Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The Detroit Police Godbee, who just yesterday was rebuked by the Detroit City Council (7-2) that rejected his and the Detroit Police Commissioners request to put a 8 mill Public Safety Tax on the November ballot. He retaliated today, and will put Detroit Police Officers lives in danger and public safety will not be enhanced.
Godbee will institute a 12 hour shift, for one year - after admitting that some police officer work, 16 hours a day, due to staff shortages. He will give officers a 45 minute lunch break (????). This is attempt to show the Council that he is in charge, and to not properly pay officers, for their overtime.

Godbee is a failed police chief, who should not have been names PC by Mayor Bing, and who should immediately be: fired, resign or be retired. This will better serve public safety. Detroit needs a nationally respected and highly experienced police chief...the sooner the better.

Mayor Bing to enhanced public safety and support Detroit Police Officers should:

1) Quit - the Department of Justice, Consent Decrees, order all officers and supervisors back to patrol. Detroit has spent millions of dollars for a monitor to comply with Consent Decress, since 2003, and still is not in compliance !!!
This will force Judge Cook, who apparently feel asleep during all those years of non compliance (the first monitor had sex with Mayor Kilpatrick), to take some action to pay for the police officers and supervisors or tho place the Department under federal control, which means maybe federal dollars will be spent to improve the Department which should result in increased hiring standards, better training, equipment and leadership, instead of just monitoring its actions.

2) Quit - Homeland Security, order all police officers and supervisors back to patrol. Detroit is the largest border city, in the United States, and should be getting more money for border safety, which means the Detroit Police Department oficers should get better training, equipment and leadership, to protect city residents and visitors, and enhance boder security.

Mayor Bing has said he won't pay union officials. This mandate means that police and fire department union officials are hampered in protecting its members from abuse by department executives and city officials, which is not in the best interest of city residents.

If the Mayor and City Council don't implement my proposals 1 and 2 - the Governor Snyder must stand up and declare a 'Public Safety Emergency' (which already exists) in Detroit and send in Michigan State Police to take over the Department and protect city residents and officers.

The Mayor and City Council along with DPD executives have failed to make Public Safety the #1 issue in Detroit, for fear that it will negatively impact the City - but crime is out of control ( 7 killed - 32 shot, in one week !).

As of Aug. 5, there were 212 homicides. There were 211 at the same time last year and 182 in 2010, according to the department.

In May alone there were 657 aggravated assaults, 278 robberies, 33 homicides and 33 carjackings recorded in Detroit.

From The Detroit News:

As a gambler would say - 'the cards speak for themselves'...Detroit crime stats speak for themselves.. Godbee must go - and the Mayor and City Council must act - Detroit residents and Detroit Police Officers lives are at stake.

David L. Malhalab, Sgt DPD Retired...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have a more practical solution. Since it has been proven that the Police department is corrupt and that cops almost never actually stop crimes, they just clean up the mess.... disband the police department and allow citizens to lawfully arm themselves in your city.

The crime is very low in my city... people can leave their doors unlocked at night... because everyone has a gun in their house and criminals are afraid. Criminals move to cities like Detroit where they know citizens are mostly unarmed.