Friday, November 9, 2018


Trump has now shown that his loyal core of followers, chose Trump over Country, by giving him a larger control over the US Senate which will allow him the confirmation of more poor judges and Cabinet members.

Trump supporters 'Trumpets' have now shown to be amoral, non Christian Christians, unable to separate fact from Lies, have no common sense, and now has embolden Trump, who is not morally, ethically and intellectually capable, to continue to be rogue President, who will continue to damage our American reputation and prestige around the World and continue his divisive conduct here and abroad.

Trump has fired (?) USAG Jeff Sessions, today, less than 24 hours..after increasing his Republican US Senate numbers which has embolden him to begin to abuse the Constitution and Bill of Rights even more than he has done, sofar.

He appointed an acting USAG Matthew Whitaker, who has said the Mueller Investigation can be stopped by cutting their budget ...and Judge Andrew Napolitano, on FOX News said this maybe illegal, if he was appointed to interfere with the Mueller Investigation.

Trump now believes himself invincible...that the Rule of Law, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is for him to interpet - alone..He believes the Law serves him...not in the Rule of Law and that he is Not above the Law..A dangerous assumption for a man who is not ethically, emotionally or intellectually capable of being POTUS.

Ps. Shepard Smith, anchor at Fox News, continues to exhibit Profile in Courage, by trying to report and find the Truth about the Trump Administration and speaking about it on FOX NEWS.

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