Wednesday, June 27, 2012



The National Rifle Association is responsible for 'Operation Gunrunner / Fast and Furious), not President Obama or US Attorney General Eric Holder - the NRA, the all powerful gun lobby, that refuses to cooperate, and intimidates politicians from the White House to your local city council.

The NRA that fails to suggest, support and help get votes for responsible and legitimate - gun control laws, from Washington to state capitols.

The 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution was written so farmers would be able to protect their homes, families and their country, in a time, when there was no US Army, no national guard, no FBI, state police or local police - it was farmers against an all powerful England. And those farmers used their guns to kill Native Americans so that they could take / steal their lands.

We may need a gun, especially in Detroit - where gun violence and the lack of the Mayor and City Council to make - Crime / Public Safety, the #1 issue. They have weakend and demoralized the police department and fire department - the two stalwart essential elements to life in Detroit. They have signaled the drug gangs and petty criminals - that we would rather fight among ourselves than to fight crime.

We may need a gun to protect our homes and families, but we DO NOT need to buy military style assault weapons, AR-15s, AK-47s, Tech9s, etc, that can kill a person 550 feet to 2 miles down the street. There is no big game animals that need to be shot with these powerful weapons of WAR.

Indeed the criminals, drug gangs and petty thieves are aided and abetted by lack of responsilbe gun laws - its cheaper to steal them - although its not very expensive to buy them legally or illegally.

We do not need more George Zimmerman's who weren't adequately trained on 'when to shoot' and who are not properly advised of the serious consequences of pulling out - and using a gun.

We DO NOT need - Open Carry Laws - in which macho men and women can parade around with a loaded gun on their hips, just daring someone bigger, stronger or stupider to come 'take it away from me'. I know my rights !!!!

Fast and Furious - started under President George Bush, continued under President Obaman - neither President wanted to endanger the lives of Border Patrol Agents (hell their job - means danger). But something had to be done about the porous US Border that allowed DRUG CARTELS (not just a drug gang) to buy military style assault weapons and every gun made and use them to kill Mexican citzens. They saw the US as a gun free zone - They get guns for free (because they are using our drug proceeds) and take them to Mexico, where anything over a .38 is considered - illegal. But in the US South West - which is fighting for immigration laws - but oppose gun laws to stop Mexican DRUG CARTELS, from buying guns.

American citizens do not need military assault weapons - well maybe, to fight off the crack pot - under educated - poorly socially trained - militia groups - who think training like soldiers, arming themselves like soldiers - make themselves MORE

So AMERICA - WAKE UP, don't listen to the NRA - and their bought and paid for politicians, think for your selves - protect you and your family by supporting - responsible,legitimate and practical gun laws for your city, state and nation.

GOD BLESS AMERICA....stop the NRA...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unarmed people will always be victims to armed thugs. The biggest thug is the Federal Government and its various agencies.

Citizens need to be better armed then government so they can keep government in check.

"When government fears the people, there is Liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson