Monday, December 3, 2012


The Detroit Police Sixth Precinct, just a short nine months ago, was the subject of an internationally reported shooting, in which four police officers were shot, inside their building by a gunman, who rushed in with a shotgun and began to fire.

There was much hand ringing and promises of finding a solution to better protect the officers who sat behind a high desk, with almost NO view of people entering the front doors.

A hand held metal detector was used, then a real metal detector was brought in - problem solved ??? NO NO NO apparently the batteries or some other problem has left the metal detector - inoperable, unusable. An officer is now assigned to wand all visitors, a hand wand !!! The officer has a desk at the one entrance door, confusing signs on all the front doors make it difficult to find the right door to enter - then if the officers is not distracted by other duties, wands the visitor, BUT BUT nothing has been done to stop a person, who wants to burst in - guns blazing, because the front door is so close to the front desk, which officers sit at behind - with NO view of visitors coming in...

Apparently, the acting PC Chester Logan has known about the situation, as well as other police executives - a private citizen (former 6th Precinct Officer) and his company has offered to install a state of the art, metal detector, but 'red tape' has been delaying the gift.!!!!

Detroit police executives have said - Detroit has no money, to improve the Department. The Department us under Federal Consent Decress (for 10 years), paying out money to a monitor, under the view of US Judge Julian Cook,(who seems to have fallen asleep the past 10 years {a federal monitor slept with Mayor Kilpatrick}. The Detroit Police Department has no money to find a new Police Chief, to conduct a national search for a police chief, who can come in and clean up, clean out the Department of 'dead wood', nepotism, cronisym, and favoritism.

Mayor Bing and the City Council ,should go to Lansing and Washington DC, and request money - to protect the residents from crime, arsons, and to be able to transport its residents to a hospital, in a timely manner. State and Federal grants must be a priority in getting the funding to improve the Police / Fire / EMS Departments.

If no grant money is forthcoming the City - should tell Lansing and Washington DC, that it will layoff all Police / Fire / EMS personeel, or shut down all the non necessary duties of these employees. The police and fire unions must be brought in -to bear witness to the clear and present dangers to their members.

Detroit residents are NOT being properly protected by the police department, fire and EMS departments - not because of the officers, fireman, or medical technicians, but because of the politics, the negelect of duty - of current and previous mayors and council members. and police executives - Detroit residents deserve better...if City leaders don't act - then the Governor and Department of Justice - MUST step in and take control - to make Detroit a safe city.

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