Sunday, October 23, 2011


Protect Michigan residents and consumers - propose a law to BAN - mail in rebates !! Thousands of Michigan residents lose hundreds of millions of dollars, by being forced to mail in sales reciepts (some originals), fill out forms, and then use their own stamps to mail them in - and not recieve their rebates or have an avenue to pursue them.

Rebates can be given to customers at the time of purchase, with the rebate deducted back to the store, if the item is returned (so that no one loses).

Item pricing - decieving consumers - leaving them clueless - I dont know how other states do it - but Michigan companies are hurting consumers by not pricing items, so that it can be seen and not having pricing stations withing easy access needs revision. CSV Drugs, Staples, and ACO Hardware, make it hard to find out prices of items, and often don't have shelf pricing - A manager at ACO (W Chicago - Telegraph / Redford) told me customers knock off the pricing slips on the shelves and that ACO doesn't need to have pricing stations (because they cost $1,000 or more) and that big stores like Meijers can afford them.

DANGER: I spent part of my career trying to protect children from dangerous fireworks - and now the Michigan Legislature wants to expose children to injury and death - for more revenue!!Wrong...Illegal fireworks now under Michigan law can cause maiming, injurty and death to children - I have seen children as young as 5 with money in their hands trying to buy fireworks and unscrupulous vedors, ready to take their money.

What's more disturbing is that the Detroit Free Press endorses this lunacy !!

If Ohio and Indiana and other state sell Illegal and Dangerous fireworks - let them - Michigan does not have to emulate or conform to dangerous practices and laws -to get a few more dollars for the State Treasury.

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