Tuesday, October 5, 2010


It is time someone stands up to Mike and Marian Ilitch - time to stop them from buying the Detroit Pistons and to investigate their mixing of gambling money and pro sports money.

Ilitch took up to $12.million dollars from Detroit and its taxpayers to maintain and secure Detroit Tiger Stadium. Ilitch failed to live up to the agreements to maintain and secure Tiger Stadium, and by doing so it led to the 'demolition by neglect' of historic Detroit Tiger Stadium and its ultimate demolition, which could have been an entertaiment venue that brought in millions of dollars to the City.

Marian Ilitch owns a gambling casino - Motor City Casino - and is negotiating to own more in Ohio and Indiana...professional sports do not mix well with gambling and owners with gambling interests - should not be allowed to own a professional or semi-pro sports team.
Didn't Detroit Red Wings favorite, Darren McCartey list a $50,000 debt to Motor City Casino in his bankruptcy filing? Didn't pro basketball players, Charles Barkley and Michael Jordan admit a gambling problem???

Hopefully the National Basketball Association will do what Major League Baseball and the National Hockey League failed to do - stand up to Mike and Marian Ilitch and say - its either pro sports team ownership or gambling casinos - not both.

For all those who are devotees, idolators, who can't admit that the Ilitchs' have done wrong - or have done nothing that haven't netted them more than they invested - and this includes sports writers and sports columnists - remember A(Adolph) Alfred Taubman, a billionaire - went to jail for cheating the public - rich people, not poor Detroiters though.

So be among those who want the Ilitchs' held accountable - its either pro sports or gambling - not now not ever both.

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