Saturday, July 5, 2014



Watch me on TV 2..4..7...Comment on professional grade fireworks being used by people who don't realize how powerful they are...JULY 5..

Maher Aburouman 44/A/M was eating and drinking with his friends on Plainview / S of Dayton, and they were shooting off a variety of fireworks. Maher held a ground based motar tube with a shell inside, lite it and it blew back into him because the shell couldn't go straight up. Ron Mohlman a friend said it happened so fast that everyone was stunnned. Maher fell back against a fence and Mohlman put a pillow under his head, and said that in less than a minute, Maher died.

I did for a long long time, did the fireworks enforcement in Detroit. Detroit party store owners, gas stations, dollars stores and gypsy salesmen on street corners sold, illegal fireworks, similar to what is legal now. I saw children as young as five years old, trying to buy fireworks. Detroit store owners would sell anything, liquor to minors, crack pipes, counterfeit designer items, pirated CDs / DVDs etc, all to make a profit, because they knew there was a lack of enforcement in Detroitt.

I was threatened by these merchants and laughed at by some police officers, but I saw the need for enforcement and tried to fill the void - it was difficult, but I got convictions in Court, my vidication (up to $500 ea fines) which incesed some merchants.

I emailed the Governor, the Mi Attorney General and legislators and to ask them - NOT - to legalize fireworks, because of the inherent dangers to the public. Legislators used the excuse of capturing millions of fireworks related tax dollars (up to $10m a year) and creating more jobs - that would go to Ohio or Indiana. So they picked the easy fruit from the forbidden tree without a serious consideration for the consequences - death, injuries and maiming.
I emailed the media - Ron Dzwonowski an editor with the Free Press, supported making them legal, for the tax dollars...I was never called or asked for a comment on the legislative action / mistake.

Maher has an exwife and four daughters, who now have no father, becaues he mishandled powerful legal fireworks.

11, 400 people were injured by fireworks last year...this year you can include a fatality. I watched in Dearborn Heights last night, as a father allowed his son (5 yrs old?) and his daughter (10 yrs old?) lite a similar tube filled with a powerful fireworks shell, like the one that killed Maher, in the 8200 block of Riverview. He came up to me and challenged me on Why was I photographing his children !!!

Even though he was in a public street igniting powerful - Legal - fireworks, with his children at his side. His son bent over a tube as he lit one !!!

You can see the videos I shot - on my facebook page (David Malhalab), watch and leave a comment

The Michigan Legislature made a serious mistake and Governor Synder ratified it by signing the fireworks legislation into law. NOW the Legislature should create a - Fireworks Victims Compensation Fund - by adding a $500 surcharge to every fireworks license issued in Michigan.

Local city councils and county commissioners should enact stronger penalties for selling fireworks to children, and for parents allowing their children to ignite fireworks, or putting them in harms way by being less that 50 feet away.

And put stronger restrictions on when and where they can be ignited - no public street or property, park or parking lot, etc....this may save lives.

Mayor Fouts of Warren should be an example to all cities...and to the Legislature - he recognizes the danger and consequences of allowing the unfrettered use of legal fireworks.

Some of the fireworks that are being sold in Michigan are professional grade and powerful fireworks - we have all seen them explode high in the sky for the past serveral years. These fireworks should be handled by professionals who wear firemen coats, helmets, boots and gloves - but the general public and buy them and explode them in shorts and flip flops - and children ignite them with their parent encouraging them to do so.

Some say if we go make them illegal again, then people will still go to Ohio and Indiana, buy them and bring them back to Michigan - well let them the less fireworks in the hands of the general public, the less chance of multi digit deaths and injuries, and we will have taken back our authority to ticket and arrest serious violators.

We have all seen the fireworks bursting in air and heard the noise that is likened to a - war zone - an Iraq War vet said he has flashbacks and nightmares, when fireworks are exploded over and over again in his neighborhood and all across his city ...and from one end of Michigan to the other...It is wrong.

PS. So vote out every state legislator (August 5th Primary) that voted for legalizing fireworks...taxing your pensions...making Michigan a 'right to work state...voted for a 'anti-texting law (uneforceable) when a ban on hand held cell phones / distracted driving law was needed...oppose a woman's right to an abortion (God will be the judge not legislators) and went home to campaign for your vote - with no plan for fixing the states roads and bridges...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Laws are supposed to protect citizens and preserve quality of life. The supposed "law makers" /”state reps”in Michigan who devised this dangerous money-making law knew it would hurt countless Michigan citizens. They didn’t care. Money (6% sales tax) was more important than safety, eye/finger loss, or loss of life. Not to mention pissed-off people, babies, dogs, cats, birds, and combat veterans with flash backs because of the racket for 30 days out of the year. Rescind the stupid blood-law.