Friday, July 1, 2016


When DONALD J. TRUMP speaks 'people listen' it is his bombastic, ignorant rants, denigrating: President Obamas (weak), the US Military (weak / not strong enough), Mexicans and Muslims, the 'rigged' (American system) that is the meat and potatoes that 'radical terrorists' use to recruit 'new jihadists' and not just to those in the Middle East but to all 'terroists' around the WORLD, by using Trump's own words - that don't have to be tweaked or edited - they can use them on social media and in other forums against America and to put Americans in DANGER.

DONALD J. TRUMP has gone far below the level of decency to speak to Americans fears and doubts to create a divisive political campaign that has devalued the American Values at home and around the World. He is creating a level of mistrust between the American people and its Worldwide allies, that WE need to keep American safe and prosperous.

It is time for real Americans who love this country and its values, who want their children to grow up in freedom to reject the ignorant, bombastic and just plain wrong headed rhetoric of Donald J. Trump - start now, Today.......

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