Sunday, May 25, 2014


MEMORIAL DAY - 2014 - No Soldier Left Behind...

150 Years ago, we were fighting a Civil War, where 750,000 soldiers died, some trying to uphold their principles and others to preserve the Union - this after fighting two wars to create this country.

Today, US Soldiers are fighting a war in a far away country that some people can't spell and other can't locate on a map.

We must remember - Presidents and Congress must remember that War has consequences and that is - DEATH. Soldiers are buried in every state and all to numerous foreign countries, and we must remember them and their service. War also creates, broken / damaged soldiers and we must remember them and make sure that the soldiers of all of our Wars - are properly medically, physically and psychologically treated - numerous Presidents and Congresses have pledged to do this - but have failed badly - Monday - they must vow - privately - and publicly that no Soldier is left behind, in their homes, our hospitals, or on our streets.

Today, yesterday and the days before, Americans are dying on our streets and in our homes, victims of a weapon of war. Military style assault weapons, are a being used in our civil society to kill - our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends and strangers - all of them Americans.

The Fathers of our US Constitution would be appalled, saddened and furious that their words are being twisted and misused to justify the ownership of military style assault weapons, in our civil society.

We must remember everyone who have died in service to their county and those that have died in our country - Columbine, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson etc etc etc etc and now - Santa Barbara - a civil society. We must all work together to end the carnage brought about by weapons of war - whether on the battlefield or on our streets.

God Bless our Soldiers - their familes and ours. Remember

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