Thursday, January 24, 2008



This is an update: because of the sex, lies and text messages revealed today by the Detroit Free Press (Schaefer / Elrick - 1/24/08)) about Mayor Kilpatrick and his Chief of Staff Christine Beatty.

I was suspended six days from the Detroit Police Dept for giving an interview to WDIV Chl 4 - Mike Lewis about Christine Beatty being stopped for speeding by two Detroit Police Officers. The Mayor said it may have been a 'set up' - he lied. It cost me six days pay and benefits, so that Chief Bully-Cummings could continue the coverup of the Mayor's sexual affair.

The two police officers who stopped Beatty were subject to vile and profane langauage and the filed a lawsuit, which may or may not have been resolved by now in the 5 figures. And this goes beyond to the Manogian Mansion lies and coverup and a possible homicide - that must now be more vigorously investigated, because a $150 million dollar lawsuit has been filed against the Mayor, Beatty, Cummings and the City, over the failure of the police department to properly investigate the homicide of Tamara Greene.

Mayor Kilpatrick, Christine Beatty and Chief Ella Bully-Cummings should and must resign they have failed the duties of their office and the people of Detroit.

If they don't resign then the State must step in and remove them.

Sept 11, 2007 5:43 PM FYI...........

The verdict in the whistle blower case against the City and Mayor Kilpatrick shows the cesspool of corruption in the Detroit political leadership from the mayor, city council to school board continues - starting with Coleman Young and continuing today.

Detroit needs new political leadership a new police chief not tied to the mayor...residents, visitors and Detroit police officers need to know that the Police Department is led by executives who make the best decisions to protect them - not political decisions.

Mayor Kilpatrick says we (Detroit) doesn't have the money to pay the judgement in the Brown / Neglthorpe lawsuit...BUT..... the City had $7million dollars to pave 10 acres of Belle Isle...and untold millions of $$$$ more for improvements of Belle Isle for the Grand Prix.

Kilpatrick should have friends and family pay the entire award...He has betrayed his oath of office and disgraced Detroit, not to mention allegations of criminal behavior that haven't been resolved - and no should Call the Detroit City Council (313 224 4500) and tell them to have Kilpatrick pay - and to stop any costly appeals.

Detroit needs new ethical political malhalab

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen Brother! Kwame needs to resign and Detroit needs to overhaul forms of its government. I hope the state does something responosibly because I doubt the city will.