Monday, February 13, 2012


'Broken Window' broken policy - Detroit Police Chief Godbee - needs to be replaced.

OMG...PC Godbee has finally gone over the edge - he wants good community relations but 'we aren't in a position to talk about mishandled tickers'..Godbee should respond to legitimate concerns of the public and media.

He has failed the residents of Detroit and his police officers - and things are only going to get WORSE - with his new 'broken window' enforcement.

Godbee needs to be replaced...ASAP....

David L. Malhalab
Sgt DPD Retired...more

WXYZ - CHL 7 REPORT, Ross Jones:
Read more:

PC Godbee has introduced a 'broken window' enforcement program for Detroit - which will divert more and more police officers from patrol - to non essential enforcement of ordinances - for which officers don't have time to do and not enough jail space to use as a result of their enforcement efforts..

This is another of Godbee's - SMOKE AND MIRRORS - programs to fool the public into believing that he is doing something to fight crime - he isn't and he dosen't have the respect of his officers..

Tell the Mayor and City Council - to stop this 'BROKEN WINDOW' enforcement and 'virtual precincts' program.

Detroiters stand up and say " I am mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore" David

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