Monday, October 31, 2011

Wayne County Airport Authority - Turkia Mullin...fiasco

The Wayne County Board of Commissioners should ask for the resignation of ALL the Wayne County Airport Authority members...

She is the best
Better than all the rest
Simply the best
Better than all the rest...... Turkia Mullin is on the Yellow Brick road to riches, after WCE Robert Ficano, 'threw her under the bus' thus paving the road for her very profitable lawsuits against the Wayne County Airport Authority and Wayne County.

The WCAA fired Mullin, as CEO of Detroit Metropolitan Airport, after hiring her, with no airport experience because 'she was the best candidate'

Now she is not so much a rising star but an embarrassment and Wayne County taxpayers are going to make a very large contribution to her future - retirement fund, in excess of $700,000.

The WCAA Board should be forced to resign - all of them for the hiring and firing of - Turkia Mullin - the Board is now and should be the focus of a federal criminal investigation for their actions and inactions.

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