Sunday, September 2, 2012

ROMNEY- RYAN 2012 ???, JON HUNTSMAN, FOX NEWS (Chris Wallace)

The EMPTY CHAIR - at the Republican Party Convention 2012 - should have been filled by Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan !! Romney has failed to pass the 'trust issues' that plague US Democracy -

- He hasn't filed his 20122 IRS Tax Return, that was due on April 15, 2012. His father, former Michigan Governor and Presidential candidate provided over 20 tax returnds, what is Mitt hiding, the fact that he paid only up to 13% tax rate and gave ONLY 8% to charity (Mormons are required to donate 10%).

- He decried Pesident Obama's policy toward Cuba (Romney - Castro is a damned boogie man / communist - who threatens the US) - wrong, Castro is an old man, who has relinquished power, to his brother, Cuba is no threat to the US. Obama's policy toward Cuba, is enlightened and more likely to undermine the Castro brothers, than isolation. The Obama policy is to open Cuba to scholars and visitors and to Cuban families that have been divided since the JFK era (1963)...1963 - We are now trading partners with Viet Nam, whom we fought a war against, lost over 51,000 American lives. We now have thousands of Viet Nam era soldiers returning to see where they fought and their friends and collegues died - but we can't visit Cube (under Romney). We eat Vietnamese shrimp and wear clothes made in Viet Nam, but Castro must be destroyed or he will destroy the USA ??? American $$$$ will put an end to the Castro brothers. Romney will continue a failed policy - an extreme right wing / tea party agenda - that is wrong.

- He (Romney) wants WAR??? He seems not to see that George W. Bush, who started two wars (one on a blantant lie) that has cost American soldiers their lives - Romney doesn't seem to understant that negotiations, not shoe thumping table talk is a better way - Iran is not worth World War III - North Korea has a nuclear weapon, Isreal has a nuclear weapon, Why does Romney seem to want to push the Button !!!
And Romney has not told us his VISION of US Foriegn Policy - He says he will not be 'flexible' with Russian President Putin. He supports putting missiles in Poland, even though they are a threat to Russia - didn't we oppose missles in Cuba, because they were a threat to the USA ???

- He said Obams 'threw Israel under the bus'??? OMG what an outrageous and wrong statement !!! And no one seems to have challenged it. Israel has a nuclear weapon and is building settlements in lands they say they will return, under a Peace Agreement - but it doesn't see the need to stop the settlements. We all stand with Israel, but the US should not support or encourage a World War over Iran.

- Romney has not told us his plan to return America to prosperity, Why not?? He said he will create 12 million job, in four years - HOW?? If Obama said that - Republicans would call him a liar.

- Romney - Ryan 2012 need to tell the TRUTH, explain their plans, not wait until December 2012 to tell the American People - thier plans.

Chris Wallace (Fox News) shame - your father, would be so embarrased that you failed to critically review the speech of Mitt Romney and said 'I will shup up and let the visuals tell the story (balloons failing from the ceiling and children happy seeing the balloons, that is his commentary of Romney) Shame Chris Wallace..

Jon Huntsman, Jr, on the Colbert Report, on Comedy Central (8-30-2012) made a case that the Republican Party is too extreme right, and that HE should have been the Republican nominee in 2012...listen to his interview - below (click)

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Jon Huntsman Pt. 1
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Jon Huntsman Pt. 1
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive

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