Monday, June 16, 2014


ps: USS John McCain - now a grumpy stupid old Senator....

Radical Islamic terrorists (not insurgents) are knocking on the front door of Baghdad and only Allah (God) can save this country - not US soldiers (again), drones or air strikes.

We (USA) were villified as the 'great satan', our soldiers hated / killed, but now the REAL SATAN has shown up, at the front door - and a religious blood bath will surely follow, when they are victorious, all in the name of Allah. Shi'ites will be slaughtered, women will be raped...then Sunni...over and over again - this will repeat itself in Syria with other Islamic sects killing each other.

These faux religious terrorists want to proclaim an Islamic State ruled by Shaira Law - but they pervert Islam and insult the Prophet Mohammed and Allah.

It is time, long past, that the Muslim clerics join together and proclaim that these terrorist are not doing Allah's work, but are mocking Allah, and denigrating Islam and the Quaran.

The King of Saudia Arabia must take the lead and unite the Arab League to condemn these terrorists and send Arab League soldiers to fight against them.

US soldiers are not any answer and should no longer figure in the outcome of Iraq's futured. They have served, paid with blood and now it is in Arab hands. If Iraq falls to radical religious terrorists - Islam and its religious and political leaders are the fault and the reason - not the the US.

Ps..US Senator John McCain, was a decorated war hero / POW Suvivor, was was - now he has transformed himself into a grumpy stupid Senator. He is currently, criticizing President Obama for pulling US troops out of Iraq and for "not finishing the job" ( US spent over $1 trillion dollars, suffered 4,600 dead soldiers and over 35,000 injured soldiers).

US Senator McCain has in the recent passed - 'Beat the Drums of War' - for the US to stand up for the opposition forces in Syria (he even got his photo with a known terrorist) and earlier for strong action against Iran.

If President Obama had listened and took the 'sage' advice of the war hero - we would be in three (3) wars - now...Afghanistan, Iran and Syria...which would have led to diaster for all of us. Thousands more US soldiers would be coming home to Arlington Cemetary, and more to dysfunctional veterans hospitals, the US and world economy would be in ruins.

So it is time for US Senator McCain to 'shut up' or resign...the country no longer needs his advice.
Mitt Romney, the failed Republican presidential contender (?) should also, not
comment on what President Obama has done...Romney had no exit plan for Iraq when he ran, and President Obama has limited options, that don't include US 'boots on the ground' and he is demanding that Iraq solve its internal political disputes while he works with other governments, some in the area, to find a good plan of action - one that George W. Bush, should have had before, he took us into a no win War in Iraq.

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