Today - there should be a WALL OF SHAME attached to the US Senate Building - Senators embolden by and frightened by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other organizations, defeated legislation to require - background checks on people buying guns - a simple common sense law that would be helpful in preventing more gun massacres in this country. The NRA has said - just enforce the current laws, but they have cooperated in gutting and taking away the enforcement powers of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobbaco and Firearms, and easing of gun regulations throughout the country. God / Jesus did not give the NRA powers greater than the President or Congress, so they should stand up to the NRA and defeat them in cities, counties, states and the Congress. Americans must stand tall and proud against the NRA.
Today - there is NO - Profiles in Courage - of Senators (Republican and Democrats) standing up for the the American people, standing up to the NRA and others who have lied and mislead the public on common sense gun regulation legislation. Senators more worried about being re-elected than blood on the streets, in the malls, on high school and college campuses, in movie theatres and in city halls, voted for themselves and NOT the American People.
Shame on the NRA...Shame Shame, and on Wayne LaPierre, its spokesman - The NRA opposed common sense legislation that Presidents Reagan and Bush supported.
This is a sad day for America - the extremist have won a victory !!!
How can this not embolden - terrorist - who see a powerful organization the - NRA - defeat the will of the American people.
Today, Americans should be angry and tell their elected leaders from city halls to the US Congress, that the NRA is wrong, and we need common sense gun legislation.
These senators aren't stupid. They aren't going to vote for gun control measures based on a very small and questionable poll. If it's such a "defeat of the American people" as you put it then where's the outrage? The only people I see complaining are people with an agenda like Obama and cable news reporters. Americans are worried about the economy and healthcare gun control is just a silly sideshow and a distraction and the author of this article is doing her best to incite anger in it's readers. You lost lets move on to more important things now.
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