Friday, August 3, 2007


ASPHALT & CONCRETE CONSORTIUM ! and Water Conservation ..Aug 2, 2007

HELLO DETROIT, MICHIGAN, USA.........................
'A bridge in the United States should not just collapse'

But it did in Minnesota ..just collapsed killing unknown number of people at this time...the I-35W bridge........

When I ran for the Michigan Senate, I wrote about the Asphalt and Concrete Consortium, who have us trapped into spending billions upon billions of dollars for street and highway construction for the rest of anyones life - so far into the future that we can't imagine and end. I urged Governor Granholm to order a 'stop' to all new road construction in Michigan - she had favored that but the A&CC and their lobbyists got her to back off.

President Eisenhower spoke just before leaving office in 1961, of the growing threat of the Military-Industial complex - we still have that and I have added the Asphalt & Concrete Consortium..

We need an immediate end to all new road construction - and the begining of a concerted effort to repair all of our infrastructure problems - roads, bridges, water, sewage etc...a billions upon billions of dollar job - just in Michigan... I heard for the USA, its a $600 Billion dollar job - almost what we have spent on Iraq, so far.

Michigan should take the lead, with our depressed economy - the effort must begin - now, because each year the problem will grow more expensive and new roads ...its a start.

PS: Michigan should also, introduce mandatory statewide odd - even water conservation programs - now - and lead the nation in trying to limit the waste of a finite amount of fresh drinkable water. Future generations may ever wonder and depise us for wasting water - conserve water NOW....
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