Wednesday, July 20, 2016



Donald Trump (the BILLIONAIRE) says he is the 'Law and Order' candidate which should scare all Americans...that comment should send a chill through all minority communities...that comment should bother Law Enforcement Officers throughout the nation, who will see that police-community relations become more strained if Trump is ever to become President. Common Sense says this is TRUE.

Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke proudly and rightfully proclaimed that 'Blue Lives Matter'...he should have accepted the applause and walked off the RNC stage, but he continued, denigrating and condemning 'Black Lives Matters' supporters. He was divisive and harmed police community relations. It will be interesting to see how his speech plays out in his city...but it was wrong for America and for Blue Lives.

The Cleveland Police Union President asked Governor Kasich to suspend 'Open Carry' in Cleveland, to protect 'Blue Lives' - law enforcement officers, many who had come from all over the country to assist Cleveland officers. They feared that protesters who would be allowed to 'Open Carry' guns and rifles would present a dangerous problem for the officers. Kasich said he had NO authority to do so - he should have had his AG find a way.

Dallas (TX) police officers - asked for an end to 'Open Carry' because so many protesters were carrying the guns and rifles (legally) that it made it difficult for them to know a 'good guy from a bad gun'

I have have written that Law Enforcement Officers, City Police Chiefs, County Sheriffs, and State Troopers must take the lead to end 'Open Carry' that endangers 'Blue Lives' and we need better and extended training for CPLs holders.
LEOs must take the lead to get a BAN on military assault weapons, high capacity magazines, background checks at gun shows and allowing the ATF to inspect and monitor gun stores, gun shows, and to use computers to track weapons to aid LEOs nationally when crimes are committed by guns.

We must support all law enforcement officers 'Blue Lives' matters but we must acknowledge - that we must work together to form better police - community relations, and Trump rhetoric doesn't do that.


New Jersey - Chris Christie (Gov) ...Shame shame shame.....

Governor Chris Christie shamed himself and his state by his unethical, insulting, demeaning, crude, distasteful, vulgar speech at the Republican National Convention 2016 - listing talking points about the former First Lady, US Senator and Secretary of State - Hillary Clinton, also a mother and grandmother.

He listed anti Hillary talking points, some discredited, and encouraged the crowd to chant back - Guilty,...then the chant of the Convention thru day three - Lock her Up....reverberated.

Christie wanted the be Trump's Vice President, but his NJ baggage and his support for the NJ Democratic Legislature's, 23c a gallon gas hike made that impossible. He is now focused on being the US Attorney General, and his speech at the RNC should spike, kill any hope he had of getting that job.

Christie has shamed his State and himself and all those that cheered lustily (for blood) at the Convention.

Friday, July 8, 2016


God Bless the Dallas (TX) Police Department.....

May God Bless the twelve (12) police officers killed and injured while doing their sworn duty to - Protect and Serve.

A police officer with a simple bullet proof vest and a 9 mm / 40 cal handgun is and was NO match for a gunman armed with a AR-15, military style assault weapon, a weapon of War, a weapon designed for mass casualties, as we saw a brave Dallas officer get into a fire fight with the crazed gunman.

Let us all - Police Officers, County Sheriffs, State Troopers, Federal Law Enforcement Officers - stand together - and demand 'common sense' gun laws - a BAN on military style assault weapons and high capacity magazines, background checks at gun shows, allowing the ATF to audit gun shops and gun shows, allowing ATF to use computers to assist law enforcement in tracking guns and for homicide and mass shooting investigations.

We as LEOs must take the lead - show the public that we who know the real consequences of homicides and mass shootings that we care and want assistance from them and that government, state and federal must do their part to protect LEOs and the public - NOW - not after another police killing or mass public shooting, NOW, we are ready to help Stop the Terror.

Friday, July 1, 2016


When DONALD J. TRUMP speaks 'people listen' it is his bombastic, ignorant rants, denigrating: President Obamas (weak), the US Military (weak / not strong enough), Mexicans and Muslims, the 'rigged' (American system) that is the meat and potatoes that 'radical terrorists' use to recruit 'new jihadists' and not just to those in the Middle East but to all 'terroists' around the WORLD, by using Trump's own words - that don't have to be tweaked or edited - they can use them on social media and in other forums against America and to put Americans in DANGER.

DONALD J. TRUMP has gone far below the level of decency to speak to Americans fears and doubts to create a divisive political campaign that has devalued the American Values at home and around the World. He is creating a level of mistrust between the American people and its Worldwide allies, that WE need to keep American safe and prosperous.

It is time for real Americans who love this country and its values, who want their children to grow up in freedom to reject the ignorant, bombastic and just plain wrong headed rhetoric of Donald J. Trump - start now, Today.......