Saturday, February 26, 2011


Did Governor Rick Snyder lie - or is he misunderstood...???

Mitch Albom, Free Press columnist, Jeff Daniels, movie star, have virtually called the new Governor a liar - because they claim he said he would not kill the Michigan Movie Incentives, that have brought in commercial development, jobs and an industry that can retain and attract creative 'cool' people to Michigan.

Michigan offers 42% tax incentive to movie, TV and gamerS who create in Michigan.
Most people would agree that it is way way to generous, but it has done the job of making Michigan a creative destination. The long list of top top movie / TV stars who have worked in Michigan speaks for itself.

Michigan needs to lead in tax incentives !!! to retain what we have and to continue to grow the industry.

Compromise is needed - a lower percentage for incentives - and a melding of the Pure Michigan advertising campaign. The $25 million budgeted for Pure Michigan should become film incentive money and a requirement that all movies / televison / video games that get incentives, MUST include at least - two (2) Pure Michigan commercials, in the front and end trailers of the production.

This would gaurantee Michigan is promoted in every movie theatre / television show that is shown, nationally and internationally. A good twofer...and a better distribution of Pure Michigan than it can get with its budget.

So start thinking and promoting this compromise...and contact the Governor and your legistalive member.

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