Tuesday, December 20, 2016



That glorified this assassin who killed, under cover of police colors, the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, while he made a speech in front of people at an art gallery.

Burhan Ozbillici, the Associated Press photographer, who took this photograph, which will become - infamous - but may also aid in an investigation was right to do so, but also will aid in ISIS recruitment and increase tensions in Syria, Turkey and Russia and indeed around the World. Assassins need only kill important people and stand around for their photo to get front page glory around the World.

News organizations were not obligated or should not have used this photo - from simple humanity, common sense and without proper thought as to the ramifications.
It does not further any news story to include this photo - it is purely a sick, demented man who is enjoying the moment he killed a defenseless man, in front of women and children.

Whether or not you agree with the events in Allepo, Syria - which supposedly was the reason for the assassination - the use of this photograph - does not help, resolve the situation nor does it make the action - heroic, and so the photo should not have been used when other photos could have portrayed the horror of this incident.
Detroit newspapers have used a mass killer photo on the front page and other news organizations have used mass killer photos, repeatedly, as part of their stories...the photos are a glorification, an honor to those, who maimed and killed, not a DETERRENT...

So to all NEWS ORGANIZATIONS AND OUTLETS...don't honor killers by putting their faces on the front page or on the lead to a video news story....use a victims photo or some relevant photo that tells other - you will not see your face - if you kill people......

The only time a photo should be used is to - catch - a killer, not to
make him a hero to others, who sympathize with their sick actions.

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