Monday, June 9, 2014


OMG...WRONG...Public Safety - First (RE: DETROIT FREE PRESS (6-9-14 - Real threat or just odd behavior ???....

Police officers / Law Enforcement Officers should not be intimidated by "Open Carry" proponents, the NRA or any one else, regarding the safety to themselves or the public....

This article as written shows that the officers actions, should be reexamined...Richard Tillman is wrong...I don't like it - but officers actions that have fatal consequences, must be reexamined (2nd guessed) to determine - was their actions appropriate, and what could they have done different - to protect themselves and the public better. Police Agencies do - do this for training purposes and to see if policy changes need to be made. Detroit Police have done this and saved lives of officers by changing procedures and policies, when necessary.

The officers based on this story, SHOULD HAVE 'detained' Simkins for a mental health evaluation (3 days). That is the minimum they should have done - if not outright, called for assistance and arrested him. Confiscating a gun from a person and NO arrest ?????

Governor Engler burdened police officers, with his failed policy to close mental health facilities, years ago, making police departments a taxi cab service for the mentally ill, who couldn't get extended care.

With the increase in mental health playing a large part, in recent (Las Vegas / PD) mass shootings, and the lack of mental health care for returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and the lack of public funding for mental health facilities, police officers must take more seriously, their duty to 'detain' members of the public who exhibit, dangerous / bizarre / etc behavior - but they also need more training, in this area.

Years ago, media reports said the police officers, at the RO Arts Beats and Eats Festival, couldn't challenge / investigate persons who 'Open Carry" at the festival, because of Constitutional concerns - police officers should receive more training, in regards to - 'Open Carry' and CPL violations. Those that 'Open Carry' in public, create a - clear and present danger - to the public, and law enforcement officers need to be able to challenge them.

There is NO - GOD given right to carry a gun in the USA...the Constitution was written over 200 years ago, by MEN...who would be appalled to see their words twisted - to support - carrying military style assault weapons in public and the lack of training in the use of firearms.

The Governor and the Michigan Legislature need to abolish / or severly restrict "Open Carry' laws, and to increase the training requirements for CPL licenses, and give law enforcement officers more power to protect themselves and the public - when confronted by these people.

You can also leave a comment on my - facebook page - please do...

David L. Malhalab
Sgt Detroit Police Retired

PS: TO READ THE ARTICLE IN THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, which promted this Blog Entry... go to my facebook page: DAVID MALHALAB....

In Walled Lake case, cops say it's not easy to tell odd behavior from real threat
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