Thursday, February 28, 2013



Mike Duggan says he wants to be Mayor of Detroit, and that Detroit doesn't need an EFM...that he can put together a team and bring Detroit back.

Well if he is that smart and has a team - He should have made a deal with Governor Synder and became Detroit's EFM, taken the heat, turned Detroit around - and then - run for Mayor of Detroit on his EFM record.

But he now just one of a group that talks the talk, pandering talk - about NO EFM needed, no bankruptcy needed.

He also is spouting reportedly bad information about the Detroit Police Department, not having enough police officers, working the streets, with to many sitting behind desks. This fallacy - shows he isn't the answer to make Detroit safer.

DPD - needs a new nationally respected Police Chief, now - now, not after the 2014 elections.
DPD - needs more police officers, on the street, and behind desks to respond to crimes and to investigate crimes. State and Federal grants must provide the money.
DPD - needs jail space and a medical facility, that will house more arrested criminals and a medical facility to decrease the millions of dollars being spent on unecessay prisoner medical expenses.
DPD - needs increased hiring standards, better training and better equipment.
DPD - needs to open all precinct 24/7 and close the mini stations (public relations garbage), and to repair the lost police-community relations, by increasing response times, solving crimes and making feel safe in their homes, schools and walking the streets.

DETROIT NEEDS AN EFM...BANKRUPTCY...Detroit problems have multiplied since Coleman Young became mayor - the problems are too big for the current group of Detroit 'leaders'.

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