army, no national guard, no FBI, state police or local police - it was farmers against an all powerful England. And those farmers used their guns to kill Native Americans so that they could take / steal their lands.
We may need a gun, especially in Detroit - where gun violence and the lack of the Mayor and City Council to make - Crime / Public Safety, the #1 issue. They have weakend and demoralized the police department and fire department - the two stalwart essential elements to life in Detroit. They have signaled the drug gangs and petty criminals - that we would rather fight among ourselves than to fight crime.
We may need a gun to protect our homes and families, but we DO NOT need to buy military style assault weapons, AR-15s, AK-47s, Tech9s, etc, that can kill a person 550 feet to 2 miles down the street. There is no big game animals that need to be shot with these powerful weapons of WAR.
Indeed the criminals, drug gangs and petty thieves are aided and abetted by lack of responsilbe gun laws - its cheaper to steal them - although its not very expensive to buy them legally or illegally.
We do not need more George Zimmerman's who weren't adequately trained on 'when to shoot' and who are not properly advised of the serious consequences of pulling out - and using a gun.
We DO NOT need - Open Carry Laws - in which macho men and women can parade around with a loaded gun on their hips, just daring someone bigger, stronger or stupider to come 'take it away from me'. I know my rights !!!!
Fast and Furious - started under President George Bush, continued under President Obaman - neither President wanted to endanger the lives of Border Patrol Agents (hell their job - means danger). But something had to be done about the porous US Border that allowed DRUG CARTELS (not just a drug gang) to buy military style assault weapons and every gun made and use them to kill Mexican citzens. They saw the US as a gun free zone - They get guns for free (because they are using our drug proceeds) and take them to Mexico, where anything over a .38 is considered - illegal. But in the US South West - which is fighting for immigration laws - but oppose gun laws to stop Mexican DRUG CARTELS, from buying guns.
American citizens do not need military assault weapons - well maybe, to fight off the crack pot - under educated - poorly socially trained - militia groups - who think training like soldiers, arming themselves like soldiers - make themselves MORE
So AMERICA - WAKE UP, don't listen to the NRA - and their bought and paid for politicians, think for your selves - protect you and your family by supporting - responsible,legitimate and practical gun laws for your city, state and nation.
GOD BLESS AMERICA....stop the NRA...
The National Rifle Association is responsible for 'Operation Gunrunner / Fast and Furious), not President Obama or US Attorney General Eric Holder - the NRA, the all powerful gun lobby, that refuses to cooperate, and intimidates politicians from the White House to your local city council.
The NRA that fails to suggest, support and help get votes for responsible and legitimate - gun control laws, from Washington to state capitols.
The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was written so farmers would be able to protect their homes, families and their country, in a time, when there was no US Army, no national guard, no FBI, state police or local police - it was farmers against an all powerful England. And those farmers used their guns to kill Native Americans so that they could take / steal their lands.
We may need a gun, especially in Detroit - where gun violence and the lack of the Mayor and City Council to make - Crime / Public Safety, the #1 issue. They have weakend and demoralized the police department and fire department - the two stalwart essential elements to life in Detroit. They have signaled the drug gangs and petty criminals - that we would rather fight among ourselves than to fight crime.
We may need a gun to protect our homes and families, but we DO NOT need to buy military style assault weapons, AR-15s, AK-47s, Tech9s, etc, that can kill a person 550 feet to 2 miles down the street. There is no big game animals that need to be shot with these powerful weapons of WAR.
Indeed the criminals, drug gangs and petty thieves are aided and abetted by lack of responsilbe gun laws - its cheaper to steal them - although its not very expensive to buy them legally or illegally.
We do not need more George Zimmerman's who weren't adequately trained on 'when to shoot' and who are not properly advised of the serious consequences of pulling out - and using a gun.
We DO NOT need - Open Carry Laws - in which macho men and women can parade around with a loaded gun on their hips, just daring someone bigger, stronger or stupider to come 'take it away from me'. I know my rights !!!!
Fast and Furious - started under President George Bush, continued under President Obaman - neither President wanted to endanger the lives of Border Patrol Agents (hell their job - means danger). But something had to be done about the porous US Border that allowed DRUG CARTELS (not just a drug gang) to buy military style assault weapons and every gun made and use them to kill Mexican citzens. They saw the US as a gun free zone - They get guns for free (because they are using our drug proceeds) and take them to Mexico, where anything over a .38 is considered - illegal. But in the US South West - which is fighting for immigration laws - but oppose gun laws to stop Mexican DRUG CARTELS, from buying guns.
American citizens do not need military assault weapons - well maybe, to fight off the crack pot - under educated - poorly socially trained - militia groups - who think training like soldiers, arming themselves like soldiers - make themselves MORE
So AMERICA - WAKE UP, don't listen to the NRA - and their bought and paid for politicians, think for your selves - protect you and your family by supporting - responsible,legitimate and practical gun laws for your city, state and nation.
GOD BLESS AMERICA....stop the NRA...
Thursday, June 14, 2012


Be warned before you go to a carnival or festival !!! Carnival fraud is a $10 billion dollar industry - occuring at your local church, or community festivals...because there is a lack of knowledge about enforcement. You are probably being ripped off...so use caution when you decide to pay to play. Carnival - Rigged coin machine....mark puts in coins / tokens and an arm is supposed to move coins forward, and winner get items dropped down through a slot - but many coin games have open sides that arm pushes coins out the side and not forward....less coins / tokens are dropped ....
Carnival Season is now in full bloom - but many carnival games are fraudulent - stealing $10 billion dollars from innocent victims. Enforcement is almost non existent because most law enforcement officers are not trained in carnival game fraud, and / or they choose not to enforce the law.
Arab American Chamber of Commerce and Livonia Spree leaders were advised, last year, about fraudulent carnival games. Dearborn and Livonia Police, hopefully will inspect the games numerous times to insure that the games are legal. Carnival rigged basketball hoops.....basketball hoop that is not round or smaller than regulation hoop...and / or basketball is over inflated. It is one of the most popular carnival games that steals millions of dollars from children...
(c) David L. Malhalab M News Service / MNS Photo
(Amazon.com: Richard Margittay: Books CARNIVAL FRAUD REFERENCE BOOKS..
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
HOLLYWOOD CASINO TOLEDO - Not Ready for Prime Time
It's the newest gambling casino - and its not prime time ready yet - so don't rush down I-75 to Toledo to gamble there.
You have to get over the $5.00 valet charge (now said to be the norm for Ohio casinos, and they say Michigan casinos will soon follow). You have to get over the $25 minimum Blackjack tables - because the casino seems to be doing all it can to rake in the your money, before the newness wears off !!!!
The Casino says it has over 2,000 slot machines ...But...not one (1) video or virtual Blackjack machine..because they have $25...Blackjack tables..
You have to excuse their problems !!! Like taking dinner reservations for a large party, over ten days in advance and notifying them that minors are included in the party and then being stopped at the door by security that won't allow minors to be permitted in the dining areas (the decision was made one day before the grand opening - but the dinner party was never notified.
You have to excuse them losing your car, after paying for valet service (an outside company - not the responsibility of the casino)...and waiting over 25 minutes for your car - they didn't lose.
You have to excuse their security officer, who accosts you for taking photographs, after two security officers said that it was OK - apparently a security supervisor, said that the offending officer didn't read the memo on cameras - or didn't understand, but no apology is offered !!!! The supervisor understood that everyone that comes in now - has a camera phone.
OMG...HOLLYWOOD CASINO TOLEDO, is a trip not worth taking at this time...maybe when the newness wears off - and the staff has more time to understand - that common sense and courtesy should be used, during this opening period..the management should be more vigilant in anticipating and correcting problems - or offering apologizes - and comps.


Monday, May 14, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
(c) photo credit: Jonathon / David Malhalab, MNS Photo / M News Service
100,000,000 PEOPLE VISITED TIGER STADIUM - Leave your thoughts and memories..
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Where - Danger to children...is within 100 yards of Murphy Middle School which is connected to Eliza Howell Park N, is prostitution, narcotic use and sales, illegal dumping, illegal deer killing, etc etc...in Detroit's most vulnerable Westside neighborhood. A Park that I was tasked to help clean up, as a Sixth Precinct Park Ranger, with two other officers and then 3 more officers (6 total). Now none.
Now the Park is abandoned by the City, its despite efforts by former owner (family) Ken Cheyne to take back the Park and clean it up and make it a neighborhood asset. His efforts were killed by his rejection of a Kilpatrick 'pay to play' offer. The Park has reverted back to its lawless history, due to lack of police patrols, now allowing anything goes, again.
If Detroit is to have safe neighborhoods it has to due some basic law enforcement - stop the sale of illegal narcotic paraphernalia, narcotic sales in and around party stores, gas stations, dollar stores etc, stop the sale of expired food, stop the sale of illegal fireworks, stop the sale of cigarettes and liquor to minors. I did all this - as a one man police car unit - it can be done, but Detroit is failing to due it, because of fear of backlash from Arab merchants. I placed my career in danger to do this. It must be done - now. If I was still working I would be still doing this enforcement.
A dollar store, in Warrendale, had 13,000 crack pipes for sale, and more that I wasn't able to find per an informant. In the Fourth Precinct minors were selling liquor to minors at a party store, and sale to minors was rampant. In the Sixth Precinct nearly all gas stations, party stores, dollar stores were given tickets for these above listed violations of the law - and this amounts to a betrayal of the residents of Detroit.
Stopping these crimes - not major in rank - but pervasive and infecting every neighborhood in Detroit, would go a long way to making streets safer for families and school children.
Its time to - Just Do It....
David L. Malhalab
Where - Danger to children...is within 100 yards of Murphy Middle School which is connected to Eliza Howell Park N, is prostitution, narcotic use and sales, illegal dumping, illegal deer killing, etc etc...in Detroit's most vulnerable Westside neighborhood. A Park that I was tasked to help clean up, as a Sixth Precinct Park Ranger, with two other officers and then 3 more officers (6 total). Now none.
Now the Park is abandoned by the City, its despite efforts by former owner (family) Ken Cheyne to take back the Park and clean it up and make it a neighborhood asset. His efforts were killed by his rejection of a Kilpatrick 'pay to play' offer. The Park has reverted back to its lawless history, due to lack of police patrols, now allowing anything goes, again.
If Detroit is to have safe neighborhoods it has to due some basic law enforcement - stop the sale of illegal narcotic paraphernalia, narcotic sales in and around party stores, gas stations, dollar stores etc, stop the sale of expired food, stop the sale of illegal fireworks, stop the sale of cigarettes and liquor to minors. I did all this - as a one man police car unit - it can be done, but Detroit is failing to due it, because of fear of backlash from Arab merchants. I placed my career in danger to do this. It must be done - now. If I was still working I would be still doing this enforcement.
A dollar store, in Warrendale, had 13,000 crack pipes for sale, and more that I wasn't able to find per an informant. In the Fourth Precinct minors were selling liquor to minors at a party store, and sale to minors was rampant. In the Sixth Precinct nearly all gas stations, party stores, dollar stores were given tickets for these above listed violations of the law - and this amounts to a betrayal of the residents of Detroit.
Stopping these crimes - not major in rank - but pervasive and infecting every neighborhood in Detroit, would go a long way to making streets safer for families and school children.
Its time to - Just Do It....
David L. Malhalab
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Ron Savage Fox2News Detroit interview with David Malhalab
April 11, 2012
April 11, 2012

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, FOX2 DETROIT NEWS: 10pm - 11pm / 7am...
I was interviewed by Ron Savage, of Fox2 Detroit, about the new proposed Detroit City Budget, that will be submitted to City Council,on Thursday, which may include police / fire layoffs and privatization of EMS.
If Detroit layoffs DPD officers - then the Mayor and City Council hasn't learned from past history: Mayor Coleman Young laidoff 1,100 officers from 1980 to 1985 - crime skyrocketed and Detroit earned, and recieved the nickname "Murder City - USA" because to the homicide rate.
If police are laidoff - now - in a Department that is rightly acknowledged 'under staffed' it will create several serious problems, including lowering police morale, damaging even more police-community relations, and signaling to criminals that Detroit is even more open to crime.
PC Godbee shoud save money by voiding the contract he has with Havard Professor Kelling, who is giving Godbee bad advice or Godbee is ignoring his advice:
Godbee should reopen the 'virtual precincts' that create a link between police and the community - it has been broken.
Council Gary Brown says repeatedly that he can save the DPD - $8 million dollars 'by walking across the street', but he hasn't made public his plan or suggestions.
DPD is finally attempting to get more jail space - to replace the cells that were lost when former PC Cummings closed seven precints in 2005 - and created a dangerous situation of criminals not able to be jailed - and an explosion in the prisoner medical expenses (that hasn't bee reported on by Detroit media).
Godbee needs to replace Crisnet, the basic crime report system, that formers Chiefs have promised to replace since 2005.
Detroit needs a new nationally known and respected Police Chief. Mayor Bing picked Godbee because for political payback - he is not a police chief that can restore confidence or reform the Department. Detroit residents and police officers deserve better.
The bottom line is the Mayor and City Council have to make - Crime, the #1 concern in Detroit and get federal and state grant money to make Detroit safe ---then other Detroit problems will be easier to deal with.
It appears that Crime and Public Safety is not the #1 issue, maybe tomorrow, we will learn the direction Detroit is headed - and if there is police layoffs, residents will be heading out of town and fleeing the City. Maybe city leaders believe they can recreate the City by protecting the downtown and midtown areas - without real concern for neighborhood residents.
ps: are - Mike Ilitch and Bill Ford paying for the use of Detroit Police officers at Tiger, Red Wing and Lion games - other cities charge their professional sports teams.... Are Detroit billionares exploiting and taking advantage of Detroit residents and tax payers ????
An Opening Day participant commented on the "massive police prescence" - that means that 911 calls went unanswered - in the neighborhoods, that already have a declining rate of service.!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

MNS Photo
Tulip Time is NOW - in Holland, Michigan. Holland has over 620,000 tulips and 65% to 85% are now blooming, due to early season warm temperatures that has created a blooming frenzy, ahead of the Holland Tulip Festival, May 5th - 12th. There will be no tulips blooming during the festival - so NOW (April 10th +) is the time to visit -and Windmill Island Gardens that has 120,000 blooming tulips and is worth a visit.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Thee - Plymouth Stamp Show - Michigan's Largest - gets a new home - The West Suburban Stamp Club's 43rd Annual Exhibition and Stamp Dealers Bourse, will be held at the Hellenic Cultural Center, at 36375 Joy Road, in Westland, April 28th / 10 am - 5:30 pm and April 29th / 10 am - 4:00 pm. The Show was held at the Central Middle School, in Plymouth but was forced to move to a new location. Over 40 local and national philatelic (stamp) dealers will participate. The Show will offer a chance for those that have stamp or cover collections to have them appraised or to sell them.
for more information: www.plymouthshow.com or www.thewssc.com
photo credit: David L. Malhalab M News Service
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chocolate - Imported from and made in Detroit - Mark Truan, owner and legendary chocolatier of family owned - Truan's Candies, in his store at 22200 Ford Rd / E of W Outer Drive, in Dearborn Heights, shows off some of the 10,000 lbs of premium chocolate they will sell this Easter season. Truan's has a variety of sizes and shapes and features a 3' - 17 pound solid chocolate Easter Bunny - oh yeah. Easter is April 8th..
photo credit: David L. Malhalab M News Service / MNS Photo
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

OMG - It's worth how much?? - get your coin or coin collection appraised at the NorthWest Detroit Coin Club's - 50th Annual Spring Coin Show. Vic West and Club members will host a variety of US and foreign coin and currency dealers from around the country and will appraise, buy and sell from their collections, on Sunday, April 1st from 10am - 4pm. The Club will also hold hourly raffle drawings, that may let you win a silver or gold coins, at the Livonia Senior Center, 15218 Farmington - Five Mile.
photo credit: M News Service / MNS Photo (313 580 2393)
Thursday, March 22, 2012

George Louis Malhalab (89) passed today 3/21/12 in Lansing. George was married Oct 9,1948 to Elena M (Naida). and was the father of David, Jonathon, and Ruth. He was born June 2, 1922 in Highland Park, MI to Louis and Rose (Couzian), brother of Michael, Mary (John Olesko), Virginia (Art Mazuchowski), and Jeanette (George Szabo). George was a PFC machine gunner in WWII with the 820th Tank Destro...yers, retired accountant from Detroit Diesel, he worked at Guardian Glass, and Robin Hood Flour. Member of VFW Lyskawa Post, K of C -Thomas Dooley, founding member of Our Lady of Grace Church and member of St Anslem Church in Dearborn Heights and St Gerard’s Church in Delta Township (Lansing), former AARP Tax Aide and Medicare Counselor. Graduate of Highland Park High School and Detroit School of Business. Please remember him by hugging someone or your pet (dog) or saying something comforting or listening to someone who is alone.
Donations: St Anselm Church, Dearborn Heights,/ St Gerard's Church, Lansing, Mi / or Berwyn Senior Center, Dearborn Heights.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
from DPD LSA meeting...3/21/12
Are Detroit residents aware that:
That the DPOA / LSA / COA members will not vote on the tentative agreements with DPD unions....because the agreement signed by all three (3) Unions has not received the approval of Gov Synder....after all these weeks...months...
Only then can the agreements be voted on...so every day Detroit moves closer to bankruptcy and an Emergency Financial Manager......
Are Detroit residents aware that:
The proposed savings that Mayor Bing touts will help stabilize the financial situation in Detroit - the $330 million dollars in savings from the Pension Funds is based on faulty
unrealistic statistics - that the Pension Funds will return 8% earnings yearly, for the next 30 years?
Andy Dillon is a meeting, Tuesday -
with Union leaders said Detroit does not have a 'Union problem, it has a management problem'...He said Detroit has too many unions - 48 - and should have only 'maybe' 4....
Dillon also suggested - that Detroit Fire Dept merge / or share fire duties with Highland Park and Hamtramck...
That Chris Brown, the Mayors rep at the meeting, disparaged DPD officers and Union leaders and blamed them for DPD overtime saying - 'you control the overtime' and that Chief Godbee just sat failing to correct Brown....DPD officers DO NOT RESPECT - PC Godbee...
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
Are Detroit residents aware that:
That the DPOA / LSA / COA members will not vote on the tentative agreements with DPD unions....because the agreement signed by all three (3) Unions has not received the approval of Gov Synder....after all these weeks...months...
Only then can the agreements be voted on...so every day Detroit moves closer to bankruptcy and an Emergency Financial Manager......
Are Detroit residents aware that:
The proposed savings that Mayor Bing touts will help stabilize the financial situation in Detroit - the $330 million dollars in savings from the Pension Funds is based on faulty
unrealistic statistics - that the Pension Funds will return 8% earnings yearly, for the next 30 years?
Andy Dillon is a meeting, Tuesday -
with Union leaders said Detroit does not have a 'Union problem, it has a management problem'...He said Detroit has too many unions - 48 - and should have only 'maybe' 4....
Dillon also suggested - that Detroit Fire Dept merge / or share fire duties with Highland Park and Hamtramck...
That Chris Brown, the Mayors rep at the meeting, disparaged DPD officers and Union leaders and blamed them for DPD overtime saying - 'you control the overtime' and that Chief Godbee just sat failing to correct Brown....DPD officers DO NOT RESPECT - PC Godbee...
David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired
Monday, March 5, 2012
http://youtu.be/B9ubpbmgUno ....copy and paste into your browser...
Above is a video interview by Steve Hood, on his program, Detroit Wants 2 Know - with David Malhalab. We talk briefly about the Detroit Police Department.
Look Listen and Comment...Thank you....David
Above is a video interview by Steve Hood, on his program, Detroit Wants 2 Know - with David Malhalab. We talk briefly about the Detroit Police Department.
Look Listen and Comment...Thank you....David
Friday, March 2, 2012
Rush Limbaugh (Rick Santorum) didn't start it - but he is now the Leader of the Republican War on Women - and the Republican Party's rush to the edge in lunancy, decency and insanity on public issues. Nothing it seems is to extreme for Republicans to embrace.
Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke, and the silence of Republicans to denounce his comments - is pr...oof that Republicans no longer are the Party that can prouldly proclaim to uphold the US Constitition. The Party is no longer the party of Ronald Reagan, Dwight D. Eishenhower or Abraham Lincoln.
The Republican Party has been captured and seduced by the Tea Party, which is destroying this once proud Party.
The Republican Party, who believe God created the Earth, are now rushing to see who can destroy its natural benefits - the air, the water, forests - claiming that businesses will protect them - despite proof to the opposite, Chernobyl, Fukishima, the Gulf of Mexico and the Kalamazoo river, and the disaster in the making - the Keystone XL pipline across the county.
The Republican Party is now afraid of Planned Parenthood, outspoken women, the Girl Scouts and soon - the Lorax.
God help us all...!!!!
See More
Sandra Fluke Responds To Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments www.huffingtonpost.com - copy and paste in your browser...
Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University law student Rush Limbaugh labeled as a slut and a prostitute for her beliefs about access to birth control, responded on MSNBC's The Ed Show Thursday night. "Initially, you're stunned, but then very quickly, you're outraged, because this is historically the ki.....
Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke, and the silence of Republicans to denounce his comments - is pr...oof that Republicans no longer are the Party that can prouldly proclaim to uphold the US Constitition. The Party is no longer the party of Ronald Reagan, Dwight D. Eishenhower or Abraham Lincoln.
The Republican Party has been captured and seduced by the Tea Party, which is destroying this once proud Party.
The Republican Party, who believe God created the Earth, are now rushing to see who can destroy its natural benefits - the air, the water, forests - claiming that businesses will protect them - despite proof to the opposite, Chernobyl, Fukishima, the Gulf of Mexico and the Kalamazoo river, and the disaster in the making - the Keystone XL pipline across the county.
The Republican Party is now afraid of Planned Parenthood, outspoken women, the Girl Scouts and soon - the Lorax.
God help us all...!!!!
See More
Sandra Fluke Responds To Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments www.huffingtonpost.com - copy and paste in your browser...
Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University law student Rush Limbaugh labeled as a slut and a prostitute for her beliefs about access to birth control, responded on MSNBC's The Ed Show Thursday night. "Initially, you're stunned, but then very quickly, you're outraged, because this is historically the ki.....
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The Oscars were right to ban Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat)...and why?? they allowed him to go to tonights Oscars, Hollywood's biggest night, is now up for discussion and condemnation.
Cohen dressed as a 'dictator' / Kaddafi, with sexxy female bodygards in military attire, was carrying the remains of Korean dictator, Kim Jung Il, in an urn, saying that Kim always wanted to attend the Oscars - then dumped the 'remains', bisquick pancake mix, on E Entertainment host, Ryan Secrest - in a distasteful, ignorant, demeaning and thouroghly wrong promotion for Cohen's next movie.
Cohen, dressed as an Arab dictator was especially wrong, after two American military officers were killed in Afghanistan, unrest and massacres in Syria, and continuing protests in Afganistan over the burning of the Quaran, and talk of war with Iran.
The Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Science, the Oscars, should permantely ban Cohen, and he should apologize to all Americans and to the Academy members...for his actions which were totally wrong on so many levels. It was totally disgusting - devoid of humor and decency. Cohen tried to continue the skit - but was quickly ushered down the red carpet, but he should have been escorted out the door !!
And whoever decided to reverse the original ban on his attendance should also apologize.
Cohen dressed as a 'dictator' / Kaddafi, with sexxy female bodygards in military attire, was carrying the remains of Korean dictator, Kim Jung Il, in an urn, saying that Kim always wanted to attend the Oscars - then dumped the 'remains', bisquick pancake mix, on E Entertainment host, Ryan Secrest - in a distasteful, ignorant, demeaning and thouroghly wrong promotion for Cohen's next movie.
Cohen, dressed as an Arab dictator was especially wrong, after two American military officers were killed in Afghanistan, unrest and massacres in Syria, and continuing protests in Afganistan over the burning of the Quaran, and talk of war with Iran.
The Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Science, the Oscars, should permantely ban Cohen, and he should apologize to all Americans and to the Academy members...for his actions which were totally wrong on so many levels. It was totally disgusting - devoid of humor and decency. Cohen tried to continue the skit - but was quickly ushered down the red carpet, but he should have been escorted out the door !!
And whoever decided to reverse the original ban on his attendance should also apologize.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Today, Feb 22, I was interviewed by IR - Ross Jones, of WXYZ, about a continuing investigation into - loitering tickets (with notations inferring narcotics and prostitution related) being issued improperly by Detroit Police Officers....The interview should run the week of February 26th...
I explained how 'loitering tickets' when pro...perly and lawfully issued, are a good crime fighting tool, that helps to reduce narcotic users and prostitutes - and can have an effect on felony crimes, like: murder, robbery, home invasions and rape.
Detroit PC Godbee in a press release, not an interview, said "...we are not in a position...to respond to claims that cases are mishandled"...I say Why not??? This appears to be an 'abuse of power' that residents complained of under PC Warren Evans, and the officers tickets to seemingly lawful citizens deserve to be discussed.
Maybe, Judge Cook should order the Department of Justice, under the Consent Decrees, to investigate. Maybe PC Godbee would discuss the issue then.
ps: There may be more complaints from residents under Godbee's 'broken window' enforcement policy, that lacks enough officers to be effective and will generate 'civil rights' violation complaints, like there was when PC Evans, who ordered increased enforcement in high crime areas.
I have long advocated for a national search for the 'best and brightest' police chief -and it should be a priority.
I said weeks ago, while a guest on the Michael Schwartz Show, on WADL Channel 38, that I thought the Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon had intentions of taking over the DPD and adding it to the WCS Department. What do you think???
pps: Does Detroit still have a Gang Squad??? I advocated that all DPD officers be trained about gangs in Detroit, and that they have a central 'Gang Intelligence Unit' and eliminate Gang Squad - that way every DPD officer could have gang information and be able to use it - and to collect information that could be shared with all officers, not just a few.
pps: Sgt Stephens of the Detroit Police Public Information Office - told me that the DPD made a statement about the above matter, only a small line of response was put in Jones' Report...READ below: COMMENT -- to see the entire text of the Department's response...
(from me) - all residents of Detroit or visitors who feel that a DPD officer has not properly performed their job - should make a citizens complaint..I have always encouraged that, but I have also, advocated that people who make FALSE COMPLAINTS against officers, should face criminal and civil penalties. Law Enforcement officers due a critical, dangerous job for which they can lose their lives and careers, with a bad decision - so those who make false or unecessary complaint should be punished.
Today, Feb 22, I was interviewed by IR - Ross Jones, of WXYZ, about a continuing investigation into - loitering tickets (with notations inferring narcotics and prostitution related) being issued improperly by Detroit Police Officers....The interview should run the week of February 26th...
I explained how 'loitering tickets' when pro...perly and lawfully issued, are a good crime fighting tool, that helps to reduce narcotic users and prostitutes - and can have an effect on felony crimes, like: murder, robbery, home invasions and rape.
Detroit PC Godbee in a press release, not an interview, said "...we are not in a position...to respond to claims that cases are mishandled"...I say Why not??? This appears to be an 'abuse of power' that residents complained of under PC Warren Evans, and the officers tickets to seemingly lawful citizens deserve to be discussed.
Maybe, Judge Cook should order the Department of Justice, under the Consent Decrees, to investigate. Maybe PC Godbee would discuss the issue then.
ps: There may be more complaints from residents under Godbee's 'broken window' enforcement policy, that lacks enough officers to be effective and will generate 'civil rights' violation complaints, like there was when PC Evans, who ordered increased enforcement in high crime areas.
I have long advocated for a national search for the 'best and brightest' police chief -and it should be a priority.
I said weeks ago, while a guest on the Michael Schwartz Show, on WADL Channel 38, that I thought the Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon had intentions of taking over the DPD and adding it to the WCS Department. What do you think???
pps: Does Detroit still have a Gang Squad??? I advocated that all DPD officers be trained about gangs in Detroit, and that they have a central 'Gang Intelligence Unit' and eliminate Gang Squad - that way every DPD officer could have gang information and be able to use it - and to collect information that could be shared with all officers, not just a few.
pps: Sgt Stephens of the Detroit Police Public Information Office - told me that the DPD made a statement about the above matter, only a small line of response was put in Jones' Report...READ below: COMMENT -- to see the entire text of the Department's response...
(from me) - all residents of Detroit or visitors who feel that a DPD officer has not properly performed their job - should make a citizens complaint..I have always encouraged that, but I have also, advocated that people who make FALSE COMPLAINTS against officers, should face criminal and civil penalties. Law Enforcement officers due a critical, dangerous job for which they can lose their lives and careers, with a bad decision - so those who make false or unecessary complaint should be punished.
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