Saturday, March 5, 2016


Update: Trump wants US Military to commit WAR CRIMES...

Trump, in Detroit, said he would order the US Military to 'water board' detainees or worse - even if the US military refuses his orders. "They will listen to me" the ignorant Trump said...
Water boarding is a legacy of George W. Bush, which has been discredited in addition to being a World Court - War Crime.

So Trump would commit the US Military to committing War Crimes, to show the World that the US is 'tough"...He has to be the best recruited that ISIS / ISIL / Daesh has any where in the world. All ISIS has to do is replay Trump's own words..on Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese, the Japanese...etc...

What is also - wrong - it that Fox News and other media outlets did not challenge this...they are replaying the 'little Marco, little hands' exchange between Rubio and Trump...Child like exchanges, not worthy of Presidential candidates...

Update...After Mitt Romney, leave comment.
Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, this is what the Republican Party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, Ford and Reagan has become !!!! Right Wing extremist and blowhards with NO foreign policy experience or domestic agenda's that would cure the problems that they say is wrong with America.

Shame, shame shame on the Republican Party and those Americans who have voted for these three 'candidates'

Update...Rubio took the Republican low bar for civility and lowered it even more saying: (implying) that Trump's small hands means he has a small (penis) ...ugh.....
But NOW: Trump who has made numerous crude, obscene remarks went lower: saying that he could have had Mitt Romney (drop to his knees) to get his endorsement in 2012 Campaign.

Ronna Romney says her job is to help the Party nominee to win the
General Presidential Election....she should become a 'Profile in Courage' by saying that the current Republican candidates: Trump, Cruz and Rubio do not measure up to a Presidential standard that she can support ...She should try to save the Party and not stand by as these poor candidates wreck the party.

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